System requirements Pokemon Go for Android

Published by B. Android / iOS.
10 Oct 2016.

Pokemon GO game is very popular among users. But does it work on every smartphone?

Not so long appeared Pokemon. Go. immediately same became samoa popular game thanks fanam pokemon, easy gameplay, use mobile technology, virtual reality and communication from childhood. But everyone lie human can play in Pokemon. Go.? let's we'll see, what kind w. games systemic requirements.

Requirements, presented to Android

System Requirements Pokemon Go

System Requirements Pokemon Go for Android

  • Version 4.4 before 6.0.1 and above
  • Recommended resolution display 720× 1280 pixel
  • CPU from two nuclei and frequency not less 1.0 Hz
  • The size operative memory 1GB and more
  • 10 MB memory
  • Graphic professor from Adreno. 305
  • Stable the Internet
  • Active GPS. and services locations

Systemic requirements for iPhone. 5+

Requirements Pokemon Go for iPhone

Requirements Pokemon Go for iPhone

  • Version iOS. not less 8
  • CPU from CortexA8. from frequency 1.0 Hz and it is better
  • Dimensions operative memory 1GB and more
  • 10 MB free space
  • Active GPS. and located services
  • Absence jailbreak

Worth it to tell, what this is not general requirements for eVERY device. It is better try download and tune Pokemon. Go., to sort out will be lie the game w. you work.

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