How to register at Pokemon Go for Android?

Published by B. Android
10 Oct 2016.

In this article we will talk about the ways of registration in the game Pokemon Go on Android.

Generally, registration in the game Pokemon Go. is quite simple. It is much more difficult to download the game itself, as it has not yet officially reached in Russia. For this there are many instructions, but to be more accurate, then the American account is needed for iOS, but for android enough download apk.

For more information about the installation on Android Read here.

Now let's talk directly about registration. You have two options:

First entrance to Pokemon Go

First entrance to Pokemon Go

  • Registration through the application itself
  • Registration B. Pokemon Club. in browser

To perform the operation through the application you have again two solutions:

  • Authorization through existing Google Account
  • Entry into account Pokemon Club.

In truth, the first option is much simpler, as it is not necessary to fill extra forms and you can immediately start creating your character. So, if you are the owner of mail Gmail.You'd better take advantage of this option.

If you do not have a similar account, you can create it through a computer or phone. If you want to log in exactly through Pokemon Club.But the account record has not yet created, you will transfer to the site for its creation.

To make a new account, enter the date of birth, Country, come up with login and specify and confirm the email address.

Registration in Pokemon Club

Registration in Pokemon Club

How to register at Pokemon Club?

How to register at Pokemon Club?

That's all! Registration completed.

Video: How to install Pokemon Go on Android 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3?

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  • And where is the button register Google

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