Unpacking parcels with Aliexpress: phones. Video with unpacking parcels with phones, accessories to them and headset

Published by B. Aliexpress
30 Nov 2016.

In this article we will talk how to make the right parcels from Aliexpress from mail and unpack them.

Order products S. Aliexpress Always risky until you receive the parcel and you can already appreciate yourself, whether the goods came to you qualitatively. In order not to be trouble and there was an opportunity to send a spoiled product back, you need to follow some uncomplicated rules.

How to get a parcel with Aliexpress?

After you wait for your custard order and go for him to mail, then before you sign a notice first find out a few moments. As statistics shows, each sixth parcel comes defective Or with defects, and the fault of the carrier.

If you do not want to be among these unfortunate, then read how this can be avoided.

First of all, when receiving the parcel, it is necessary to inspect it. Only after that the notice is filled, so ask the postal worker to show you the package. Attention should be paid to:

  • Packaging. Carefully look at how the package is packed - whether it is damaged if there is a sticker with the address, is there no extra material in the stock? FROM Aliexpress Every parcel examines the customs service, there must be a special customs tape and attached Act of inspection.
How should the parcel look like?

How should the parcel look like?

  • Weight. Basically, the Chinese do not give proper values \u200b\u200bto this parameter and weighing before shipment. Just write numbers at random. The real weight is written already at customs in status track numbers. Therefore, before receiving, ask to weigh the parcel in the mail. The discrepancy, of course, can take place, but not more than 20 grams.
Weighing parcel

Weighing parcel

If the weight does not correspond to the declared, the packaging is opened or there is no declaration, then your actions should be as follows:

  • Call a senior change or separation manager and ask the package to be opened with you.
  • If what should lie inside is replaced, is spoiled or stolen at all, then two acts are compiled - "On external inspection" and "On the investment".
  • When drawing up these documents, the reason is indicated. In your case, this is a damage or substitution of content.
  • Each act is compiled in two copies, one of which is issued to you.
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Compilation of Act

Only the head of the department or its deputy can open the parcel. There are no such rights to the cashiers and ordinary employees.

How is the refusal to send?

If you found external defects, then you have the right to refuse to depart and demand The seller has money to return you. To do everything correctly, follow several rules:

  • While you personally do not inspect the parcel, do not fill out the notice.
  • If the substitution of the attachment takes place, it is impossible to put a signature.
  • If you are acts about violations, then ask Copy, as they will serve as evidence when opening a dispute on the site.

Unpacking parcels S. Aliexpress: Phones

If externally with the parcel all in order, Sign the notification and take the box. But you should not open it right in the hall or immediately when leaving it. So you will protect yourself from various kinds of unpleasant situations and be guaranteed to return money if the product is defective. Experienced buyers Unpacking each parcel is removed on video.

If we talk briefly, it is done like this:

  • Install the camera on the tripod or ask someone to help you
  • Keep the parcel always in the frame. Show it from all sides so that the inscriptions and stickers are visible
  • Now start to open the packaging, while listening to the whole process
  • When receiving, for example, the phone, turn it on, try to do something. If you find a defect, show this camera
  • Examine an externally damage device and scratch
  • Measure the dimensions of the ruler if necessary and also fix it on the camera

Read more about the video in the article - "How to remove video unpacking parcels with Aliexpress and download it in the dispute? ".

Video: How to unpack the phone with Aliexpress?

Unpacking parcels with headphones, covers, phones with Aliexpress

If you often order phones and accessories for it, then the whole sequence of actions must be observed stephago. Always first check the goods received for performance and each accessory. But even then do not rush to confirm the receipt of the goods, it is better to first assign a gadget for a few days and see how it will work. Some breakdowns are not manifested immediately, but only a few days later.

Therefore, when there will be a few days when defects are detected, open the dispute and attach to it video or photo-proof.

Few people think about possible consequences, putting their signature on notifications.

Of course, if the goods are cheap, no one will be too cautious, but with expensive technician it is better to progress.

Video: How to open the parcel from China?

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