How to remove video proof for aliexpress, download and send in dispute?

Published by B. Aliexpress
19 Nov 2016.

In this article we will analyze how to correctly shoot video unpacking the parcel for Aliexpress In case of problems with the product.

How newcomers get parcels from Aliexpress by mail? They come to the office, take their order, did not have time to leave unpacking it and they understand that the defective goods were received. Of course, a person is upset.

Even with the opening of the dispute, in this case, it will not be possible to return and parts of the funds, since the evidence that the goods are not broken because of them - no. Maybe you ourselves dropped it until they carried from the post office or simply from harm to damaged the resulting bag. After all, no one knows about it.

Yes, there are such situations. But what to do if you are really right? What do experienced users do in this case?

If you are still new to, we recommend checking out before making purchases. How to do it, read in the article - «How to register with Aliexpress?» or learn on the official website «Buyer's guide« And go to register yourself.

Be careful in the mail upon receipt of the parcel with Aliexpress

  • After receiving the parcel and fill the documents, inspect the package itself or the box. It should have seals (stickers and scotch), it should not be holes through which it is easy to get part of the content. If the parcel was opened, then you need to call the postal officer so that it is present when you open a suspicious package with Aliexpress.
  • If the fact that the goods are damaged, the company is to blame, which delivered it, the claim will have to make mail. This is filled with a special form, which describes all defects, and the mail worker at the same place witness. Perhaps after drawing up the act, you will refuse to take the parcel with the order, which is obviously defective or partially stolen.
How to pick up the package from Aliexpress by mail?

How to pick up the package from Aliexpress by mail?

  • And one moment. Even if all seals in place and packaging are not damaged, then recheck the weight of the sending parcel and compare it with the packet specified on the package. The seller before sending can write anything, but when entering customs, the parcel is still weighed again. That's just these two values \u200b\u200band you need to compare. If they are equal, you can safely sign and carry a purchase home.

What to do with the parcel with Aliexpress when you came home?

Push up at home during the opening of the departure, especially if the thing is expensive. During the unpacking of the order, write this process on the video for Aliexpress. You can use the camcorder, webcam, or a phone camera to shoot.

In this case, what quality will be at the movie, it is not particularly important, the main thing is that it is clear that this is to order the desired seller (show the label with a close-up) and that the parcel is open for the first time.

By the way, the thing itself and the box for it should always remain in the frame, as there may be doubts about the reality of what is happening.

  • Show the package from all sides that it is packaged.
  • Start off the charts and scotch.
  • Operate the parcel.
  • Remove the goods.
  • Look at him from all sides.
  • Show the camera that there is no comments. If there is, then what.
Unpacked parcel

Unpacked parcel

  • If the goods inside the parcel is damaged, then this is the shortcomings of the seller - a defective product was put in the parcel or the packaging was made wrong.
  • If you ordered, for example, on Aliexpress Telephone, then try it on, and without removing the camera from the visibility zone. Does not turn on? This video must be displayed.
  • Do not hurry, as some Chinese smartphones have a greater delay when switching on, which does not affect performance. Your goal is to check devices, so let him show your job and suitability for further use.
  • If all you are satisfied, then write about this to the seller and let the parcel received.

It is worth saying that when receiving an electronic device, for example, a tablet, you should not quickly confirm its receipt and write a good feedback. It is better to use them for several days and test work.

What to do if the goods with Aliexpress have damage, or does it not work?

  • If you recorded on video that the device received does not work, or it has obvious damage, then be sure to tell the seller about it Aliexpress By opening a dispute and requesting the return of your money.
  • You can do it in five days after sending the order to the order. If this time is coming for the holidays, then you give 11 days.
  • The longest time when you can start the dispute after the end of delivery is 15 days.
When can I start the dispute?

When can I start the dispute?

  • If you have already expired Buyer protection, then the money will be transferred to the seller and you are unlikely to achieve something.
  • The main thing is to use your video as proof. Sometimes sellers refuse to return money even if there is a video. In this case, do not be nervous, but attract the administration to the dispute. This can be done already through three days if an agreement is not reached with the seller. If within 15 days you are negotiating with the seller, the administration independently interferes with the conflict and decides the issue.

How to upload video to Aliexpress?

Add videos Aliexpressyou can immediately at the opening of the dispute, and it can only be one size of no more than 200 MB in format MP4, MPEG, AVI, 3GP, WMV, RM, MPV, MOV, RMVB, VOB, DAT, FLV.

By the way, on YouTube. You should not exhibit the video, since this resource is not available for the Chinese.

If you want, you can place a roller on one of the services:

  • Yandex.disk.
  • Google.disk.
  • Mail.Ru cloud
  • (English-language, exactly working in China)
  • YouTube.

During the negotiation, make sure that the seller without any problems can see your creation.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is better to attach some efforts to protect yourself from the occurrence of problems with removing the compensation roller Aliexpress. If the store, where you bought the goods, reliable, then thanks to the review you will prove that right and get back your money for poor-quality goods.

Video: How to upload a video to the dispute to the seller in Aliexpress?

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