The program of additional guarantees "All changes" on M.Video: Terms, Reviews. How much is the certificate of the program "All changes"?

Published by B. M Video
Jan 1, 2017.

The article tells about the program of additional guarantees "everything changes" from "M.Video".

Many of us came across a problem when, for one reason or another, we need to return (exchange) the goods back to the store, but this is not possible. In general, the confidence is that when necessary, we can exchange the goods to a more suitable for our interests - it is hardly the best convenience that the seller can provide the buyer.

Score " M Video"Considers such wishes of their customers and provides the ability to exchange purchased goods on a special guarantee for newer products. We will talk about it in our review.

The program of additional guarantees "All changes" from "M.Video"


The program of additional guarantees "All changes" on M.Video: Terms, Reviews. How much is the certificate of the program "All changes"?

Score " M Video"Offers a special program - a program of additional guarantees" Everything changes" According to this program, the buyer can buy a corresponding certificate that is outstanding for two or three years. Thanks to this certificate, you can return to the store one or another technique in case of its malfunction, and you will exchange it for a new one.

If this technique has weight up to 5 kg, then you need to bring it to the store " M Video»Alone. If the weight of the technique is more than 5 kg - a store employee will be published to you " M Video"And will issue documents for the purchase of a new exchange product.

The terms of the program of additional guarantees "everything changes"


The program of additional guarantees "All changes" on M.Video: Terms, Reviews. How much is the certificate of the program "All changes"?

Conditions of the program " Everything changes" in the shop " M Video"Next:

  • Return to the store " M Video»You can only defective techniques regardless of the degree of fault.
  • Return, i.e. You can exchange the goods only during the period that is specified on the certificate (2 or 3 years). The certificate action begins on the day of the purchase of goods.
  • You can exchange the goods only once one certificate - the certificate is terminated immediately after the first exchange.
  • Registration of documents for the exchange of one or another product is made in stores " M Video"(If the weight of the product is up to 5 kg), or at your home (if the weight of the product exceeds 5 kg).

In addition, it is worth clarifying what the program " Everything changes»:

  • You can always request consultation specialist in the program " Everything changes».
  • The exchange of defective goods occurs in any case, regardless of the cause of malfunctions.
  • Exchange takes place on the same day when you bring the defective goods to the store " M Video"(The goods will be inspected for the presence of defects).
  • If the goods weigh more than five kilograms, a specialist will leave for you for three days, will evaluate the condition of your technology and will issue documents in case of confirmation of defects.
  • Specialists " M Video»Will help you connect and set up a new technique, or dismantle the old one (there are no car columns, car radio, car amplifiers).

What goods are included in the program "everything changes"?


The program of additional guarantees "All changes" on M.Video: Terms, Reviews. How much is the certificate of the program "All changes"?

In the program of additional guarantees " Everything changes"From" M Video»The following products are included:

  • Refrigerators
  • Conditioners
  • TVs
  • Freezers
  • Monitors
  • Electric stoves
  • Gas plates
  • Video projectors
  • microwaves
  • Washing machines, dishwashers
  • Hi-Fi technique
  • Fans
  • Embedded machinery
  • MBT
  • Airways and air cleaners
  • Water heaters
  • Heating devices
  • Cameras and camcorders
  • Home Cinemas and Video Players
  • Gaming consoles
  • Information carriers
  • Automotive technology
  • Portable audio
  • Printers and scanners
  • Phones and faxes
  • Headphones
  • Magnetola and Music Centers

The cost of the certificate of the program "All changes"

Cost of goods, rub. Cost certificates for 2 years, rub. Certificate cost for 3 years, rub.


From 0 to 1999 690 890
From 2000 to 2999 890 1390
From 3000 to 4999 1190 1690
From 5000 to 9999 1790 2790
From 10,000 to 14999 3490 4590
From 15000 to 19999 4790 6390
From 20000 to 24999 6590 7990
From 25,000 to 29999 8190 9890
From 30,000 to 34999 9990 11090
From 35000 to 39999 11190 12990
From 40,000 to 49999 13090 15490
From 50,000 to 59999 15590 17590
From 60,000 to 69999 18090 20090
From 70,000 to 79999 20390 23090
80,000 to 89999 23590 25690
From 90,000 to 119999 26090 29990
From 120,000 to 149999 31190 35790
From 150,000 to 199999 37990 42790
From 200,000 to 249999 45690 48990
From 250000 to 299999 50990 55990
From 300000 and above 57990 64990

What is not included in the program? Thought about it on the official website under this link.

Video: Return speakers in M.Video under warranty

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