Forced reboot iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus: How to do?
This article tells how to perform a forced reboot for iPhone 7.
iPhone 7, 7 Plus is so much different from previous versions of Apple smartphones, which even forced reboot will not be able to do as before. This process is done according to special, but still just. In this instruction, we will tell you how to do it.
Since Apple decided to abandon the mechanical key "Home" On a new gadget, therefore, the reboot is performed in another way.
To make it hush it Food and Refueling volume Approximately 10 seconds. You can release them at the moment when the Apple icon is displayed on the display.

Thus, the difference in the fulfillment of a forced reboot is insignificant.
It is worth saying that the iPhone 7 in the same way also works dFU mode.