Why does the system give out user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte?

Published in Useful tips
Mar 19, 2017

The article describes how to associate in Vkontakte with the instagram and correct the possible error of integration.

Integrate two social networks - "" Instagram" And " In contact with" - one can be into each other both through the first and through the second social network. Integration " Instagram"In" In contact with»Gives the opportunity to send photos from one social network to another. Let's talk about this in our review.

How to connect VKontakte with Instagram?

To use one of the known methods of binding " Instagram"KO" In contact with", Follow this instructions:

  • Go to the site « In contact with"And log in there (if not registered, then register).
  • Under your avatar, click on " Edit»

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Going to the next page in its right column go to point " Contacts»

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Next, we will need to click on the lowest point in the section " Contacts", As presented in the screenshot.

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • After that, the window with the icons of various social networks will be opened - select the icon " Instagram».

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Then a new tab should open, in which it is necessary to undergo authorization in " Instagram"(If not registered there, then register).

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • After all the operations performed, a new window will appear. Here you will need to configure the integration of two social networks. We offer to put a daw next to " Do not import", As presented in the screenshot. In this case, you can choose yourself where you will post your photos, on the wall or in the chosen album. In the screenshot, we see that certain hashtags will need to be indicated for this. If you want to configure integration differently, then choose other points.

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

Now you have tied your accounts from " In contact with" And " Instagram". It is possible that you can give an error of importing photos, so you will have to pass the instructions offered above again (maybe several times). If you do not like this method, or it causes any problem, then we will move on to the next method.

How to connect Instagram with VKontakte?

There is also a way of binding " Instagram"C" In contact with" - through the first social network. For this we need:

  • Go to " Instagram", Authorized there, and choose the photo that we would like to post in our" In contact with". Choose a photo and click on the icon in the form of three points in the upper right side of the photo.

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • The window opens, in which it will be necessary to click on " Share»

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • After that, the system will invite us to choose a social network to post this photo - we will choose " VK».

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Next, you will need to enter your password and login from " In contact with"And go to the next stage

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Our system will request access to the account - click on " Allow»

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • Further in the new window we will see how the social network was activated " In contact with". Click on the tack in the upper right corner of the window.

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

  • As a result, we go to our account " In contact with"And we are convinced that we did everything

Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

Now we can send a photo from " Instagram"In" In contact with", Integrating one network into another.

Why, when connecting Instagram with VKontakte, the system gives an error?

Often with users during integration " Instagram"C" In contact with»Gives a mistake of this kind:


Why the system gives user error when integrating with Instagram Vkontakte

It is difficult to say what exactly causes this mistake, since there is no detailed answer on the Internet anywhere. But we will offer several options that may help you:

  • Remove the application " Instagram»From your phone and install it again
  • Try to tie accounts " In contact with" And " Instagram»On another gadget or computer
  • Check if you are correctly introducing a login with a password from the accounts of both social networks
  • Try to have another account in " Instagram"For verification (on your old account, the site administration can block you any additional opportunities if you, in their opinion, have violated the rules of the site, for example, they put too many likes).
  • Try to contact your administration with your problem " In contact with"(Practice and go along this link) and c technical support "Instagram".

Video: We bind Instagram and VKontakte


Comments 1 Add a comment

  • the solution to the problem was found. I found. We need to go on Instagram (I went from the computer) and withdraw access in the settings for all applications.

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