Why not starts Pokemon go on android, how to run?

Published by B. Android
10 Oct 2016.

Clear Pokemon Go game on Android? Let's figure it out why it is preserved and how to fix the problem.

If a you uploaded game Pokemon. Go. sO side service and not waited, until in you country will be implemented official release, that be ready to appearance errors. therefore recommended use or already attorneys services, or wait, until the game will fall in official the shops platforms.

Reasons why Pokemon Go does not work

Plow Pokemon Go.

Plow Pokemon Go.

For first inclusion the game can not run by cause inconsistencies systemic requirements. Check out, them conformity hereIf a it partial, that the game can departure for first inclusion.

For solutions problems try download her on the other device, and if a everything will be in order, that this is means, what w. you weak telephone for such games.

But, even if a your gadget correspond to all necessary requirements, problems from launch everything equally maybe have a place. Why it turns out such situation?

By cause too big number users server sometimes not maybe stand out load and start «hang out«.

Usually developers eliminate this problem fast. If a you not you can get in game that check out here status server and try to come in later. Also device should compliance yet some requirements:

On the smartphone not should be installed jailbreak or received ruthrights. Although now already there is special programs, allowing hide, what device hacking.

Devices, possessing processor Intel not correspond requirements games, so she is from nimi work not will be.

To on the Android Pokemon. Go. oK worked, you need 2 GB operative memory, but not one. If a memory w. you less, that she is or will be everything time take out, or at all not boot.

Android should have version not less 4.4, but if a w. you already installed Android N., that have to to do range on the previous version.

Problems from launch maybe to appear by difficult reasons, one of them speaker constant loading. To her decide reboot game and try yet time. If a this is not will help, that make reboot smartphone.

Everything yet not turns on? Now wait little and try yet time. Here we need to tell, what developers in course this problems and true fix failure in future.

Others popular errors

Errors Pokemon Go.

Errors Pokemon Go.

In time installations games on the Android highlighted App. not. installed or «application not installed«, or « Error for syntax analysis package». it conducted top, what you uploaded aPK.file from error or damage. Or w. device not enough systemic characteristics.

Syntax error can be solven from help reinstall applications of other places, but also checks performance on the friend device.

You can lighten alert « You. already own. tHIS item.» or « You have this product» if a gadget will be lost communication from server in time complete purchases inside games. Decide problem can from help restart gadget.

Yet can lighten message, what « Product not available in you country» or Item. unavailable iN. your. country.it appears, if a w. you in country the game not out. To decide this question, in parameters account change country, where she is already works.

Yet one unpleasant problem is an fast consumption charge battery.. The game highly «voracious«, so have to wear from by himself spare battery. or charger.

Developers promise fix consumption energy, but until you you can to do less brightness screen, turn off sounds, Bluetooth, WiFi, but also mode cameras. More togo, can download program for optimization work battery.


Plow Pokemon Go.

Plow Pokemon Go.

how rule, reasons errors becomes loading files from unchectered resources.

therefore not worth it rush and it is better wait, until the game will out in App. Store. and Play. Market..

Yet we need, to device i had everything necessary requirements, and on the nem. defeated ruthrights or jailbreak. If a everything oK, that rest problems will be fixed reboot device or games.

IN this article we collected self popular errors, which appear w. users Pokemon GO.

Video: What to do if the Pokemon go does not start?


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