Why does not show, does not open, slows down the video in classmates - Black Screen: What to do?

Published by B. Mobile Photography / Mobile Internet / Useful advice
6 Sep 2017.

If you do not show a video in classmates, read this article.

If not shows the video in Odnoklassniki, First you need to figure it out, because of what such a problem arose, and then it is already engaged in eliminating it.

Why does not show, does not open, slows down the video in classmates - Black Screen: What to do?

Why does not show, does not open, slows down the video in classmates - Black Screen: What to do?

Why does not show, does not open, slows down the video in classmates - Black Screen: What to do?

The reasons, because of which you see the black screen instead of a video, maybe several, ranging from the obsolete player to the involved drivers. Now let's figure out each malfunction separately so that you can quickly solve the problem.

Outdated Flash Player. If so, then you instead of video will observe such a message as in the picture below.

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - black screen: reinstalling the player

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - black screen: reinstalling the player

No need to panic and reinstall the system. You only need to go through the active link to which the arrow indicates in the picture and download the latest version of the player. You can also simply take advantage this reference and download the program you need.

Outdated browser. Updating all programs occurs only in new versions of browsers. The developers did so that users should use the latest versions plus a couple of versions to them. If you do not automatically update the browser, then you need to download a new version:

Click the " Download"In a couple of minutes you will have a new browser on your computer.

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - black screen: installing a new browser

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - black screen: installing a new browser

Plugin Quick Time.If you use the Firefox browser, then you need to install this plugin. Download it from the official site under this reference. Click on the installation button, as the arrow shows and after a few seconds, the plugin will boot.

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - Black Screen: Installing a new QUIKTIME plugin

Why does not show, does not open, slows down video in classmates - Black Screen: Installing a new QUIKTIME plugin

Video card driver.If the drivers are outdated, it will not show video. You can download the new drivers according to these links:

Find out which drivers installed you can "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Device Manager" - "Video adapters". There will be a marking of your adapter. When you install a new, look for the same label.

Why does not show, does not open, brakes video in classmates - Black Screen: Driver Marking

Why does not show, does not open, brakes video in classmates - Black Screen: Driver Marking

In this case, an AMD Radeon HD 6800 adapter is installed on the computer.

Codecs. These are programs that help your computer and multimedia files. Download codecs on the official website under this reference And install on your PC.

As you can see, the reasons why the video is not turned on in Odnoklassnikimaybe several. But you can fix this error yourself without resorting to the programmer services. If still something does not work, then you will have to seek help from a specialist.

Video: If the video does not play, for example, in classmates!

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