Payment for Aliexpress by Tinkoff card: Conditions for receiving bonuses. Credit and debit card Tinkoff on Aliexpress: Prom Coskod, Cashback, reviews

Published by B. Aliexpress
11 Dec 2016.

In this article we will talk about the map Tinkoff Aliexpress - What does it have features and what is different from ordinary cards?

Today, bank cards are firmly connected with our lives. It is already difficult to imagine how before we did without them. Every year the number of online store users is becoming more and more, and accordingly, the number of payments on the cards is growing.

In the financial market, one of the leading leaders is Tinkoff Bank. He specializes in the release of maps and credit Products and leads remote work with clients, while having one single office. Among all products, a shopping card on the site is especially allocated. Aliexpress.

Types of bank cards Tinkoff

In 2015, the Bank created a special bonus program with Aliexpress. Them cobred Maps are two types - credit and debit.

They have different conditions for maintenance and use. Both products relate to category MasterCard World. and they use contactless payment technology Paypass.. The product is bonus, that is, for each purchase, the owner receives bonuses that allow in the future to pay for goods on the site Aliexpress.

How to get a map Tinkoff Aliexpress?

The application procedure for receiving the card standard and is no different from other products.

  • You need to go to the Bank's website Tinkoff
  • Select on the main page one of the tabs - debit or credit map
  • Next, select Map Aliexpress
  • To obtain cobrand Plastic Indicate:
Map data entry

Map data entry

  1. Full name
  2. His phone number
  3. Email
  • To obtain a debit card, you must specify additionally, whether you have citizenship of the Russian Federation, and for credit - the sum of the limit
  • Do not forget to put a mark that you agree to the data transfer
  • Click "Further" and the application will be sent

After Sending an application, you can clarify its status or wait until the Bank employee contacts you to clarify the information and appointment of a meeting to receive a map.

What features has a credit card Tinkoff Aliexpress?

Credit Card Tinkoff Aliexpress

Credit Card Tinkoff Aliexpress

For all credit cards Tinkoff Terms of use are similar.

  • At the card Aliexpress There is 55 days of the grace period, when you can return the funds without interest accrual.
  • Not everyone can meet at a given time, but in this case it will have to pay 23.9 - 32.9% per annum with the condition that the funds were spent on Aliexpress or in another online store. If cash was removed, then the interest rate will be 29.9-39.9%.
  • The minimum amount of debt payment is established individually and varies within 8%. Repayment is carried out in ATMs and terminals without commission.
  • Maintenance card costs 990 rubles per year and when opening additional + another 590 rubles.
  • Connecting alerts by SMS is also not free and it costs it 59 rubles per month.
  • At credit card Aliexpress Pretty good cashback. When making purchases, you can get 5% of the purchase for a bonus account and 1% for the payment of goods in other stores. When enough points have accumulated for some purchase, they will be able to pay any item you need on the Chinese site.

What features is a debit card Tinkoff Aliexpress?

  • As a rule, the entire procedure for obtaining cards It takes about two days, then it needs to be activated and you can start buying. Goods on internet playground Very much, eyes scatter and everyone wants. In purchases you will help you bonus programwhich allows you to return 2% of the purchase on the site.
  • When paying a map in other stores you will return 1% of the purchase of bonuses. Sometimes the Bank's partners provide special suggestions when cashback It grows and becomes 3-30%. The debit product has another advantage - percentages are paid to the balance on the map:
  1. If there is a balance of the amount up to 300 thousand rubles - 7% per annum
  2. If the amount of the residue is more than 300 thousand - 4% per annum
  • Debit cardNo matter how hard it does not have annual service, but with the condition that there will be no less than 30 thousand rubles on the score, you have a loan in this bank or the contribution is discovered. In other situations, the cost of service will be 99 rubles per month.

Removing cash also has several features:

  • If you make money through ATMs of banks that are partners TinkoffThe Commission will not be charged under the amount of from 3 thousand rubles if it is higher, then the collection will be 90 rubles.
  • This condition is valid if you take no more than 150 thousand rubles per month.
  • If the amount exceeds this threshold, the Commission will already be 2% of the amount, but not less than 90 rubles.

How to pay for the purchase on Aliexpress card Tinkoff?

Chinese Internet resource is configured so that the Russian-speaking user is convenient to make purchases.

  • First you need to find and choose the goods
  • Next it must be put in the basket
  • From the basket you need to go to the process Shopping
  • Next, the payment method is selected and payment is made.
Enter the details of the map

Enter the details of the map

You can read more about the process of making purchases in more detail in the article - " Order of goods to Aliexpress in Russian«

  • Accordingly, as a payment method, you choose a bank card and enter data Tinkoff Aliexpress.
  • When the payment is successfully held, you can only wait for the parcel with the order and the accrual of bonuses.

Conditions Accrual Card Bonuses

Accrual bonuses

Accrual bonuses

The main feature of the map Aliexpress It is the ability to accumulate bonus points for shopping on the site of the same name.

  • Bonuses are charged within seven days from the date of goods paid.
  • The arrival of the bonus is possible within seven days after the work of payment.
  • In one month you can get no more than 6,000 points.
  • If the goods cost expensive or you order several  pieces, the number of points will be more possible and the residue will be credited in the next settlement period.
  • For example, you made a purchase by 130 thousand rubles. Since at the rate you should get 5%, it will be 6,500 points. In such a situation, 6000 you will receive this month, and the remaining 500 are as follows.

Please note that 1 point is 1 ruble. The smaller bonuses for shopping - 500.

How to pay for the purchase of bonuses?

On the Aliexpress There is no special purchase buttons to buy bonuses, then a logical question arises - how to pay them?

To make this operation you need:

  • Login or Register in the Personal Account Tinkoff bank
  • In the section with a map and bonuses, click on bonuses
  • Choose "Show operations for compensation"
Show operation

Show operation

  • Opposite the operation click on "Compensation"


  • Enter the required amount
  • Specify the password from a personal account
Password entry

Password entry

  • Scores about rubles and credited to the card

Bank Tinkoff It always seeks to keep up with the times and be aware of all technical and financial innovations. That is why customers are offered the most profitable and comfortable products. And therefore it is not surprising that Aliexpress For cooperation chose it.

Aliexpress Map: Map Tinkoff

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