MTS - Online Store: Catalog and price of phones, smartphones, tablets and other goods by region

Published by B. MTS
1 Dec 2016.

In this article we will talk, how to use the catalog of the MTS online store, as well as how to place an order.

Many in internet for purchases smartphone choose the Internet-score MTS. Why exactly his? Before total, because what here good prices, purchases are issued fast, comfortable delivery and payment product.

Often cost phones w. MTS is different from Connected or Euroset, but also others similar salons. There are significant difference in some thousand rubles, but there is and smallin some hundred. But in anyone case this is already cheaper.

Pay purchases can cash, banking card or issue credit for registration purchases from self export. it also pretty conveniently, not truth lie?

there is some options delivery:

  • Obtaining purchases through courier in anyone comfortable a place top is free.
  • Or take smartphone alone in anyone convenient salone pickupby choosing the MTS sales point in your city convenient for you.

For select second option you you can straight on the place inspect his purchase and check her on the performance, but also set everything arising questions seller.

Everything orders processed highly fast. therefore after registration purchases you already through floor hours you can her pick up.

Now let's talk more details, as to find of interest product.

how enjoy catalog mobile phones in the Internetstore MTS?

  • Menu catalog goods located left up on the the main thing page the Internetstore. By fully his can recognize most. content by compare from competitors.


  • Subsections catalog completed in video «tiles«, which can sort by cost, to lists available full system from filters: in such. catalog you for sure not get lost.
Section of smartphones

Section of smartphones

  • Simcards from tariffs can to find in separate section as normal products, here same there is quite comfortable calculator tariffs.
SIM card

SIM card

  • Card product implemented nice, but also in her specified detailed information. Besides togo, company enough big, to section from reviews about product was enough filled. Although little confuse tOT fact, what for writing review not we need register.
Card Product

Card Product

  • FROM basket goods simply and conveniently contact. She is looks like here so:
Basket of goods

Basket of goods

  • Further for transition to registration order introduced Full name and number phone, but also selects method delivery. If a you choose delivery courier, that address can to report operator by phone.

Look catalog the Internetstore MTS. (click on the your city): St.Petersburg, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo., Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk , Eagle, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula., Yaroslavl, Great Novgorod, Vologda, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Syktyvkar, NaryanMar..

how issue purchase?

Now let's more details talk about tom, as issue order on the exampleSAMSUNG GALAXY A3..

MAT MTS Homepage

MAT MTS Homepage

  • On the page left up choose its own region by clicking on the name of the region (Moscow and Moscow region).
Choosing a delivery region

Choosing a delivery region

  • Further open section «Catalog«  « Smartphones» and further Samsung.
MTS online store catalog

MTS online store catalog

  • N.eka in appeared list SAMSUNG GALAXY A3.


  • Near it click on the greasy button red colors «Buy«
  • Lighten new window from offer «Go in basket« or «Proceed purchases«.
Go to the basket

Go to the basket

  • So as we nothing more not buy, that choose «Go in basket«.
  • Here same in one frame from goods you lighten additional purchase by shares. Sometimes even tablet give in present!
  • Further choose suitable method delivery and click «Issue order«.
  • Or if a you decided acquire product in credit, that click respectively «Issue in credit«.
Card order

Card order

  • IN novom window you need to point information about recipient order.
  • The form small. Fill enough Name, Familia, number phone and electronic mail (not before).
Order form 1.

Order form 1.

Order form 2

Order form 2

  • Here same choose comfortable method delivery and method payment.
  • If a you choose self-help, that after checks devices, if a you whatthat not prompt, you you can refuse from his.
  • IN end there is small the form for accrued bonus points MTS. If a you use this cellular commonwealth and bonus program, or same whothat of yours relatives, that enter his or its own number phone for receipt bonus.
  • IN completion choose «Registration order«.
  • On the screen will be displayed sum purchases and number order.

If a w. you will be what kindor questions concerning order or same you want to ask for aid from choice, that refer in contact centre the Internetstore by number 8 (800) 250 05 05.

Now process registration completed. IN flow half an hour you will call employee the Internetstore and clarify  information, but also asked, really lie you deli order.
Here and everything! Now you remains only wait his purchase!

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