Is it possible to use the phone on the plane?

Published by B. Useful advice
Oct 21 2018.

The article will tell why it is impossible to use the phone on the plane.

Tourists and other people often enjoyed by air transport are well aware that you can use the phone in airplanes with some restrictions. In some cases, it is possible to communicate on the phone during flights, and in others it is not worth it. In this review we will talk about whether you can use the phone on the plane.

Why do you prohibit talking on the phone in airplanes?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

Modern aircraft are quite complex technological machines. The plane has a large number of devices from navigation to communication. Such devices work at different frequencies. Since the phones also work with the help of a certain type of waves, was not initially known whether mobile devices would create interference or disabling the equipment important during flights.

Because of this uncertainty, the use of cell phones was completely forbidden when you started the aircraft. But mobile gadgets have long been on the hands of a patient population. Over the course of this time, the equipment installed inside the aircraft was improved. Now it became known that radio waves on which mobile devices work are not damaged by any harm to the navigation system of the aircraft.

But even in the specified case, the study does not stop, and many airlines continue to test navigation and other equipment to identify interference from the effects of different types of waves.

Therefore, it can be noted that some airlines can prohibit the use of the phone in an airplane or impose certain limitations. And this has the following reasons.

Passengers should not be distracted

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

Many airlines believe that passengers on board the aircraft must be kept vigilance. This is necessary when boarding or takeoff, during which dangerous situations are not excluded. At this point, the pilot can contact passengers, and if people are passionate about their gadgets, it will make difficulty in aware of important information.

Calmside on board

Passengers when flying should feel calm and comfortable. Someone is well tolerates flights even for a long time, but some passengers behave more nervously and quickly panic. For this reason, the airline requires the passengers to observe complete silence, which means not to communicate by phone.

Safety factor

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

It should be safe to be not only the flight itself, but also the behavior of passengers on board the aircraft. To prohibit communication by telephone airline can for tribal reasons. When people are interested in gadgets (communication, games, etc.), they can be very nervous at this time and produce various television. At the same time, neither excursions to the injuries to the neighbors. Therefore, sometimes passengers are even asked to hide their mobile devices.

Pilot's opinion

What do philots themselves think on this issue? Usually pilots do not recommend using a mobile device on board the aircraft. The main reason for this is the fact that the passenger can use the phone camera during takeoff. If the flash will be visible from the window, then on Earth it will be regarded as a dangerous situation on board. The dispatcher can command the pilot produce braking.

In reality, passengers use the telephone in airplanes?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

What reasons do not use the phone in the plane?

To use the phones on board the aircraft was allowed several years ago. But many private airlines can act independently and under their responsibility. In principle, if you are going to carry out flights, then when landing for a plane, the flight attendants will notify you in any case, you can use the phone.

Video: Why can not use the phone in the plane?

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