Is it possible to watch the child to watch TV, and how much time can you allow children to spend before TVs, per gadgets and laptops? How to restrict Internet access to the child - SCREENLIMIT program: download

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Useful advice / Smartphones
20 Apr 2017.

In this article we will talk about how much time you can spend children behind gadgets, computer, laptop, TV and game consoles, as well as tell about the dangers of modern gadgets with excessive use.

Many parents believe that technology and gadgets are necessary for the development of the child, but can you come too far? What time is the child must be held in front of the screen - the question is asked not only concerned parents, but also psychologists, health organizations and even government. Read the selection of manuals of the child screening experts, as well as their warnings and recommendations on the hazards of the recreational screen time, especially before bedtime.

A new study of TLF Panel, conducted on behalf of a retail clothing store for children, showed that four of five parents believe that technology and gadgets are good for children, helping their development. The study showed that 37 percent of the parents surveyed said that their child spends from one to two hours a day, playing with technical gadgets, and 28 percent called the digit between two and three hours. Moreover, the study showed that 38 percent of children aged two to five years own Android tablet, and 32% own iPad; Nearly a third (32%) of these children also have a mobile phone.

What are the reasons for parents buy or give children the opportunity to use gadgets?


The reason all the gadgets are used: more than a third of parents (35 percent) stated that they use technical gadgets to entertain their children, because they are comfortable, and almost a quarter (23 percent) because they want their children technically Santed. A study conducted in 2015 among 1000 British children of children aged 2 to 12 years old showed that 85 percent of the moms allow the use of technologies to ensure that children be occupied when they are engaged in other activities. The survey showed that children spend an average of about 17 hours a week in front of the screen - almost two times more than 8.8 hours a week spent on the street.

The desire of our children learn to understand the technologies is understandable. But we also need to weigh the risks associated with children who spend many times behind gadgets.

In his lecture "Time Management on Screen and Screen Dependency" Dr. Arik Sigman argues that "Whether Facebook, Internet or computer games, on-screen time - this is no longer just a culture question about how children spend their leisure - this is a medical problem".

The current generation of children in most Western societies spends more time in front of the screen than ever.

The study conducted in 2010 is even before the phenomenal take-off of the iPad and other Apple tablets - it showed that under the age of 10, children used at least five gadgets. This number, believes Sigman, almost certainly grew since then.

For example, in addition to the main family TV, many young children have their own TV in the bedroom along with portable game consoles (Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox), smartphone, family computer and laptop or tablet computer.
To seven years, the middle child will hold a full year within 24 hours, looking through recreational on-screen media, says Sigman. As a child, children are watching TV more time than spending at school.

How do gadgets affect children's education and their assessment in school?

In 2015, researchers from the University of Cambridge registered the activities of more than 800 children aged 14 and analyzed the GCSE results at 16 years. Those who spent an extra hour per day for gadgets (TV, computer, game console, telephone), saw the drop in GCSE results, which is equivalent to two classes in general.
On average, 14-year-old children said that every day they spend four hours of free time, looking at TV or sitting at the computer.


An additional hour of screen time is associated every day with 9.3 GCSE points on 16 points - equivalent to reduce the assessment on two subjects. Two additional hours of screen time were associated with 18 smaller points - or reset the estimate in four subjects. Even if the disciples spent more time to study, they spent more time to watch TV or on the Internet, they still harmed their results, "the analysis suggested.

How much time to allow the child to spend behind gadgets?

So, how long is it enough to carry out gadgets for a 7-year-old, 10-year-old, even 1, 2 or 3 years? How many TV should watch a child? How many hours of computer? You can be shocked at how much time before the screen adversely affects the health and development of the child.

Parents who want to reduce their children for gadgets should establish rules to reduce the risk of subsequent health problems and psychological problems.


Sigman admits that there is no clarity in the councils, but indicates a number of government councils regarding the maximum amount of time that the child must conduct gadgets.

In 2013, the US Department of Health recommended that children under two years old should not be in front of gadgets at all, and at this age the maximum leisure time should be no more than two hours a day.

The French government even has banned digital television, intended for all children under the age of three, while Australia and Canada have similar recommendations and guidelines.

The Government of Taiwan may impose a fine of 1000 pounds of sterling on parents of children under the age of 18, which use electronic devices for a long period of time. Similar measures exist in China and South Korea, which seek to limit the screen time to a healthy level.

The Government of Great Britain has recently returned to the 2008 management, according to which children should be familiarized with technologies and computers from an early age, but there are currently no medical or government recommendations in the UK on screen time.

Recommendations of the National Institute of Health and Social Well-Being (Nice) are that children should have free days from television or have two-hour restrictions on the time spent before the gadgets.

In the 2012 report in the UK, it was estimated that the average 3-4-year-old spends three hours a day before the gadgets. It increases to four hours for ages 5-7, 4.5 hours by age 8-11 and 6.5 hours for teenagers.
The report also found that older children spend more time on the Internet and more often attend the Internet alone, children aged 12-15 years spend more time on the Internet (from 14.9 hours a week to 17.1 hours) and spend So much time a week using the Internet. Up to 43 percent of children also most often use the Internet in their bedrooms.

Children who use the Internet mostly some are one of the seven Internet users aged 5-7 years (14%), each fourth of 8-11 (24%) and more than half of them aged 12-15 years (55 %).

Children go online through a wider range of devices. Internet access with a PC or laptop is increasingly complemented by access through other devices. All age groups in 2012 most often go on the Internet using a tablet computer, and children aged 5-7 years and 12-15 years old are also more common to the Internet using a mobile phone.

Steiner Adair discovered that children detected signs of a distress when they appeal to parents for an encouraging bond and discover that the parent is distracted by technology. His research showed that 70 percent of children believe that their parents spend too much time on the device and accuse their parents in double standards.

How can you limit the tablet time using the ScreenLimit application?

There are several applications that parents can establish to actually limit children's time on a computer or on a mobile phone.

British ScreenLimit. - This is the only solution for cross-platform devices (iOS, Android, Amazon Kindle Fire and Windows), which we have seen.

ScreenLimit allows parents to remotely control the screen time of their children from the smartphone, tablet or web browser. Each child has a daily limit of time (shown through the countdown), which allows them to switch between multiple devices on one timer.

With the application ScreenLimit. Children can earn an extra room for gadgets, performing the tasks set (for example, teeth cleaning, cleaning, bed, etc.), and also punish less joyful events.

Devices and applications can be locked with one click. Educational applications and websites can be added to a white list so that they do not use a detailed time distribution on the child's screen. ScreenLimit. Currently is in the beta version, but now it can be downloaded. You can try the trial version that offers 1000 minutes of use, and then buy a monthly subscription for 200 rubles. One family subscription allows you to control up to 10 devices.

Other applications with screen constraints include OURPACT (application for parental control for iPhone, iPad and iPod) and Screen Time (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android and Kindle Fire).

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What can constant work with gadgets in children?

Early taste for multimedia tools for entertainment can lead to changes in the brain that remain with you for life - life that can be shorter.

As in the case of other harmful habits, the reaction time creates significant changes in the brain chemistry - primarily when the dopamine is released. This neurotransmitter is also known as the chemical of pleasure - is central to sugar dependencies to cocaine. Director of neuroscience in UCLA, calls gadget screens like "Electronic Cocaine", and in China, researchers celebrate them as "Digital Heroin".

In his research "Internet addiction" Dr. Kimberly Yang believes that 18 percent of Internet college users in the United States suffer from man-made dependency.

The danger of long-term work with Sigman gadgets explored, and also conducted an analysis, how time online can outpace full-time contact, and that the lack of social relationship is associated with physiological changes, an increase in morbidity and premature mortality.

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Dangers of children's computer game

Think about what games your children are fond of. Of course, it is the game that bring a lot of pleasure. But it is worth understanding that they have the opposite direction, for example, lead to the absence of impulse control and potential neurochemical changes in the release of dopamine.

The games in the virtual world also lead to a false sense of competence. Children must establish their lives on reality, and not on fake, virtual worlds, - Sigman says.

Video: Why is it harmful for a computer for a long time?


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