M.Video: Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

Published by B. M Video
10 Mar 2017.

The article describes how to buy goods in the online store "M. Video "and receive discounts. Also described all methods of payment in M. Video"

« M Video»- Popular trading network in Russia, offering consumer and digital equipment to its customers. " M Video"It has many shops across the country, as well as an online store on this address.


M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

In this article we will talk about what ways to pay for your product " M Video" We also learn, in what cases will we provide discounts.

Feedback from the store " M Video»:

  • Phone in Moscow - 84957777775
  • Phone for other regions of the Russian Federation - 88002007775
  • Electronic address - [Email Protected]

How to order goods in the store " M Video", Read on our website for this link.

Methods for payment of goods in the store "M.Video"

All purchases in the store " M Video»You can pay with both cash and cashless calculations. Accepted to pay bank cards that can be used at the checkout when buying a product, as well as online in the online store (enter all the necessary data). In addition, there is an opportunity to pay orders with gift cards from " M Video».

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the bonus card from " M Video"It will be necessary to tie to your account, which can be done at the checkout, or in your office in the online store" M Video».

Payment of goods from "M.Video" in cash when delivery by courier

If you want the goods you buy to be taken to you at home (when ordering in your city or region), then there is an opportunity to order in the online store " M Video" When placing an order, specify: " Payment upon receipt».

After taking your order to the store " M Video»The courier will deliver the goods to you and see all the necessary documents. You can only pay for cash with cash rubles. The price will be indicated when placing an order, as well as in the cash check, which will give you a courier.

Payment of goods in the online store "M.Video"

You can also pay for your product with a bank card in the online store " M Video" At the same time, 5% of the one will act (more about this below). Cards are accepted as bank cards Mastercard and Visa..

When paying an online order, you can also choose a shipping method: by courier, or pickup. In the second case, you will need to come to any store " M Video"(Addresses of stores where your product will be available, you will see when ordering online).

When delivery by courier, you will need to show him a passport and a card, with which you paid for the order. Courier will transmit your card data to " M Video", And after confirmation you can pick up your product. If your product will take another person (for example, your relative), then in advance when placing an order online, specify its passport data.

If you are deciding after payment to cancel your order online (or remove some of them from the list of purchased goods), then you will be returned to your money for 10 days. To do this, you will need to send a corresponding email letter: [Email Protected].

Payment of goods from "M.Video" by a bank card upon receipt of the goods from the courier

If you wish to pay the goods by a bank card upon receipt of goods from the courier's hands " M Video", Specify it when placing an online order. But in this case, you can only present your card and only personally. Courier will deliver the goods to you, give your card data to " M Video" You may also need to show your passport.

Payment of goods "M.Video" with bonus cards

You can pay for goods in " M Video"With special bonus cards. At the same time, you will need to contact the operator when placing an order and in the store notify an employee about it. If the cost of your product will exceed the number of bonus points on the bonus card, then you can pay the rest with the help of a bank card, cash or bonus card of a flexible nominal value (no more than ten pieces for one cash check).

Discounts when paying online goods in "M.Video"

When paying for goods online in " M Video»You have the opportunity to receive a 5% discount. For this you need a map Mastercard or Visa..

For order decoration, follow the instructions:

  • We go to the online store " M Video»

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • Choose the goods you are interested in on the site, for example, a refrigerator and click on " Add to Shopping Cart».

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • Then we turn to the basket and in the lower right corner we put a tank near " Pay card"(There will also be indicated that we have access to 5% discount).

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • Next we will withdraw to a new page where we will see the price of goods at a discount

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • Then click on " Checkout"And go to the page where we are offered to either register, or continue the placement of the order without registration. Suppose we order the goods without registration and click on " Proceed».

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • Next, specify all the required data (name, surname, email, etc.) and click on " Proceed».

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

  • As a result, we will be asked to specify the data of our bank card. Fill all the necessary fields and click on " Pay».

M.Video Payment Methods, Discount when paying online

After that, our order will be paid with the provision of the promised discount.

Video: How to buy in the online store "M.Video"?

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