How to restore your messages "VKontakte" after deleting?

Published by B. In contact with / Social networks
Nov 3 2018.

The article will tell how to restore a remote personal correspondence in VKontakte

We all love to communicate in social networks and share impressions with your friends or relatives. Often, personal messages are recruited very much, we get spam from unnecessary contacts to us, and then you have to delete extra messages in order not to litter your personal.

But no less often happens that some messages after their removal we need to restore again. After all, no one is insured against mistakes, maybe we were removed by inattention. Can I return the remote correspondence?

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

Sure you may. In principle, it is done simply enough, and you are unnecessary to be a specialist. The most important thing is, we must already know how to fulfill the action we need, otherwise it will not be possible to return the correspondence.

In today's review we will talk how to restore our messages in " In contact with"After removal.

Several ways, how can I return the "VKontakte" correspondence after it is removed

So, we found out that restore remote messages in the social network " In contact with" possibly. You can recover and separately taken message, and all the correspondence depending on how quickly you will do it.

Our article will help you practice in this matter, so that in the future you no longer have any problems with the restoration of personal correspondence. We will look at several well-known ways, one of which (or all together) will be useful in your case.

From these methods, we currently have the following:

  • Restoring messages using standard means In contact with»
  • Restoring messages through their interlocutors
  • Appeal to the support service to the remote correspondence account
  • Using the notification system " In contact with»
  • We use additional browser applications (see video at the end of the article)

We use standard tools "VKontakte"

Everything is probably known to recover a remote message in " In contact with"We can using a standard method. If you have ever deleted any message, then you should have noticed that the inscription appears on the site of his removal Restore»:

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

By clicking on this item, you only restore the remote message - your or someone else. But you should not forget the same nuance - you can restore this message only soon. Later, such a function will already be unavailable. In addition, if you update the page, again this feature will disappear.

If you leave the message page and return back, then you will not see the "Restore" item. We advise you to restore messages immediately after you delete or leave the page of the dialogue and not update the page until you decide what to do with a remote message.

Appeal to interlocutors for help

If you have not been donated when you delete the message, Delete for all"You have a chance to contact your interlocutor for help:

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

The essence of the case is extremely simple. Contact the user, in the dialog with which you deleted your message to find it in my window. The fact is that all the correspondence remains like yours and your interlocutor. When you delete the message, it remains in the other user. With the exception of cases, as we said above, in which you put a donkey opposite "Delete for All", that is, you delete your message and at the interlocutor too. But someone else's message in this way you cannot remove anyway.

If your interlocutor is with you in good terms, then he should just highlight the message you need, click on " Send", In the window that opens, select your contact and send you:

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

Apply to the Support Service "VKontakte"

If your messages are permanently removed from you and your interlocutor, you can resort to help support service " In contact with" You need to contact them and briefly, but impressively, announce your problem.

This is done as follows:

  • Go through this link. The address of the support service may change, we did not find it on the site itself. Therefore, we will provide today to the exercise link.
  • Briefly, but convincingly ask to return your correspondence. Notify that it is very important, and you delete messages by mistake.
How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

  • If the support service considers your appeal to be convincing, then your correspondence will be led.

Using the VKontakte notification system

There is also another method of saving messages, less convenient than previous ones, but your correspondence will be saved, even if you delete it in " In contact with" You just need to configure your account so that all messages entering you in " VC"Duplicated to your phone or email. In other words, these will be notifications about the messages.

If this method suits you, then do the following:

  • Go to settings through the left top menu
How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

  • We go to the item " Alerts» (« Notifications" etc. Depending on the configured interface in the account), scroll down the page down and configure the notification option via SMS or mail as it will be convenient.
How to restore remote correspondence in VKontakte?

How to restore remote correspondence in "VKontakte"?

Video: How to restore dialogs in VKontakte?

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