How to delete all posts from the wall of VKontakte?

Published by B. In contact with / Useful advice / Social networks
21 Nov 2018.

Overview of the effective ways to remove records from the wall in the social network "VKontakte".

Social network " In contact with", Like all similar Internet resources, was created to communicate between people, exchange of various kinds of files, news and other more personal information. One of the main places of the social network " In contact with"It is a wall of a personal page of the user or community, where its owner can share with surrounding different messages, photographs, videos, news references and similar materials.

However, users of personal pages " In contact with", Which carried out a significant part of their lives in the social network and actively filled their walls of various types of information posts, often there is a desire to clean the wall from unnecessary records, and even remove them all at all. In our article you will find several ways to delete all records from the wall in " In contact with».

Image 1. Ways to fully clean the walls from all records on the social network VKontakte.

Image 1. Ways to complete the wall cleaning from all records in the social network "VKontakte".

How to delete all records from the wall in "VKontakte"?

More recently, the administration of the social network " In contact with»Provided by our users the ability to remove all their wall entries by pressing only one button. But at the head of the administration, they thought and concluded that such a function was not very safe for users and that it should be rid of it. What in the end and happened. So users who have decided to bring order on their favorite wall will have to, so to speak, work as a hand.

However, do not hurry to get upset. There are still methods, albeit not official capable of facilitating this task. But first things first.

Manual removal of records from the wall in "VKontakte"

Permanent "residents" of the social network " In contact with»Perfectly know how to manually remove one or more records from the wall. Therefore, if you are one of them, immediately go to the next section of our article. However, beginners who only registered " In contact with"And also really did not have time to deal with the interface and list of the social network functional, this material can help quickly get used in the new environment for them. Standard manual removal of records from the wall in " In contact with"Occurs as follows:

Step 1.

  • Enter the login and password from your account on the official website. In contact with"And expand the" My page».
Image 2. Entrance to your personal page on the social network VKontakte.

Image 2. Entrance to your personal page in the social network "VKontakte".

Step 2..

  • With the help of a wheel, scroll down the opening page down to that post on the wall you want to delete. Then send the mouse pointer to the icon with three dots, which is in the upper right corner of the record unit.
Image 3. Selecting an entry on the wall that is deleted.

Image 3. Selecting an entry on the wall that is deleted.

Step 3..

  • As soon as the mouse pointer is hovering on this icon, a small list of actions will fall out that can be applied to this entry. You need to click on the line " Delete recording».
Image 4. Immediately delete recording from the wall.

Image 4. Immediately delete recording from the wall.

Step 4..

  • After the manipulations performed, this information block will be removed from your wall. However, if you mistakenly deleted not the post or simply changed my mind to delete it, you can click on the button " Restore", Which will appear on the site of the remote record and will be there until you fully update the page in the browser.
Image 5. Recover recording in the case, if suddenly changed his mind.

Image 5. Recover recording in the case, if suddenly changed his mind.

As you may notice, the method described above is quite simple and does not require any additional manipulations with third-party programs or tabs. However, it will only work if you need to remove the entire couple of unwanted promotional posts or lost the relevance of records. If you decide to try to clean this method, the whole wall, especially which was actively filled over the years, then lose yourself more couple of years of life.

Removing entries from the wall in VKontakte using browser console and scripts

If the first method of cleaning the wall does not suit you on physical, moral or religious reasons, then you should try to seek help to the console for developers, which is built into each browser today.

Important: To use this method, the wall stripping is recommended to use the browser Google Chrome.Since it has a fairly comfortable and visually understandable console, rather than other web browsers. The entire sequence of actions described below will be presented in its example.

So, to speed up the stripping of your wall in the social network " In contact with"You will need to perform the following steps:

Step 1.

As in the method with manual cleaning, log in in the social network " In contact with"And deploy the" My page", Which is in the left menu.

Image 6. Entrance to the social network and go to the main page with the wall.

Image 6. Entrance to the social network and go to the main page with the wall.

Step 2..

  • Using the mouse wheel, scroll down the page down, while skipping a certain number of entries on your wall on the wall.
Image 7. Uploading in the browser entries on the wall to remove them.

Image 7. Uploading in the browser entries on the wall to remove them.

Step 3..

  • Now right-click anywhere in your page and in the expanded context menu, click on the line " View code»To open the code editor.
  • Remember that in other web browsers, the specified line can have another name, but it is always located at the lowest position of the context menu.
Image 8. Deploying the working console in Google Chrome browser.

Image 8. Deploying the working console in Google Chrome browser.

Step 4..

  • On the same tab where your personal page is open in " In contact with»A window will appear with a bunch of incomprehensible characters, tabs and scripts. Among all this confusion, you need to find only one tab called " Console."And go to her.
Image 9. Direct transition to the working area of \u200b\u200bthe console.

Image 9. Direct transition to the working area of \u200b\u200bthe console.

Step 5..

  • After switching to the console, you will appear an empty or almost empty text box. You need to copy the written script below using the key combination Ctrl + C.", Insert it into the console field using key combinations" Ctrl + V."And click the" ENTER».

(function () ('use strict'; if (! confirm ('delete all records from the wall?')) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ('a.ui_actions_menu_item [OnClick ^ \u003d »Wall.DeletePost»] '); for (var i \u003d 0; i \u003cdeletepostlink.length; i ++) (DeletePostLink [i] .Click ();) Alert (deletepostlink.length +' posts deleted ');) ());

Image 10. Insertion into the script console to remove records from the wall.

Image 10. Insertion into the script console to remove records from the wall.

Important: Do not attempt to enter the code manually, but better save it to your computer in a separate text document. If you suddenly randomly skip at least one character, then the command that the code performs does not work.

Step 6..

  • After pressing the " ENTER»A notification will jump on the social network page with a request to confirm the removal of the records selected on the wall. To confirm, click on the button " OK", While not closing the console.
Image 11. Confirmation of removal of entries from the wall in the social network VKontakte.

Image 11. Confirmation of removal of entries from the wall in the social network "VKontakte".

Step 7..

  • After all the manipulations done above, you will see that there were previously former records on your wall there and the buttons were displayed in their place with a proposal to restore them. This means that you have been deleted several entries from the wall at once.
Image 12. Check the removal results and by the need to restart the page.

Image 12. Check the removal results and by the need to restart the page.

Now, to delete the next game of entries from the wall, you need to scroll down the wall down the following posts to it. Now all your actions will only be reduced to copying a script from a previously saved document, insert it into the console, press " ENTER"And load new batch records to be deleted with the wheel of the mouse.

Of course, some people recommend after each remote batch to completely restart the browser page using the " F5"Or key combination" Ctrl + R."To avoid possible failures during the execution of the script, but if you have a bad connection with the Internet or you just laziness, then you can do without it.

Understand that your wall completely cleared you can then when after scrolling the page down, the records will stop loading. To make sure to make sure about this, you should open a new tab in the browser, go to your page on the social network " In contact with"And look at the wall.

Video: Instructions for cleaning the wall in Vkontakte using browser console and scripts

How to delete all the entries from the wall in "VKontakte" using the script and the address bar?

This method of cleaning the wall in the social network " In contact with»You can attribute to the most radical and use it only in the most extreme cases. The whole thing is that this method reads the wall in the VC in general at zero, without leaving a single post on it, while the cleaning methods described above provide the user to somehow control the number of removable records.

In addition, in connection with the introduction of a new design " In contact with"The execution of this script can lead to serious failures in your web browser when opening official Site. social network. At least it was so before. To date, this problem can be eliminated by developers.

This method also does not have any particular preferences for browsers. Does not matter whether you will execute this operation through Google Chrome., Opera. or Mozilla Firefox.The end result will still be the same.

To completely clean your wall from any entries available on it, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1.

  • As in the two previous ways, enter your account " In contact with"And go to the" My page"Through the left side menu.
Image 13. Another entrance to the main page with the wall in VKontakte.

Image 13. Another entrance to the main page with the wall in Vkontakte.

Step 2..

  • From the address bar, where the address of your personal page in VK is specified, completely remove the entire text, including all sorts " www.», « http.»And the symbols on the similarity of the layers ( /) and colon. You must have a perfectly clean address string, as shown in the image below.
Image 14. Preparation of the address string to enter the script.

Image 14. Preparation of the address string to enter the script.

Step 3..

  • Next you need to copy and paste the following script into the address bar:

[Email Protected]@@ Avascript: var h \u003d document.getelementsByclassName ("UI_Actions_Menu _ui_Menu"); var i \u003d 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .getelementsBytagname ("A") [0] .onclick.tostring (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1 [1] .split (";"); Eval (fn_arr_2 [0]); if (i \u003d\u003d H.LengTh) (ClearInterval (int_id)) ELSE (I ++)); var int_id \u003d setinterval (del_wall, 500);

  • After the script was inserted, you need to remove three dog symbols ( @@@) At the very beginning of the script and press the " ENTER ».
Image 15. The direct insertion of the script in the address bar and remove unnecessary characters from it.

Image 15. The direct insertion of the script in the address bar and remove unnecessary characters from it.

IMPORTANT: Together with the symbols of the dog, do not remove the letter " J.", In front of them. The start of the script should begin with the word " javascript." Otherwise, you will not get the desired result from the fulfillment of all these actions.

It should be said that this method was tested by us a few months ago and worked properly. However, the social network " In contact with"Constantly tolerates a different kind of change, receives updates and, accordingly, changes its structure. Therefore, this script today can be irrelevant, in contrast to the method with a browser console.

How to delete all the entries from the wall in "VKontakte" with third-party extensions and programs?

According to the statistical Russian magazine, social network " In contact withAs of 2018, as of 2018, she became the most visited site in Russia and in the CIS countries (more than 1 million visits per month). Such an interest in this resource could not help but notice various kinds of programming lovers and in order to obtain profits began to create custom customers for a given social network, which are equipped with a variety of additional features missing in official browser and mobile versions of VC.

Many of these customers and extensions offer their users the opportunity to easily download music, movies, automatically post their walls on their walls and delete them. It would seem that here it is, the solution of all your problems! I installed myself one of these customers or extensions, I did everything that I wanted to get rid of it further from it. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple:

  • Firstly, many customers and extensions for the social network " In contact with»Are paid;
  • Secondly, a huge part of such clients is initially created to steal passwords and personal information from social network users;
  • Thirdly, even when using the paid version of this client, no one will guarantee that all your personal data stored on the page is safe and that in the future no one will be discussed;
  • Fourthif you suddenly need the help of technical support from VC and you will be asked, from which device and application you went to the page for the last time, and you will call an unofficial client, with probability 99.9% You will refuse you to help, and can also block the page at all, since according to the rules of the social network, you can only use official applications;
Image 16. Extension for VKOPT browsers, which helps to quickly clear the wall from the VKontakte social network entries.

Image 16. Extension for Vkopt browsers, helps to quickly clean the wall from the VKontakte social network records.

If after all above your desire to use third-party programs and extensions did not disappear, then you can try to use the extension Vkopt.which integrates into your browser and gives several additional features on your page in " In contact with" Including adds the previously cleaned button " Wall cleaning"By clicking on which you can completely get rid of all posts on the wall.

In our personal opinion, this expansion for " In contact with»With the function of complete cleaning the wall is the only secure informal addition to the standard social network functionality. However, it may not always work stably due to frequent updates conducted by the VK administration.

Download the latest version Vkopt. For your browser, you can from the developer official website of this link.

Since the extension does not have its own interface, almost any person will be able to figure it out. If you still have questions about this supplement, you can search for answers to them on the official website of the developer, or see the video provided below with the instructions.

Video: Installation instructions and use Vkopt extension for the social network "VKontakte"

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