How to put automatic huskies in Instagram subscribers: program, service

Published by B. Instagram. / Useful advice / Social networks
27 Nov 2017.

In this article, you will learn how to promote your instagram account using automatic likes.

How to put a lot of likes in " Instagram."? Almost every user of this social network is thinking about it, especially those who wish to promote and promote their account.

How to put automatic huskies in Instagram?

How to put automatic huskies in "Instagram"?

Probably everyone knows that in " Instagram."It is possible to deploy your small business, attract numerous customers and advertise goods. But for this you need to make your account popular to visit it as many other users as possible. It is advisable to spend the minimum of funds. Is it possible?

In this review, we will talk about how to put automatic husky in " Instagram."On behalf of his account. We also learn how to avoid blocking for all our actions.

What are the ways to put likes in "Instagram"?

There are many ways to put automatic huskies in " Instagram." This uses various programs and services. In this review, we consider the following options:

  • Application for gadgets " InstaFlow.»
  • Application for gadgets " Followers Assistant.»
  • Program for computers " Leongram.»
  • Service "»

Let's talk about each of these ways in order.


Mobile application

Mobile application "InstaFlow"

The most convenient way to put automatic likes to subscribers is the use of a mobile application. You install it on your smartphone and can use at any convenient time. You will be able to follow the work of the application around the clock, being in a minibus or on the street.

« InstaFlow."Will help you with it. The application does not steal accounts, downloads and functions for free. But the free version has some limitations, for example, the number of mutual subscriptions is not more than 1,000. With certain payment, these restrictions will be removed.

The program can automatically put likes on the pages of other users. To use it to be pressed to press on the yellow icon in the lower right corner. But even if you postpone the phone, the program will work independently through your Internet service.

The application also has disadvantages. For example, you can use only one hashtag, and you will have to constantly restart the program for further work.

Download application " InstaFlow.»You can on this link.

"Followers Assistant"

Mobile application

Mobile application "Followers Assistant"

Other Mobile attached, with which you can put automatic likes in " Instagram." Unlike the previous program, " Followers Assistant.»Does not have free features that would be useful to you. This application, of course, loses its analogue. But it also has a significant advantage.

The paid version of the application is capable of automatically performing all the necessary tasks with minimal settings. You can automatically find by a large amount of hashtegov all the publishing and accounts you need. Recall that the previous program can only search for one hashthege. That is, if you do not feel sorry to spend some amount, " Followers Assistant.»It will be more useful as a mobile application for automatic liks.

Download application " Followers Assistant.»You can on this link.


Computer program

Computer program "LeongRAM"

Now let's talk about the program for computers and laptops. Of course, it will be very useful to users who do not work with " Instagram."Through the phones, remaining old good adherents of stationary digital equipment.

The program is also available in paid and free versions. On the official website (link below) you can better familiarize yourself with it and start using. We will add only that hashtiegi you will have to select on some rules that will be told on the official website.

Download program " Leongram.»You can on this link.



Service "BOOTUP.ME"

Internet service "»Help you automate all the work on promoting your account. You will save enough time.

You just need to create interesting and attractive content, publish it and further look for potential subscribers, putting automatic huskies to a large number of other users. You just need to determine in advance who exactly do you want to find, schedule all the tasks, and then the service will do everything for you. After that, it remains only to wait for feeding likes.

Go to the service "»You can on this link.

How to get rid of blocking your account if I spinning my account and put automatically likes to other users "Instagram"?

To " Instagram."I did not perceive your account account, and your actions are for spam, learn some rules that you will be very useful when working with automatic lights:

  • For one occasion, try to put no more than 1,000 likes. Every like you need to put in the interval of 30 seconds. (1 like \u003d 30 sec.). Make a break in 1 day between each Liketime.
  • You can subscribe to other users: 1 time in 30 seconds, 200 times a day, 1,000 times a day. A break between each subscription attendance is 1 day.
  • Subscription + Like: 1 time in 30 seconds, 1,000 times a day. Break - 1 day
  • You should unsubscribe: 1 time in 12 seconds., 1 000 mutual and 1,000 are not mutual unsubsions. Break - 15 hours.
  • Comments: 1 to 5 min., 13 at 1 hour

Video: "Leonggram Free" - How to use to promote "Instagram"?

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