How to watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer?

Published by B. Instagram. / Social networks
3 Jun 2018.

Not so long ago social network " Instagram.»Breeding a direct ether function intended for users. Previously, no one even thought about such a possibility, direct broadcasts were available only in such social networks, such as, for example, "periscope" or " Facebook».


We watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer

But now in " Instagram.»You can turn on the livestock and communicate with your subscribers. In addition, all this is done quite simple and comfortable.

Many users ask how to watch live broadcasts in " Instagram.»From the computer, so how is it most convenient? We learn about it in our review.

Straight broadcasts in "Instagram"

To begin with, consider in detail how the direct broadcast function works in " Instagram." If you want to create your own broadcast, then you need:

  • Have a registered account in " Instagram.»
  • Fast stable Internet
  • Good productive gadget

You also need to keep in mind that all broadcasts last no more than one hour. To start the air, press the camera icon (as, for example, when shooting a photo), swipe your finger to right left (switching from normal mode to " Direct ether") And click on the" button " To begin»:


We watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer

Once the broadcast is running, your subscribers will be notified of this. But we recommend notifying them about this obviously, so to speak, announce a live broadcast so that at the appointed time as many viewers can be gathered.

For more information, how to launch a live broadcast in " Instagram.", find out here.

How to watch live on "Instagram" from a computer?

Immediately it is worth noting that watching live broadcasts in " Instagram."Through a computer or laptop is possible only with third-party software. We will talk about it below.

How to enable direct broadcast in " Instagram."We already know. Now let's try to watch direct ethers from the computer in this social network. Through the gadget, this is not a problem, but in the case of a computer we will need a special emulator " Bluesacks.»Which you can download on the following link.

After downloading, install the program will not be difficult. This is done in the usual way - run the file, specify the installation location and then just follow the instructions of the installer. Next, we do the following:

  • Run the installed program and wait until the emulator scans the computer and perform all the necessary operations. This will take some time depending on the power of your PC.

We watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer

  • Next, the program will require authorized or register in the system " Google"(Since this is an emulator, imitating the phone on your computer). Log in or register to " Google».
  • Then go to the section " Application Center"In the upper left part of the screen. After, in the search bar, dial the right " Instagram."And search.

We watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer

  • Further actions will be the same as if you download applications on the phone. The search engine will find the application " Instagram."(It will be the first in the list), install it on the computer by clicking on" Set" After installation, the application will be in the section " My applications».
  • Run the application " Instagram.»On a computer, log in to the social network.

We watch live broadcasts in "Instagram" from a computer

After that you can view online broadcasts in Instagram." If the user you are signed, will turn on the broadcast, you will see a special notification at the top (pink convection around the user's avatar). Click on the avatar and see the live broadcast.

Video: How to watch live ether (broadcasts) and stories in "Instagram" from a computer?

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