How to sell to Aliexpress from Russia? How to become a seller on Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
18 Nov 2016.

Many buyers Aliexpress Sooner or later, they want to become sellers. How to open your store on this shopping area and register as a seller?

Chinese the Internetscore  Aliexpress everything more often attracts sellers sO total mira. For many sellers of Russia trade herethis is highly tempting perspective. Some everythingtaki of this achieve. Bright example is an
Russian Shop..

By toy cause, what everything purchases the shops send by mail, special differences in mesal salesnot. Big plus for work from russian buyers directly inside countries is an rapidity delivery and absence necessity capture. therefore, if a w. you there is interesting product and opportunity open warehouse, that this is definite finishing perspective.

To register as a buyer, read our article "How to register for Aliexpress?". Or you can explore the materials on the official site Alone.

Registration for Aliexpress as a seller

If you are a foreign entrepreneur, then create your own store on Aliexpress You will be a little harder. The fact is that when registering, you must specify the address in China and the numbers of the phones of this particular country. Moreover, it is desirable to know Chinese yet.
So, for registration you need:

  • Go on the website Aliexpress for sellers
  • Since the entire interface will be in Chinese, you will need translator
  • At the top on the left under the site icon you will find a link to free registration
  • Click on Ne.
check in

check in

  • Enter your email address and verification code from the image
  • Click "OK"
Email input

Email input

  • Next, check your mail. You must come with a link to confirm registration.
  • Be careful because you have only a day for confirmation. When this time expires, the link will be negative.
  • To confirm registration, click on the red button in a letter or special link.
  • Open there is a form for filling out the store data.

Here you need to specify:

Registration form

Registration form

  • New password and confirmation for him
  • Familia and name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Business model

The last graph is designed to indicate experience with one of the four trading platforms:

  1. Taobao.
  2. eBay.
  3. Alibaba (in China)
  4. Alibaba (other countries)
  • Confirm all temporal information key "OK"
  • Activation code will come to the phone
Window for entering the activation code

Window for entering the activation code

One minute is given to the input, so when using someone else's number, try to get data as quickly as possible. Otherwise you have to do everything again.

  • At the last stage of creating an account of the seller, you need to upload a photo of a visa and an entry stamp to the country.
  • If the whole procedure is completed successfully, then you will automatically be assigned the status of a novice seller. You will be allowed to accommodate up to 50 products.

As your status grows, the limit of the goods sold. Verified sellers can be placed up to 300 products, and with GOLD status - up to 5 thousand.

How to open Alipay?

Opening Alipay account

Opening Alipay account

For making calculations other than registration on the site, you will also need to create an account on Alipay..

  • Open the main page of the site Alipay. and press  注册 (1)


Be careful, since the yellow tab is selected. (2)

  • Next, you need to choose the country, from where you register (3). We need to choose Russia


  • You will still redirect to the Chinese server, so you should not be afraid. Here, registration is possible only for Chinese number (4), so we choose registration using email (5)


  • Specify your email (6) and click on 一步


  • Next, enter your phone number (7) and code (8), which will go to SMS
  • Choose 下一步
  • By the way, if you still have in China, then you need to click on the button under the number 9


  • With proper filling, the following window will appear:


  • Now check your mail and confirm the registration

Now it is necessary to fill in the registration form:


  • Come up and write a new password
  • In the next line, repeat it
  • Enter a payment password that will be required in the future to confirm operations.
  • Choose security question. In the picture we chose "My mother's name"
  • Enter a name in English
  • Write your real name
  • Select Pol
  • Next you need to choose a profession, you can the same in the picture
  • Choose your city and district
  • Enter email
  • And click on the button "Save"

That's all! Registration is over.

The next step will be the account replenishment on Alipay.. More about how to do it, read here.

How to start trading yourself to Aliexpress | Aliexpress Russia?

How to become a seller on Aliexpress?

How to become a seller on Aliexpress?

Administration platform Aliexpress It prohibits trading things that the seller is really not available. Such entrepreneurs have a bad impact on the reputation of the site.

Often, due to this, the shipment period is increasing, orders are canceled and so on. But at the same time, the Chinese are not embarrassing at all and they still work outlets.

That is, they lay out photos and a description of the goods, and when the buyer appears, they go to the nearest warehouse and buy what you need.Trackrooms can book on the email in advance by phone. After of this comes courier from mail, picks orders and alone sends them on the necessary address.

BUT as be foreigners, which not live in China? IN such situation there is two solutionsor move in China, or to find intermediary for keeping business. Also if a you learn chinese language, that this is will be big advantage.

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