How to connect selfie stick to phone: instruction

Published by B. Useful advice
24 Feb 2019.

The article will tell how to connect selfie stick to the phone correctly.

Literally twenty years ago, we could not imagine that photo sessions can be conducted not only with the help of standard cameras. Now everything has changed and very much. Thanks to the development of electro-computing technology, we can be photographed using modern phones. In addition, you can choose to choose the corresponding monopod (or selfie stick) to take pictures of ourselves without any help. In this review, we will look at how to connect monopod to the phone.

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How to connect selfie stick to phone: instruction?

What is Selfie stick?

Selfie Stick or, as it is also called, "Monopod" is a certain improved tripod option, which is installed for a camera. The only difference is that Selfie stick can be kept in hand and photograph yourself at any time. The very popularity of Selfie Plock enjoys in young people, which loves everywhere being photographed with the help of monopod.

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Instructions, how to install a gadget for mall

Monopod is very convenient. As already mentioned, it can be kept in hand and take pictures against the background of nature or any terrain that you like. Monopod is a rod, the tip of which is installed with a gadget with a camera. On the other end of the rod on separate models installed a button for snapshots.

How to choose selfie stick?

If you decide to purchase selfie stick, then first you need to know which device is suitable specifically to your gadget. Monopods may look equally outward, but nevertheless have certain differences, including advantages and disadvantages.

The most preferred model is considered monopod with the presence of a button on the handle. Accordingly, less convenient can be considered an option without a button, as you have to set the timer on the phone to take a picture at the right moment. In principle, in this way you can take a picture and without selfie stick, so it is better to choose a monopod with a button.

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Instructions, how to install a gadget for mall

How to set up selfie stick?

Before connecting the monopod to the smartphone, we need to expect the instructions for it. If we will learn all the nuances once, then it will be enough for us to simply use the device. For example, we need to know how to install fasteners on the rod, as well as how to mount the phone itself on the selfie stick. The phone should be well fixed and not "walk" if you do not want to buy a new one.

Next, we will need to go to the smartphone camera settings and use the photographing function for the buttons controlling the sound volume. We will have to do this on smartphones, because there are no such manipulations on iPhones, because the settings are set automatically.

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Instructions, how to install a gadget for mall

How to charge selfie stick?

Before using a monopod to destination, we also need to deal with the charge of its batteries. The bottom line is that many monopodes before selling are in warehouses, and their batteries can be discharged. You can check this by turning attention to the indicator on the selfie stick. If the indicator does not burn or monopod does not work, then charge the battery, to which you will have no more than an hour of time.

How to connect monopod to gadget?

Now it remains for the most important thing - we will connect our phones to Selfie stick. The scheme is very simple: Customize the phone itself and set it on the end of the rod.

To do this, you need to go to the settings in the phone, find item " Bluetooth"And then launch the process of finding devices located nearby. When the phone finds the device you need, we can already activate the camera on the gadget for further work. As a result, we install the phone on the rod, fix it so that it does not stick.

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Instructions, how to install a gadget for mall

What selfie sticks are there?

Today in the market you can see completely different models of monopods. If you have already learned how to install the phone on the monopod, now it would not be bad to figure out what the selfie sticks are.

The cheapest and simple model is the Selfie stick with a regular tripod without a button, which we have already mentioned above. We already know that in this case we will have to customize the timer on the phone, to make a snapshot at the right time. Same such selfie stick does not differ reliability and is unlikely to serve you for a long time. Just this option should be used if you do not want to spend extra money.

Another option is a monopod with an extra Bluetooth remote control. This is a modern model that has two buttons on the remote, and when shooting you will have to use both hands - for the console and tripod. Of course, this option can not be considered the most convenient, the more like this monopod is not suitable for each smartphone.

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Instructions, how to install a gadget for mall

There is a simpler, but comfortable selfie stick. It has a button for photographing, it should be connected to the phone with a cord. This monopode is more convenient than two previous ones, but many users do not like wired connections. Although the wired connection is considered the most reliable.

The most demanded model of all monopodes is selfie stick with a wireless connection. In addition, this monopod can be folded by changing its length (from a meter to twenty centimeters). Install the phone on it is also convenient, there are steel fasteners. Monopods of this model can be used quite a long time, and the battery charge is enough for a hundred hours of photography.

How to use monopod?

  • Before using monopod, you must put it for charging
  • If you have acquired the usual selfie stick without a button, install the gadget on the tripod and configure the phone camera timer at the right time. Adjust the tripod length and select the desired angle to the snapshot.
  • If you bought selfie stick with a button, but with a wired connection, then just install the phone on the tripod, connect it to the selfie stick.
  • When buying a monopod with a wireless connection, you must first find a device for the Bluetooth connection in the phone settings.

What if Selfie stick does not work?

If monopod does not work, then check if you configured the connection correctly. Check out the instructions above. In more detail how to eliminate the specified problem, you can find out on our website here.

Video: How to connect selfie stick to any phone?

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