How to distinguish the original iPhone 6 from the fake?

Published by B. iOS. / Useful advice / Smartphones
2 Sep 2018.

Several ways to recognize fake iPhone 6 and other apple devices models.

Smartphones ruler iPhone. from the famous company Apple To date, the most demanded mobile devices in the world. This applies not only to new models, but also the old, which were released more than 5 years ago. In connection with such a wide popularity of these devices, many unscrupulous "craftsmen" from the Middle Kingdom are trying to fake the original brand in every way, using lower quality materials and installing non-license-free software on devices.

Over time, Chinese fakes are becoming more qualitative, and not every user can distinguish a copy of the original. However, if you spend some time to study the distinctive features of the original iPhone.The chances of acquiring fake will be reduced to a minimum. From this article you will learn how to distinguish the original brand smartphone Apple from the Chinese fake on the example iPhone 6..

Important: Despite the fact that this article will show examples of the recognition of the original iPhone 6., most of them are also relevant for the earlier and later models of devices of this series.

Image 1. Distinctive features of the original iPhone 6.

Image 1. Distinctive features of the original iPhone 6.

How to distinguish the original iPhone 6 from the fake?

Devices from the company Apple They acquired such high popularity among lovers of gadgets around the world primarily due to their quality assembly used in the production of component materials and installed software, while in counterfeit all the above listed has low quality in order to save money spent. Mainly fake only appearance. In order not to get caught on the bait of "Halturschikov", you just have to learn how to pay attention to the following details before buying iPhone.:

1 package

Image 2. Packaging iPhone 6.

Image 2. Packaging iPhone 6.

  • The first thing that rushes into the eyes after buying a smartphone is its packaging. Company Apple It pays a lot of attention not only the quality of the devices themselves, but also other elements of the kit, including the box. All inscriptions on it should be made extremely clearly and neatly, as well as despite the fact that most of the original iPhones are made anyway at China's plants, there should be no Chinese hieroglyph and all the inscriptions must be made exclusively on Latin.
  • However, the accuracy of the inscriptions and the drawing is not yet an indicator of what is not fake. Packaging itself and used for text and paint pattern should also consist of high-quality materials. You can check it with your finger, with effort by spending them on the inscriptions and the pattern. If, after this procedure, the font or pattern flashed, and the coating was treated with the package, then without any doubt, you keep the fake in your hands and from buying this device should be refused.

2. Components

Image 3. Full set of iPhone 6.

Image 3. Full set of iPhone 6.

If you checked the packaging and did not find any complaints on its account, the next step in the iPhone checking on the "originality" will be familiar with the content of the box. To do this, you need to open the packaging and check the presence of the following items in it:

  • the device itself, the screen of which must be covered with a protective film;
  • headset;
  • lighting cable;
  • power Supply;
  • special key clip to extract the SIM card;
  • a set of documentation and pair of corporate stickers with Apple logo;

First of all, it is on the stickers worth drawing your attention, since the manufacturers of fakes are often forgotten about them and do not add them to the kit. You may seem that these stickers are also needed to you as a fish umbrella, however, their absence says that you are not original iPhone..

In addition, all the above listed elements of the kit must be neatly located in the box in their sectors and cells, and not roll as it fell. If you find the opposite, this fact also suggests that a copy of the smartphone got into your hands.

3. Design, quality assembly and materials

Image 4. Distinctive features of the design of the original iPhone 6 and fakes.

Image 4. Distinctive features of the design of the original iPhone 6 and fakes.

  • Before going to the store for a new iPhone, it is strongly recommended to ask the original from the familiar and carefully examine its appearance to the slightest parts, including the materials of the case. For example, at the old iPhone 4S. There are two characteristic strips left on the sides, while the fakes are missing.
  • As for the iPhone 6 models, it is almost impossible to distinguish the original design from the counterfeit. Is that fakes at the bottom below the logo Apple May be inscription " Made in China." On the original iPhone 6. she is absent.
Image 5. Difference in the display of the original iPhone 6 and fake.

Image 5. Difference in the display of the original iPhone 6 and fake.

  • In addition, the corps of all models of smartphones from the line iPhone. Made of pure aluminum, while fakes are made of plastic and weigh much easier than the original. But if you can not distinguish your smartphone by weight, try slightly pressing on its back panel. If it begins, you keep plastic fake in your hands. In addition to plowing the rear panel, during the pressure of the iPhone case there should be no creak and extraneous sounds, since the original iPhone has a high quality assembly quality.
  • Also pay attention to the display of the smartphone. At the original iPhone. The image seems to be lying on the surface, while the fake feel some kind of depth of the image.

4. Software

Image 6. The difference in the iPhone 6 software and fake.

Image 6. The difference in the iPhone 6 software and fake.

  • It's no secret that the company Apple establishes on its gadgets software exclusively to its own development, namely the operating system iOS.. Of course, thanks to the open system code and root rights today you can give the operating system Androidwhich is put on copies of apple gadgets, appearance iOS., However, no one is able to fake a store App Store..
  • Check which operating system is installed on your gadget simple enough. You need to connect to the Internet and run application store App Store.. If the "Androyovsky" interface will open instead of an apple store Google Play., then you, without any opinion, there is a fake copy of the original.

5. Price

  • Most often inexperienced users who dream of buying apple devices, bend for tempting offers for the sale of the iPhone at a low price. Remember that all smarts and tablets from Apple Sold at a fixed price, and the difference between them in various stores can be a maximum of 2-3 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you see the offer for the sale iPhone 6. for some 20 000 rubles, go around such a proposal to the party. The likelihood that the fake will be sold is 99%.

In conclusion, it should be said that there is still a lot of ways to check iPhone. on authenticity. For example, piercing its serial number on special service apple. If you have become the owner of a fake iPhone, then after entering the serial number, the service will give you about the following message " Unfortunately, this serial number is not true" However, these are the above methods are the main and help you distinguish the original from the counterfeit before buying a device.

Video: How to recognize fake iPhone?

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