How to roll back from iOS 10 on iOS 9.3.5?

Published by B. iOS.
16 Oct 2016.

In this article we will analyze the question - how to return from iOS 10 to iOS 9.3.2.

If you installed IOS 10's first beta version on your iPhone and now he is constantly "hanging" and does not hold charging, then the solution is only one thing - rollback from iOS 10 to 9.3.2.

Of course, then you will cease to be available new chips of the system, but you will not have problems in the device. Moreover, the execution of the operation is not so complex.

Starting with the fact that if you are important data on the device, you must be back up. How to do it, read in the article - How to make a backup iPhone? Where is the backup copy of the iPhone on the computer?

  • So, now update to the latest version. iTunes.if you still have old and download the installation file for the system here.
  • Next connect the smartphone to the PC and run iTunes.
  • Next hold Shift. (Windows) or Option (Mac) and select "Restoration"
Restoring iPhone

Restoring iPhone

  • The window will open, where you want to specify the path to the file with the system
  • Next, accept all agreements and run the installation.

When the operation is completed, then iTunes. Offer to recover from a backup or configure again.

Video: How to roll back from iOS 10 beta on iOS 9.3.2?

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