How to learn how to quickly and correctly print on the keyboard with two hands: keyboard online simulator, game. Blind print method on the keyboard: how to quickly master the keyboard, how to put your fingers correctly?

This article will help you learn how to quickly print on the keyboard.

Now this is the time that the computer with us is everywhere: at work, at home, on the street - a smartphone and even on vacation we take a tablet with you. Therefore, the value of the printing skills on the keyboard increases.

  • Fast print speed, and blindly blind is a useful skill that is useful not only to professional copywriters, but also by simple orders.
  • After all, it is also necessary to communicate in the chat and answer the messages instantly, as if we see all offers or words.
  • How to purchase such a skill, you will read in this article.

How to learn how to quickly and correctly print on the keyboard with two hands: keyboard online simulator, game

Simulator game for quick print

Simulator game for quick print

It seems that it is not easy to work out such a skill, but it is real. Literally in a few weeks of study, you can say that it was easy, and dial the letters blindly on the keyboard very simple. The speed of the typing text will constantly grow, but for this you need to do.

So, how to learn how to quickly and properly print on the keyboard with two hands? There are several simulators and games that allow it to achieve:

Keyboard online simulator - ergosolo

  • Download this program can under this reference. If every day for 1-2 hours to engage in the "blind" ten-coat set of text using this program, then you will notice after a half months, how your speed set increases.
  • First, Ergosolo introduces how and where it is necessary to keep his hands and fingers during printing. Then the lessons begin, you will learn to recruit one, and then several letters, words and suggestions.
  • It is very convenient that in parallel with the training, the statistics of the text set are shown, namely your print speed. You can watch how your print quality improves and what typos do you get when setting words or letters.
  • Despite the fact that the program is paid, it is worth these investments. Already hundreds of thousands of Internet users have increased printing skills and know how to recruit texts instantly (more than 300-500 characters per minute).

Online simulator Stamina

  • This program, in contrast to the previous one, is downloaded for free. You can download it under this reference. With it, you can learn how to light up the text in the Russian, Latin and Ukrainian layout.
  • Unusual accompanying sounds make learning interesting.
  • You must pass a few lessons. At each of them, the user must remember the location of the keys. It helps increase print speed.
  • In such a program, too, there are statistics - learning schedule for every day or for a passed session.

Game "Claud

  • This game is a fascinating way to learn to quickly type text.
  • In addition, you will gain a lot of friends with whom you will compete in the speed of printing.
  • On the main page Site. Statistics are underway, and the results of other competitors are shown. It is a good stimulus in order to learn a quick set, and in parallel to win from your friend - real races!


  • A bright simulator game. Suitable and adults and children.
  • Eight levels of difficulty will help to acquire useful text set skills.
  • After reaching each subsequent level, the game translates you to a new occupation - more complex and interesting.

Choose paid or free versions of online games and simulators, and surprise your print speed, which will increase every day.

Blind print method on the keyboard: how to quickly master the keyboard, how to put your fingers correctly?



Learn to the blind method of printing on the keyboard dreams every person whose work is associated with a set of text. It may also be needed for students when performing exchange and graduate work, and even a schoolboy. After all, modern training in schools is built in such a way that children should be able to print and sometimes need to do it quickly. In addition, users who type blindly are tired much less.

How to quickly master the keyboard, how to put your fingers correctly? For printing, it is important to correct your fingers correctly on the keyboard buttons:

Left hand:

  • Mysinicle on the letter "F"
  • Unnamed finger in the letter «S»
  • Middle finger should stand in the letter "in"
  • Index - on "but"

Right hand:

  • Index finger in the letter "about"
  • Middle finger - on "L"
  • Unnamed by "D"
  • Mysinetina put on "F

All other letters and numbers standing above will be automatically covered by fingers if you put them correctly.

Remember: The most important thing in the skill of fast printing is an experience. You need to print a lot every day, and after 1-2 months you will not notice how you can type text at a speed of 300-500 characters per minute.

The text set rules are blind - this is for each finger "its" key. The keyboard consists of 6 rows:

  • The highest row With the function keys "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", and so on - this series is not used. Forget about him.
  • At the bottom Located a row with a space and other keys. From this row is usually used only a space.
  • Main rows: The first lower, second middle and third top. You will use them when printing blindly.
  • Fourth row - Figures. It is almost not used. If you want to dial the number, then it is usually done on the keys on the right side.

Below in the figure it is seen what finger "answers" for which buttons. Try to position your fingers as shown in the image, and remember which keys, each finger should press.

The location of the fingers on the keyboard for fast printing

The location of the fingers on the keyboard for fast printing

Important: Immediately learn the correct location of your fingers, as it is very difficult to retrain.

Already after two or three days of painstaking work on the study of fast printing, you will remember the location of your fingers, and start typing with low speed, but correctly. Gradually, the speed will increase, and you can recruit up to 800 characters per minute of errorless text.

Video: How to learn how to quickly print on the keyboard [in 3 steps]

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