How on the tablet and android phone to transfer cache games and applications to an external card?
When there is very little space in the memory of android, it is necessary to transfer applications to the memory card. How to do this will tell our article.
If you do not have a place at all in the memory of the Android smartphone, you will have to move all the applications and everything is stored in them on the USB flash drive. Of course, for this you have the desired connector and it has a SD card with a good volume.
But not every developer allows you to make this to the user, in addition, in the latest versions of the system, settings of working with an external card have been changed and it is now impossible to transfer it to it in a paid way.
To transfer Android applications to the memory card you will need Foldermount.which mounts the desired folders from the internal memory to the outer.
How to use the program Foldermount.?

Use the program is quite easy. The whole process is performed in several stages, during which two folders are associated, that is, a pair is formed.
By the way, to work with Foldermount. You will need rights root.
- Open the program and click on the "+" sign
- A window will open, having several rows for filling. In it, specify the information:
- Name - Name of a new pair
- Source - here is the folder here, from where the files will be moved
- Destination is the final folder where the data will be placed.
- Next confirm the action by clicking the above window and answer the warning consent.
- Wait for the completion of the operation
At the end, click on the pin icon near the name of the created pair. Now the folders are connected to each other.
As a result of data of manipulations, any file manager will show that the same files are located in both folders. But in reality they are only on the flash drive, and the internal section contains only their images so that the application works correctly.
Additional functions Foldermount.

How to transfer Android applications to a memory card?
In addition, the program will show you how much space occupied sections, and has a convenient analyzer showing which applications should be sent to a memory card.
Select the desired item in the list, and immediately will be displayed how much space you will be released after moving. There is also a button to automatically create a point of installation.
If you want to delete the program, the data of which were transferred to the USB flash drive, then burst the pair through the program. For this:
- Click on the pin near the title
- Next, do long click on the name of the pair so that the basket is highlighted above
- When you click on it, the program will propose back to mapping data and the pair will be deleted
By the way, in the Google program catalog there is a paid and free version Foldermount.. When using the first version there are a number of restrictions, the most serious of them is to create no more than three ligaments. Although, if you need to move a large game to release in the memory of several gigabytes, this will be enough for you.
Video: How to transfer applications and cache to SD memory card in Android?