How to buy a good GSM security alarm system in online store Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
Nov 16 2016.

In this article we will discuss how to find on Aliexpress Suitable GSM signaling for home or cottage.

To ensure the safety of the house or in the country, you must set gSM alarm. If robbers penetrate you, then an instantly notification will come to a special key chain.

At the same house at this moment, a loud siren will sound, which will not be ignored.

This is guaranteed to move the thieves and protect your housing. But, if this alarm is very expensive in your city, we advise you to search for the desired model on Aliexpress.

GSM alarm

GSM alarm

If you are still new to the site, we recommend that you read the article - "Order of the goods on Aliexpress in Russian", there you will find the registration and description of the first steps or read the instructions independently official Site.

How to find gSM alarm on the Aliexpress?

  • Open the main page of the site Aliexpress and enter the name of the goods in the search line. In our situation we introduce «gSM alarm«. You can also add the name of the specific model you want to find this phrase.
Search for aliexpress

Search for aliexpress

  • After that, all available signaling options on the site are downloaded. But to choose a really good thing among such a variety, it is worth using a few tricks.
  • For greater search accuracy, look at the top line at the top of the site. There you can set sorting by "Price"where the cheapest models will first be displayed. Do not buy immediately the very first signaling that you need, as you need high-quality and reliable goods. Therefore, you can select "Rating" And you will see the best sellers in this category.
  • To see what gSM alarm buy most often, click on "Orders". When the goods were bought many times, then this means that buyers have already appreciated if the goods are worth their money.
String sorting

String sorting

  • Also do not forget to celebrate item "Free shipping". It is worth putting here a mark and the goods will deliver absolutely free. And this is important for many, therefore often it is often necessary to overpay over the road and the total cost of goods increases.

See catalog

What should be considered when buying gSM alarm on the Aliexpress?

MarlBoze GSM02.

MarlBoze GSM02.

  • Many similar goods can be without instructions in Russian. And even if in the description you saw the word "Russian", then, most likely, this concerns the availability of voice notifications in Russian or the Russian menu.
  • Sensors can be purchased at any time. As a rule, several dozen different sensors are allowed to connect to the alarm, but several pieces will enter the kit. At the same time, their number will depend on the seller, which set it will provide. To simulate a variety, kits can be modest or with a large number of sensors.
  • Sensors differ from each other. Often, the kit includes infrared sensors, triggered to open windows or doors. In addition, you can purchase a sensor that is triggered on smoke or leakage of gas. Moreover, in the kit must be keychain and siren.
  • If the alarm does not have a mobile application, then from AppStore. or Google Play. You can download a universal program that will send the added to it in advance. SMS commands.

Best GSM signaling systems wireless, with camera for guarding at home, cottages on Aliexpress

Below we presented several of the most popular alarms on Aliexpress.

MarlBoze GSM02.

MarlBoze GSM02.

MarlBoze GSM02.

If you consider the cheapest models, then the most optimal for purchase is MarlBoze GSM02.. Its device is similar to the previous generation, but you can install a mobile application to control the device from the smartphone. In addition, this alarm allows you to connect not only wireless, but also wired sensors.

The standard set has an infrared motion sensor, to open doors and windows, two radio and siren. The advantage is still the presence of instructions in Russian.


Kerui G18.

This model has color LCD display and a menu where you can make settings and turn on or disconnect a variety of functions. In addition, the alarm can easily perform a stationary phone. Of course, you can install a branded application and purchase a standard set of sensors - to move, opening doors and windows, as well as two radio.

Kerui G18.

Kerui G18.



MarlBoze PG-500PG-500

MarlBoze PG-500PG-500

Although this model is considered a bit outdated, but if you want for a little money to get a lot of functionality and coverage of all rooms at home, then this is the most advantageous offer. Included there are five infrared motion sensors, five sensors for doors and windows, four keyfoot and siren.

The only drawback is the lack of a branded application. If you need it, then look at a newer model. ZC-GSM010A.which has the same set of sensors, but it does not have a touch panel and it costs about a thousand rubles anymore.


How to choose and order gsm alarm on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

When you have already decided what model you want to buy, I studied all the technical characteristics, you can start checking out the purchase.

  • To do this, first look at the exact cost, the delivery time and its price
  • When everything is checked, choose "Buy now"
Buy now

Buy now

  • You will open a menu for ordering, where you can see all the information again, as well as contact the seller to clarify some points. If you immediately marked free shipping, then buying will go longer in time. If the device you need urgently, you can choose the fastest, but paid delivery method.
  • Further click on the "Ordering" And the site will redirect you to the payment payment page.


  • Here, choose a convenient payment method for you, specify the details and swivel.
  • After checking, during a couple of days the seller will send you a parcel, which the email will come to an email.

More information about how to pay orders for AliexpressRead. here.

Now you know that you can purchase alarm for home or cottages on Aliexpress. This is an important acquisition for the house, therefore it is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly.

When you receive the parcel, check that the set is all the set by the seller - Sensors, key chains, instructions and details. If there is no one or the model is not the same as in the description, then boldly start the dispute on the site. The article will tell more about the process and features of the dispute. "How to open and behave on Aliexpress.

As a result, the seller will return the full cost to you and you can make an order of another, better model. The main thing, learn the reviews of other buyers who have already bought the interests of interest to you. gSM alarm.

Video: GSM alarm with Aliexpress


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