How to buy a battery for iPhone, ipad on AliExpress: catalog, price, reviews. Apple Rechargeable Batteries on Aliexpress

Published by B. Aliexpress
20 Nov 2016.

In this article we will tell you how to order a battery for iPhone on Aliexpress.

The battery is an important part for each electronic device, including smartphones. Mark gadgets Apple. Very popular, but they often sit at the most inappropriate time and then there is a need to replace it or additional recharging. But not everyone has time to go shopping and look for the right thing. In this case, the online store will come to the revenue Aliexpress. Here you can find any charger or batteries and order them via the Internet. Moreover, the price here is usually lower than in a simple store. This greatly saves time, and thanks to low prices, the purchase becomes even more pleasant.

If you have not yet committed a single purchase and only decided to register, then our article will be useful. "How to register for Aliexpress?". Either you can independently explore "Guide to buyers" on the official site.

So let's discuss what the most popular battery stamps for iPhone are presented on Aliexpress.

Xiaomi Mi Powerbank.



Chinese company Xiaomi. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but during this time she presented several high-quality smartphones in the world and managed to gain popularity. What is so special in it? In essence, it is one of the first manufacturers of a new wave from China.

It stands out that it offers high-quality smartphones two times cheaper than from known brands. But unlike competitors, Xiaomi expands the business and model range. In addition to smartphones, tablets and accessories are now produced. For example, external batteries PowerBank..

The company is not just called the "Chinese Apple". It really produces high-quality devices, including PowerBank..

In the work, these devices show themselves just fine, and they are not only actively charged smartphones Apple.. They can be used for charging iPad.. At the same time, the battery itself will not be heated, as it is very high quality.

For example, iPhone 5S. Delibank with a capacity of 5,200 mAh grabs three complete charges. If you plan to buy iPhone 6 Plus.You will be more suitable for a model with a capacity of 10,400 mAh.
Xiaomi has been conducted many tests to ensure the safe operation of the device and extend battery life.

On the Aliexpress You will find a huge selection of similar batteries with various packages. Moreover, the cost will be significantly lower than when purchasing in a regular store.

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Anastasia: Very pleased with the purchase. Useful to use on long trips. Allows you to charge the smartphone completely three times. He himself is charged not for a very long time - approximately 4-5 hours. For a capacity of 10,400 mAh, it is, in principle, not so long. In general, if you do not sit constantly near the socket and often encounter with an unexpected charge ending, then you definitely be purchased such a device.

Elena: More like the fact that the device itself is compact and charges the smartphone very quickly. I am not strong in the use of technology, but with this gadget we quickly found a common language. To use it is enough to simply connect the cord and press one button. So I advise everyone!

Video: parcel from China AlExpress. Xiaomi Power Bank 10000 Mah is an external battery. Xiaomi.




Devices brand Vinsic are intellectual chargers compatible with all fast and smart charging technologies. Thanks to the technology used inside AIPOWER The input characteristics of the device are automatically defined, and the most secure current is issued for a quick charge. These batteries are great for recharging any apple smartphone.

Although, during operation and charging, one is not very pleasant feature. If K. PowerBank. Connect the smartphone and put it for charging, it will start charging myself.

See catalog


Victor: I got myself recently the chalk of this brand and remained satisfied. He charges the smartphone much faster than from the outlet, and the presence of the touch screen is only in plus. You can see how much charging remains in the battery itself. As a gift, the seller invested in the package a very comfortable carrying bag, which was very pleased.

Anatoly: I ordered a chalib for Aliexpress, delivered very quickly, for which they thank you very much. The item is high quality, reliable and stylish. Many say that the declared capacity of 20,000 mAh is exaggerated, but they do not take into account the differences in a voltage. Personally, my device honestly holds his charge, so I'm very pleased with the acquisition, as it justifies it completely.

Video: Aliexpress - Vinsic Alien Slim battery 20 000 mAh Review from Tetiana Bilotil




Batteries from the manufacturer Aukey. Honestly keep your charge and can be charged your iPhone for several days. With battery capacity of 20,000 mAh you can charge iPhone 6/6 S. Approximately 4-7 times or S5 about 5-6 times.

At the time when ordinary batteries can be charged via Micro USB cable, this device can be charged via an iPhone cable. Now you do not need to use different wires. It will be enough only one - from your smartphone.

Thanks to adaptive technology Aukey Aipower The connected device is automatically determined and the current is supplied needed for a specific device.

If there is an inscription on the device AIPOWERThis indicates that for any type of device you will get the maximum charging speed.

Moreover, each PowerBank. There is protection against overvoltage, high current, short circuit. Thanks to the advanced safety functions, you are saved and your devices.

See catalog


Evgeny: I purchased a big and heavy panibank with 30,000 mAh. In terms of its size and weight, it is half more and more harder with analogs with a capacity of 20,000 mAh. Of course, wearing it all the time with it is not very convenient, but for long journeys it is very convenient. By the way, the lantern is also built into my model. The battery itself is charging from the usual Micro USB wire and an iPhone cable. The device is done high quality and works just perfectly.

Valentine: I want to tell about this ROM, because I am very pleased with the acquisition. I bought it in stock. The hull is made of metal and plastic. The surface is not glossy and does not slide. Charges smartphone very quickly. In reality, the volume is less than 20,000 mAh, but the iPhone 6 PLUS can be charged completely six times. You can charge two devices immediately, which is quite convenient. In general, I recommend.

Video: Outer batteries Aukey




All modern innovations give our lives more comfortably. And external batteries are no exception. Company Remax. Creates exactly such batteries.

They are flat objects with smooth forms, do not occupy a lot of space and it is convenient to transfer them.

Like all other batteries, these models have a key to turn on and off, as well as they have a charge level indicator.

This additional battery is capable of becoming an excellent alternative to normal charging. Its dimensions are small, so it is very convenient to transfer it. As a rule, the models are equipped with two USB outputs, charge level indicator, two bright LEDs, as well as two independent inputs with a current of 1 and 2 amps.

The manufacturer promises that your iPhone can be charged up to 8-10 times. And all this without the need to connect to the outlet!

See catalog


Ivan: I ordered a portable battery for Aliexpress. He was pleased with the purchase, but took a small volume. For an iPhone, a capacity of 5000 mAh is suitable than 2600 mAh, as it constantly sits down. But in general, the device works fine, performs its work as it should.

Alyona: I purchased a 10400 mAh, it was acquired with a capacity of 10,400 mAh, as I often find on trips and somehow tired of always looking for a place to recharging the smartphone. Ordered to Aliexpress, everyone delivered very quickly, for which many thanks. In principle, it is possible to charge not only an iPhone, but also other devices. With its work, the battery copes perfectly.

Video: External battery Power Bank 20,000 mAh. Package from China, Aliexpress


How to order a battery for Aliexpress?

Everything is simple enough.

  • Go to the official page Aliexpress
  • Select the desired model
  • Click "Buy now"
  • Make a purchase
  • Pay for the order
  • Expect a parcel

More information about how to order goods on Aliexpressread in the article - "How to order on Aliexpress?".

In addition, it will be useful for you. "How to track the parcel for alicpress?".

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