How to download a video from YouTube to a computer? Ways to download videos and files from YouTube to a computer with a program and without programs

Published in Useful tips
Mar 12, 2017

Several relevant methods of downloading videos from the popular YouTube video hosting video hosting.

On the popular video hosting YouTube A huge number of diverse videos, clips and films that anyone can watch for free are stored online. However, there are situations when there is a need to download a particular video on a computer, but it is not possible to find it on other resources for download. In such cases, knowledge of how to download video from YouTube on computer. In this article, we will analyze in detail several convenient and popular ways to download video from YouTube On a computer, and we will also tell you how to extract the sound from the video.

How to download a video from a video hosting YouTube?

How to download a video from a video hosting YouTube?

How to download video from YouTube without using third -party programs?

1. Download video using resources on the Internet

  • There are a lot of all kinds of resources on the Internet with which you can download the video from the hosting YouTube. As a rule, they are one-page sites with a line of input, where you need to insert a link to YouTube rock, press a download button and save the result on the computer.
  • At first glance, this method seems to be the easiest and safest, however, this is not entirely true. The fact is that among such sites there are many virals that contain hidden links, by clicking on which you can infect your device with viruses. Even if there are no such links on the site, then in the process of converting and downloading the video instead of it, malicious software can be loaded, which can not only significantly slow down the operation of your computer, but also steal all important data, such as passwords and logins.

Download video using resources on the Internet

  • Having searched a little on the Internet, we selected several resources for downloading videos from YouTube, which, more or less, deserve trust. However, they are full of advertising. To get rid of it, we advise you to first install an advertisement for your browser Adblock Pluswhich can be found for free in the store of your browser.


2. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

  • This download method differs from the previous one in that it cannot always work. The fact is that the administration of video hosting YouTube It makes a lot of efforts so that the videos located on their resource are not flooded on other hosting. This can lead to the loss of the audience. However, in defense YouTube There is a loophole that allows you to download the video from it directly. In the future, this method can be covered by the administration YouTubeHowever, at the time of writing, it is relevant and is considered the best possible.

To download the video from YouTube Take the following steps directly:

Figure 1. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

Figure 1. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

  • Step 2. After you opened the video, pay your attention to the address line. Without changing its address, add before the word " youTube"Two lowercase letters" sS". As a result, the video address should look something like this: "\u003dij0 ...". Next, click the button " Enter».
Figure 2. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

Figure 2. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

  • Step 3. You will automatically be forwarded to the page where you will be asked to download the selected video. To do this, click on the button " Download without installing expansion ...».
Figure 3. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

Figure 3. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

  • Step 4. Next, an additional menu will open, in which you will be asked to choose a video format for downloading. Among the formats there is a standard MP4 720p/360p, low -quality format 3GP 240p/144p and others. You will also be asked to download the format HD And mp3 (extract the sound from the video). Select the format suitable for you and click the button " Download". After that, the file will be uploaded to your computer into the download folder installed by default in your browser.
Figure 4. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

Figure 4. Download video directly from the video hosting YouTube

How to record videos from YouTube to a computer using third -party programs?

1. Download video using an extension for a browser

As you know, there have been a variety of extensions for a long time, simplifying work with browsers and helping to download videos and music from different social networks. Unfortunately, such extensions are not always effective. For example, in Google Chrome, extensions do not work in principle, because This browser belongs to Google, like the video hosting itself YouTube. The use of extensions that allow you to download the video from it is prohibited, because This contradicts Google's policy.

But good people found a way out and created a unique extension that allows you to circumvent the restrictions of Google Chrome and which works on all other browsers. To install it, take the following steps:

  • Step 1. It will not work to establish this extension from Webstore, because He simply is not there. Therefore, go to official site extensions Helper And download from there the installation room specifically for your browser by clicking on the link under its badge. For the browser Google Chrome There is a separate procedure for installation. Under his badge, click " Show the instructions».
Figure 1. Download video using an expansion for a browser

Figure 1. Download video using an expansion for a browser

  • Step 2. On the page opened, add an extension " Helper»In your browser, clicking on the corresponding button. Buttons can have different names, depending on the browser. Next, close and start the browser again.
Figure 2. Download video using an expansion for a browser

Figure 2. Download video using an expansion for a browser

  • Step 3. Next, go to YouTube, open the video you need and under it you will see the button " Download", By clicking on which you can upload the video to your computer in the necessary quality. Also, this extension allows you to download videos and music not only from YouTubebut also from social networks such as " In contact with», « Classmates», « Facebook"And from even more than 40 various sites and portals.
Figure 3. Download video using an extension for a browser

Figure 3. Download video using an extension for a browser

2. Download video using a separate program

  • It also happens that with YouTube You have to download a lot of videos from playlists and collections at once. Each time, switch from one video to another and downloading them one at a time very tiring. Therefore, if you are from among those people who have to download a lot of video files from YouTubewe recommend using specialized software called Free YouTube Download.
Figure 1. Download video using a separate program

Figure 1. Download video using a separate program

  • This program supports the possibility of both point downloading videos, and multi -sided. To do this, it is enough to copy the player’s link or the selection in the program line and start the pumping. In addition, software allows both to record videos from YouTube in all popular vidformats, and save separately audio roads from the video from YouTube on computer.
Figure 2. Download video using a separate program

Figure 2. Download video using a separate program

  • The program also has a unique possibility of instant video conversion. In the process of loading, the video can be parallel to other formats, for example aVI or fLV. In addition, it has the possibility of separating sound from video and downloading exclusively a sound path in format wAV And mp3.
Figure 3. Download video using a separate program

Figure 3. Download video using a separate program

  • The program allows not only to download with YouTube A large number of videos at the same time, but also upload them to video hosting into the playlists or collections that you already created. Such an opportunity will save you a lot of time if you conduct your channel or blog. Support for extensions for most modern browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and others, importing the video on the video on Apple devices, as well as a convenient slope history makes this program an indispensable assistant when working with video chief YouTube.
Figure 4. Download video using a separate program

Figure 4. Download video using a separate program

Download the Free YouTube Downloader program

Important: all the above methods of downloading videos from popular video hosting YouTube Actual for 2017! In the future, the administration YouTube can cover them.
Also, the submitted links to download expansion and programs are checked and do not contain viruses. For downloading these applications from other sources, the administration of the site is not responsible!

Video: How to download video from YouTube without programs?

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