How to block unwanted calls and messages in Windows Phone? Lock and filtering in Windows 10 Mobile

Published by B. Windows
3 Oct 2016.

Many are faced with the problem of annoying calls and SMS. How to install a filter for them or block on Windows Phone? Let's discuss this issue.

Practically everything users phones face from annoying calls or sms. But for Windows Phone this is not problem, so as in ce necessary w. nee there is. Worth it mark, what everything instructions, presented in this article, touch only Nokia. Lumia. version Amber and more. On the others smartphones function can work by other.

Most. simple method additions rooms in «the black list« on the Windows Phone is an using additional menu contact in «Journal calls«.

  • Launch attachment «Telephone« and make long pressing on the undesirable room
  • Opens additional menu, where choose «Block number«
Black List on Windows Phone

Black List on Windows Phone

  • Confirm its own choice and number blocked
How to block the number on Windows Phone?

How to block the number on Windows Phone?

Thus same way filter sMSmessages. But here you already will be use «Messages«. Worth it to tell, what for blocking calls, sMS separately block not have to. That there is, enable in the black list whatthat one not whenever. Blocked everything and immediately.

how to govern black list?

For these goals there is «Spamfilter«, which the you find in parameters device. Here same can activate or remove blocking, look contacts, included in list. Besides togo, can browse messages and calls, enrolled from blocked rooms.

SPAM filter on Windows Phone

SPAM filter on Windows Phone

How to watch blocked calls on Windows Phone?

How to watch blocked calls on Windows Phone?

View blocked calls on Windows Phone

View blocked calls on Windows Phone

Separate attention deserve additional filters, which opening press on the button «Additionally«. They are provide data about new challenges and posts, which enroll from of people of «black list«.

Here same can to do, to alert displayed in «Center notifications«, or place on the display special tile, that shows, how much time worked filter.

How to enable spam filter on Windows Phone?

How to enable spam filter on Windows Phone?

On the the moment it is impossible add rooms in the black list in advance. therefore, you first should report call or come sMS.

AND after of this you will be able to block number. IN the rest «Spamfilter« works excellent, so you you can not worry, words will be bother calls or messages.

Video: add contact to the blacklist on Windows Phone

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