Fingering photos and video in instagram. Why do you disappear photos and video in instagram?

Published by B. Mobile Photography
Nov 29 2016.

The other day, Instagram presented a new feature - disappearing photos and videos. What is it and how to use them? Let's wonder.

Literally on the day in Instagram. was introduced new option — «disappearing photo and video«, which ship out through Direct. let's talk more details about this functions.

what that disappearing video and photo?

So them named because, what after view video or snapshot remove. Send that message permitted only subscriber or agriculture, on the whom signed you ourselves.

So as you you are sender, that view honey «disappearing message» not you can.

This function though and looks like plain, but everything much more difficult, than it seems.

how send disappearing photo or video?

Send that message can one or group users at once. For this:

  • Click on the icon camera in levom corner from above
Photo icon

Photo icon

  • Or in samoa nower string click on the «+» in the middle and machine in side for transition in mode shooting
  • Click by mug down below by center, to to do snapshot or record video. If a required, process yours creation from help effects
  • Now click by white mug
Circle with arrow

Circle with arrow

  • Further necessary choose one or some human, kom. you want to send «disappearing» message
  • If a will be selected some users immediately, that activated group chat, where everyone will be able speak out
  • For create groups click on the «New group« on right up, choose necessary users and click on the «Creature«
  • Now click by button «Send« down below screen and message will be otoslavn

Where look seeded «disappearing» messages?

Remember, what view outgoing disappearing messages it is impossible, but but you will be receive alerts, what they are received, open, viewed in first time and repeatedly, but also, what was made snapshot screen.

When disappearing photo or video will be posted, that you display correspondence in video cup up folders from incoming messages.

Incoming messages

Incoming messages

  • If a message it was otoslavn only one man, that down below display his status, to example, Repeated reproduction, Snapshot screen.
  • When message will be delivered, that you see white tick, but when user his open, that check mark will be gray.
  • If a you want to look statuses in group, that clamp need message and hold his.
  • Later in menu choose «View action«.
  • Here you will be display status for eVERY separate participant groups.
    Remember, what status correspondence can look only after shipping photo.
  • If a you will be sent answer that status first messages already display not will be.

Can lie browse disappearing photo and video yet time?

Can. To this is to do:

  • Open your incoming messages. Here w. you will be display new icon. Itlooks like on the paper airplane
  • Up folders sO «Incoming« clamp and hold message for view
  • Opens small menu, where necessary press «View yet time«
Repeated view

Repeated view

  • Another feature - removal

Remember, what yet one view file available only after his receipt. If a you yet time open snapshot or look roller, that sending will come relevant notification.

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