Online Media Marct store: How to get a 4000 rubles discount? Touch Bank Media Markt: map, discounts, cashback
In this article, we will discuss how to get a discount of 4000 rubles in the Media brand and cashback store in the amount of 3% for each purchase.
In the online store Media Marktyou will find only legal equipment that has certification and is available for sale in Russia. The store catalog has more than 200 thousand positions with various names. For those who make a purchase for the first time, you can place an order by phone. To get professional advice, you can always contact the hotline.
Let's discuss with you how to get a discount on a purchase of 4000 rubles and a permanent cashback of 3%.
How to get a cashback in Media Marct?

Media Markttogether with Touch Bank holds a joint action. Upon receipt of a card of this bank, you are provided with a promotional code for a discount of 4000 rubles and a cashback of 3%. How to get such a profitable discount?
- Make a card Touch Bank On the official website here
- After receiving the card, pay her any purchase for at least 500 rubles and you will be provided with a coupon for 4000 rubles and a 3% cashback
Touch Bank It is an online bank that has an innovative approach to the banking service, and also cares about each of its clients. The bank offers you favorable conditions, and in particular, a return of 3% from each purchase back to the account.
How to participate in the Media Markt bonus program?

Cunning media Marct
bonus program Media Marktcreated for regular customers so that they can get maximum benefit for each purchase. To participate in the program, it is necessary to issue a special card where bonuses will be accrued.
Bonus points can be paid for the goods, and up to 100% of its value. Moreover, a cunning program is valid, according to which you can win 500 bonus points or 100% of your product.