What is better to buy - tablet or phone: Tips

Published by B. No rubric / Useful advice / Smartphones
4 Jun 2018.

Several tips for those who cannot decide between the purchase of a smartphone or tablet.

The 21st Century of Computer Technologies, and almost every modern person can not do in everyday life without gadgets, the range of possibilities of which is expanding every day. Technologies do not stand still and new models of smartphones and tablets are produced at an amazing speed. It would seem that only yesterday a man acquired a new phone with a full set of functions, as his more advanced version on store shelves appeared today.

In connection with the above, more and more people are trying to keep up with technological progress and acquire the latest innovations. However, many cannot decide what is better to buy: a smartphone or tablet. The difficulty of choice is due to the fact that two of these types of gadgets are practically equal to specifications and capabilities, but in our article you will find several tips on how to decide on the choice and choose the device for your needs.

Image 1. Features of tablets and smartphones. In favor of which device it is better to make a choice?

Image 1. Features of tablets and smartphones. In favor of which device it is better to make a choice?

What is better to buy - tablet or phone: Tips

  • No one is secret that the main difference of the phone (smartphone) from the tablet is the presence of a GSM module in it, which provides the ability to make ordinary calls to mobile and stationary phones, as well as send SMS and MMS messages. However, this module is present in some modern tablet computers models, which complicates the choice of user.
  • Despite the fact that smartphones and tablets today are capable of performing almost the same functions, it is worth understanding that the smartphone is primarily a personal device, providing a GSM connection to its owner 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Image 3. Family use of the gadget.

Image 2. Family use of the gadget.

  • The tablet computer can be attributed to the category of devices on which it is convenient to watch movies, listen to music, climb on the Internet and perform a certain kind of work. This device has a number of benefits in front of a stationary computer or laptop, but it is not completely replaced yet.
  • In addition, tablet computers are quite commonly used by several family members, while the smartphone is intended for individual use. Therefore, before making the final choice between a smartphone or tablet, first of all, decide whether you buy a device for yourself or for the whole family.
  • Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the tablet is perfect for general use, watching movies, games, Internet surfing and other entertainment, and the smartphone is more like a personal gadget and first of all intended to provide its owner. However, as already mentioned earlier, there are models of tablets with a complete set of functions and capabilities of the smartphone. Therefore, to make a choice between the phone and the tablet with the GSM module, you need to pay attention to some details.

Tip 1. Dimensions of the device and screen

Image 2. Dimensions of smartphones and tablets.

Image 3. Dimensions of smartphones and tablets.

  • The main differences in the appearance of the gadget are its width, thickness, weight and diagonal of the screen, which is usually measured in inches. The average modern telephone is equipped with a 5-inch screen, which is able to meet the needs of users who love to play games or watch the film on the road. For lovers of screens, there are more models with a diagonal of 6 inches. The device with a 4-inch screen diagonal is most often used exclusively for communication, as playing games, watch movies and climb on websites on the Internet are not very convenient.
  • Modern tablet computers are usually equipped with 7 inches diagonal screens and more. However, if desired, you can find models with a screen of 5 inches. For high-resolution lovers and good image quality, there are screens with a diagonal of 10 and 12 inches. The dimensions do not affect the characteristics of the device, so it all depends on the user's preferences. Therefore, coming to the store, think carefully, the device of which sizes will be most suitable for you.

Tip 2. Gadget specifications

  • The most important criterion in choosing a smartphone or tablet is its technical characteristics. If you do not pay attention to the processor and its clock frequency, the volume of operational and internal memory, the battery capacity and every additional modules, on the similarity of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, an external and front camera and so on, as a result, the acquired device may be unsuitable for those purposes. in which you are going to use it.
  • Of course, it is worth paying a processor and its clock frequency. The processor's clock frequency is responsible for the speed of the operating system and active applications, and the number of its nuclei allows you to simultaneously use several programs at once without the need to close them.
    RAM also affects the performance of applications running on the device. With its disadvantage, it can sharply fall the speed of opening folders, menu partitions and tabs in the browser, and running programs and games can be automatically closed.
Image 4. Specifications of popular models.

Image 4. Specifications of popular models.

  • Also, an important parameter is the amount of built-in device memory. It stores all system files and it is in the internal memory of the phone that the developers of mobile applications are recommended to establish various software. As a rule, most modern models of smartphones and tablets are equipped with an SD card slot, on which photos, video, music, text documents, etc. can be stored. Most applications installed in the external device of the device can work incorrectly or will not start. It is recommended to select the device from 16 GB of internal memory and above.

Tip 3. Selecting the operating system of the device

Image 5. Selecting one of the demanded operating systems.

Image 5. Selecting one of the demanded operating systems.

The operating system of the smartphone or tablet is the most important after the characteristics of the factor in which it is worth choosing a device. To date, there are three mobile operating systems, devices with which are in demand in the market: iOS, Android and Windows 10 Mobile. Each of these operating systems has its advantages and disadvantages, but to describe them all, a separate article will be required. Here we will give only a brief description of their main differences from each other:

  • iOS. - The operating system developed by Apple and installed exclusively on their products (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch). This software is famous for its high level of protection, thanks to the closed code and the absence of the ability to install mobile applications from unofficial sources and from a computer. The use of the IOS device gives you a 100% guarantee of protection against viruses and the safety of all your personal data, including contacts, passwords, bank account numbers and more.
  • Android - Operating system for mobile devices developed by Google, which is considered the basic competitor to IOS and is the most popular mobile "Operation" in the world. Its distinctive feature is fully open to edit the system code, which allows users not only to install applications from any sources, but also to edit and delete system files by changing the appearance and functionality of the system for themselves. If you are a lover play games and entertain yourself a variety of interesting applications that are calculated by millions in the Google Play store, the Android device is perfect for you.
  • Windows 10 Mobile - Operating system from Microsoft, which has a not a good reputation among users of mobile devices, but still enjoys well-demand. The uniqueness of this "Operations" consists in wide synchronization capabilities with stationary Windows-based computers, the presence of "unique" applications (for example, Microsoft Word), as well as the possibility of connecting the device to an external display (monitor) and its use as a stationary computer with keyboard support And mice. Devices with this operating system are perfectly suitable for people who often have to work with texts and other documents in the road.

Tip 4 Communication Types

Image 6. Convenience and types of communication.

Image 6. Convenience and types of communication.

  • As already mentioned, the smartphone is best suited for making traditional calls and send SMS and MMS messages. Despite the fact that some tablets are equipped with GSM modules, talking on them, as an ordinary phone, is not very convenient due to their large sizes. From the side it looks even comical.
  • However, today many people prefer to keep in touch with their relatives and loved ones through numerous messengers, social networking applications and special programs for video links on Skype's similarity, fully or partially abandoning traditional phone calls. For this type of communication, both a smartphone and a tablet are suitable for this. It all depends on the user's preferences to the device dimensions.

Video: What is better, smartphone or tablet?

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