What is the difference between a netbook from a laptop and ultrabook, what is the difference? What is better than a laptop or netbook, laptop or ultrabook?

Published in Useful tips
Mar 11, 2017

Laptop, netbook, ultrabook. . . These names of devices can be confused by those who do not very much monitor the world of portable electronics. And if a chromobook is also added to this series, then a person choosing such a device can come into real confusion. In this article we will tell for what purposes this or that device is used and what is better.

Definition of concepts

Part of the names of all of the above devices is the word " beech". Most readers of our site will translate this name as a book and will be right. In shape, and a laptop and a netbook, as well as the rest of the Buki resembles a book.

As for the second words that enter the name of the devices, they precisely determine the difference between them.

Laptop (from English. Note - notebook) - a mobile portable computer that has a lightweight case. One part of which contains the screen and the second keyboard. Laptops were developed as convenient portable computers. Initially, they were intended to enter notes and other data, which were then used on more powerful devices. Hence the name (Note - notebook). Today, when the characteristics of laptops are practically not inferior to the characteristics of stationary PCs, they are used everywhere.



Netbook (from English. Net - network) - a mobile computer whose main task is to carry out comfortable surfing on the Internet. Netbooks, as a rule, have a smaller screen diagonal than laptops. Such devices also have a simpler filling. And that means they are somewhat cheaper.

Ultrabook - A mobile computer, characterized by a small thickness and weight. Today in industrial design there has been a tendency to reduce the thickness of various electronic devices. Therefore, all modern laptops can be safely considered to be ultrabooks.

Chromobook - laptop with the operating system Chrome OS. This operating system from Google, which allows you to use applications for work without installing them on its device. In fact, chromobook is an input device with which the user controls his cloud server.

Laptop - (from the English. Lap knees) - the prefabricated name of portable mobile devices, which is often called laptops in English -speaking countries. Today, thanks to increased certification and classification of such devices, the term is used less and less.

Dimensions of devices

The most important difference between the above devices are their dimensions. Most often, the diagonal of netbooks is 10-12 mm. As for the ultrabooks, the main indicator is the thickness of the devices. It does not exceed 20 mm. At the same time, ultrabooks win the performance of netbooks in performance.



If you find out what is better, then of course the Palma of the Championship is obviously remaining behind the ultrabooks. They are productive, but at the same time quite compact and very light. But, and such computers are an order of magnitude more expensive than netbooks. Therefore, if you are looking for a small compact gadget, the main purpose of which will be to view Internet sites and check your e-mail, then the netbook is better in this regard, and most importantly, more economically than laptops.


As for power, this is another difference between the above devices. Laptops have greater power. There are even game models that boast a large amount of RAM, processor clock and the presence of a powerful video card. In fact, laptops today are not inferior to home stationary computers. Moreover, many as a home PC today choose the laptop or their variety of ultrabooks.



The laptops and chrombuks win in power. But, here you need to make a reservation. Chrombooks do not need great power. After all, they use computing capacities of servers on which applications used by users of such equipment are based. Yes, and chromobooks are intended as office devices, rather than gaming PCs or media centers.


As we have already found out, each of these devices has its own purpose. Based on this, they have different fillings. Because of it, the functionality of laptops and netbooks is different. Laptops have greater power. What affects their resource consumption. A netbook can work without recharging 2 to 4 times longer than a laptop. By the way, chromobooks are also very autonomous. But, at the same time, they cannot work without binding to the Internet.


It is also worth highlighting such a difference between laptops and netbooks as a volume of memory. The capacity of hard drives in netbooks is many times less than this indicator in laptops. But, very often, in netbooks are installed SSD drives. What accelerates the operation of such devices, but increases their cost. Today " solid discs»More and more places are occupied when configuring laptops. Especially ultrabooks.



As for the netbooks, they have the volume of built -in memory is small. But at the same time, you can easily synchronize your work with various cloud services. In addition, Google all owners of chrombuks gives a free place for files in size 100 GB.


The most expensive devices are discussed in this article in this article are ultrabooks and gaming laptops. Netbooks, due to their configuration and a small screen, are the least. If you are looking for a device only to view sites, YouTube and other Internet services, then do not overpay for excessive functionality.

When choosing a mobile computer, it is worth considering the goals for which it is bought. It is better to use a laptop for work. Netbooks are practically not produced today. They were replaced by tablet computers. Many of which have a keyboard and can be used as laptops.

Video. What to choose: computer, laptop, ultrabook, netbook or tablet

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  • “Most often, the diagonal of netbooks is 10-12 mm”-are you serious? Cool!

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