Is it safe to pay for an order to Aliexpress by a bank card? Can Aliexpress steal money from a bank card?

Published by B. Aliexpress / Useful advice
15 Jan 2017.

How to Protect Bank Card Data when paying purchases on Aliexpress.? Popular types of fraud on the trading platform.

The question "Is it safe to pay the card on Aliexpress.? " Today worries many buyers. Even those who have already had to make purchases on this trading platform, are not fully confident that the details of their cards will not fall into the scammers. And their anxiety is quite explained.

It is worth the attacker to get details, he will be able to not only carry out purchases using your card, but also steal all means from the account.
In this article we will try to figure it out, is it dangerous to pay for the purchase of a bank card on Aliexpress., or it is just a myth.

IMPORTANT: On how to make the first order on the trading platform Aliexpress. You can learn from video instructions On registration, search for goods, delivery and payment on the official website. Or get acquainted with our article " First order for Aliexpress: Step-by-step instructions».


Is it safe to pay for the purchase of a bank card on Aliexpress?

Is it safe to pay for the purchase of a bank card on Aliexpress?

  • Because Aliexpress. It is a platform where sellers exhibit their products, then many users can reasonably have doubts about the transfer of details of their bank card to one of these Chinese vendors, which can withdraw all means. But the process of payment is arranged a little different, as it seems at first glance.
  • Aliexpress. It is not only a trading platform, but also acts as a guarantor between the seller and the buyer at the conclusion of transactions. This means that when the user introduces the details of its bank card and pays for the purchase, its bank details come not directly to the seller, whom he buys the goods, and to the administration of the trading platform.
  • Aliexpress. It is the largest company in the field of trade and if the client data is leaked, it will be extremely negatively affecting the company's reputation that they do not need completely. It follows from this that the Aliexpress administration is very scrupulous in the security issue. All data of the clients of the trading platform reliably protected by VeriSign SLL encryptionso worried about the fact that they will not be intercepted by attackers.
  • Of all the above, it can be concluded that payments for purchases using a bank card on the trading platform Aliexpress. It is absolutely safe and this is true, except in cases where users because of their own inattention become victims of fraudsters.
Aliexpress Mission Fraudes

Aliexpress Mission Fraudes

Aliexpress Mission Fraudes

As mentioned above, the administration Aliexpress. It reliably protects the banking data of its customers, but there are several types of fraud, which can force the buyer to voluntarily inform the details of their bank card to attackers. Consider the two most common types:


Species of bank card fraud on Aliexpress: Phishing

Species of bank card fraud on Aliexpress: Phishing

The basis of this type of fraud is to force the user to switch to a specific web address and enter the bank card details on the site that opens. As a rule, such sites are single-page, but externally similar to official site Aliexpress. Also, the site's address itself may differ only on one letter, which the user may not notice. "Divorce" of this type occurs as follows:

  • The user receives a letter to his mailbox from the administration of the Aliexpress shopping area, which says that, in order to security, it is necessary to follow the link to the "official" site and enter / attach the details of its bank card. The link address is very similar to the official and the site itself looks like the Aliexpress website. The data introduced on this site instantly fall into the hands of attackers who will remove all the means at the same second.

IMPORTANT: you need to know that the administration of the trading platform Aliexpress. Never sends letters with such content! If you got a similar letter, we strongly recommend reporting the administration of the trading platform on official website.

  • Also, the phishing includes all sorts of viruses and Trojans, stealing passwords and other data from your computer.

Social engineering

Species of bank card fraud on Aliexpress: Social Engineering

Species of bank card fraud on Aliexpress: Social Engineering

This type of fraud is much easier and designed at all on naive people. But, unfortunately, such people in the world are enough, so it is still effective. Its basis also consists in transmitting data to intruders, but without switching over links to other sites. This happens as follows:

  • At the market Aliexpress. the user receives a private message from the seller who recently ordered the goods. It says that an error occurred and the goods cannot be delivered for some reason. Also in the letter, the seller reports that he is ready to return the money, but will make it exclusively directly in order not to spoil his reputation on Aliexpress, and asks to send him the data of the bank card. Including security code ( CVV.). The result is the same as in the case of phishing.

It is necessary to remember one simple rule that to translate funds from the card to the map it is not necessary to specify the security code ( CVV.). For this, only its number is enough.

  • So, if you got a similar message on the trading platform Aliexpress., immediately report this to the administration.
How to protect bank card data on Aliexpress?

How to protect bank card data on Aliexpress?

How to protect bank card data on Aliexpress?

Of all the most written above, we can conclude that the acquisition of data by attackers of a bank card is possible only because of the inattention and negligence relationship of the user itself. To this not happen, some simple rules should be followed:

  • Under no circumstances inform the details of their bank card to be extraneous personalities.
  • Enter the card data exclusively on official website Aliexpress and carefully check the address string. When you go to the site by reference from the letter to carefully read it. If the link in the letter will immediately go to the page with the filling of the data card, leave it.
  • Install on your computer or mobile device one of numerous antiviruses to avoid its infection with malicious programs.
  • Connect the SMS payment confirmation service to your card. This will protect your funds on the score, even if you enter data cards on a suspicious site.

Video: types of fraud with bank cards and how to avoid them?

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  • The very existence of Aliexpress in Russia is no longer legal, because The office does not have signs of a legal entity and is physically absent. The fraud scheme is as follows: the buyer is charged a prepayment, increases by a quarter and longer delivery time, originally calculated by day. Money scrolls, bringing Aliexpress's fabulous profits, because they seized them from the buyer absolutely free, for a long time, installed aliexpress unilaterally. To give the dynamics to the process of deception, buyers are reported to the track number, of course one on the uncountable number of goods paid for and must not be tracking. Next, the infinite waiting requirements are followed, and if you manage to open the dispute, you will not receive the return of your money, because The seller (if any) will present "proof" (mainly without it) - the screenshot of the computer screen, about the allegedly delivered parcel to the country of the buyer. And it does not matter that instead of Russia will indicate Latvia, Ukraine and any other countries. The solution is one thing - no refund. Spent in an empty communication time at least with electronic nerd, even with alive, you will not return money. All your attempts to change the situation are doomed in advance for failure, by modifying the pages of the site, with missing buttons and bookmarks and constant answers "The system is busy, try later" ... Oh, yes! It is possible to submit to the court to Aliexpress, only you need to cross the border and become a citizen of China.

  • I'll tell you about my experience ... At 11.11, there was a bunch of goods, but 4 orders were closed with a comment "After checking, this order was closed due to the violation of the Aliexpress rules." We promised to return the money in 20 days. At the end of November contacted operators. We promised to figure out. On the next day, messages arrive "Please complete the payment for order № ___". I write to operators again. Answer "Hello, dear buyer!
    You have addressed support for refunds for closed orders.
    We checked all the data and see that the funds for this order did not come. In this situation, we recommend that you contact Yandex to clarify information about finding your money. Most likely, they did not transfer funds to us.
    If they argue that the funds were sent to us, ask the official document about this and contact us again for further decision. " Vicious circle. But the money was debited. And please complete the payment came after my appeal ... It turns out my money appropriated operators ... or it is some kind of scam of Alik ... on the scale of the world a simple amount. My confidence aliekspress is undermined. I will try to no longer tie with him

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