Promotions in the online store Technolars: conditions, catalog of goods, prices. Where to see promotions and discounts in technology for today, now?

Published in Useful tips
Mar 10, 2017

An article on how to look at the catalog of goods for shares on how to order goods for shares in the Technolas store.

The stronger side of the store "Technila" There are numerous promotions beneficial to the buyer. The shares relate to the entire product catalog, starting from TVs, mobile devices, cameras and other things, ending with instruments for plumbing, garden equipment.


Promotions in the store "Technila"

The network of commercial points of the company is distributed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. In order to find out the addresses of stores where the shares are held, the catalog of auction goods are held, several simple steps should be taken.

Scheme of viewing information on the store website by cities


List of cities

  • choose a specific city
  • press the key "Stock" (Top Menu)
  • we view the page of the goods participating in the action

Page of goods participating in the action

  • activate the page of your favorite product by pressing the key "Learn more"
  • we collect the desired device in the search bar, for example "Smartphone"
  • we look through the catalog Smartphones, finding an icon "Promotion"

Product with the icon "Promotion"

  • we draw up goods on the site
  • indicate the method of receipt "Personal export" or "Pickup"
  • we come to the store for goods, draw up auction installment plan for goods at the checkout

You can view shares, finishing virtual pages, starting with the main page.


Promotions in the form of advertising on the main page of the store

What are the promotions?

  • discounts for Bosch washing machines, with an interest -free installments
  • samsung TVs by profitable installment plan
  • samsung microwave ovens offered at a reduced price
  • bonus discount 5% of the cost when ordering - online
  • special offers of shares of children's goods acting within a few days
  • promotion "Honest prices", as a result of which, the store offers to pay you the difference between the product "Technila" and the goods of the store - competitor
  • promotions for goods by icon "Promo code" up to 20 % price reduction and much more

Track the shares of the company by link here!

Do not forget that the store works even on holidays!

An example of buying a smartphone on a bonus discount


Smartphone with icon Promotion "

  • we activate a pop -up link "A gift for shopping 300 rubles", entering your email address into the line ( optional!)

Promotion "Gift for Shoping 300 rubles" at the request of the buyer

  • add the goods to the basket

Product for the action in the basket

  • press the key "Checkout"
  • we note the delivery as "Pickup"

We celebrate the "pickup" option

  • press the key again "Checkout"

We activate the "place an order" key

  • enter contact details into the application - execution


  • choose a convenient store address for the export of goods from the list


    Choosing a store address for personal export

  • choose a payment method
  • we look at the number of bonuses to enrollment
  • enter the card number for enrolling bonuses into the line

Choose a payment method, enter a credit card number to enroll gift bonuses for a discount

  • press the key "Complete the design"

Completion of the registration of goods by action

  • we take the goods in the store with dismantle

The scheme refers to buying a phone, smartphone, tablet, iPhone, household appliances for the promotion.

Any question can be resolved by telephone for customer support, 8 495 775 21 00. The telephone works around the clock, the call is free!
We talked about how to see the catalog of goods for shares on how to issue and buy goods, taking into account bonuses where to call in the case of questions.
Great shopping!

Video: Promotions in the Technosila store. " Advertising

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