8 reasons Install Cyanogenmod firmware on your smartphone

Published by B. Android
Nov 5 2016.

CyanogenMod is one of the most popular custom firmware for devices on the Android operating system. Why is that? Let's deal with. So, 8 reasons why you need to install CyanogenMod on your smartphone.

Not so long ago we wrote about most popular custom firmware For Android. Firmware Cyanogenmod. It took one of the leading places on our list. Thanks to her, you can improve the functionality of your gadget and make it more flexible settings. Therefore, if you have little standard features of Android, then pay attention to this firmware.

CyanogenMod more android than stock firmware

Probably, everyone who dealt with firmware, this statement will seem controversial. However, it is not. The thing is that most of the developers of smartphones are finalized android, the production of so-called branded shells.

For example, SAMSUNG TOUCHWIZ. or HTC Sense.. They visually and functionally went far from the "clean" android. Developers Cyanogenmod. It is very careful to the stock code android and, bringing changes and additions to it, do not deprive us the pristine type of this operating system.

Thanks to CyanogenMod, you can update even outdated devices

The new version of Android overlooks very often and often manufacturers of devices whose owner you are refuse to maintain it referring to the fact that it is outdated. Of course, you can try to install new version of android yourself.

But, such a way is bad in several criteria. Manufacturers do not in vain do not update your smartphone or tablet. Maybe the "iron" really outdated and the new version of the operating system on it will simply not work. Or maybe she is not necessary for you. New features may not be supported by your device at the physical level.

If installed Cyanogenmod.You can be sure that the developers of this firmware gathered in it all the innovations you need. Thanks to this firmware, you can maintain the functionality of your device, even if its manufacturer put a cross on it.

Optimal application management

Privacy Guard Cyanogenmod.

Privacy Guard Cyanogenmod.

Many users of devices under the operating system android do not like the fact that they do not always affect the spending applications of their gadget resources. IN Cyanogenmod. There is a special feature Privacy Guard. With it, you can independently "clean up" in your device and become its full-fledged owner. After all, with help Privacy Guard You can resolve access rights to one or another functions of the applications that you need.

Supervent management rights

About superuser rights and advantages of their use can be read in this article Our site. When installed Cyanogenmod. You do not have to rush your smartphone complex and often dangerous for a non-specialist ways.


You can change the appearance of your device interface using third-party launchers. But thanks Cyanogenmod. You can change the interface of the operating system at a deeper level than it makes third-party shells. Using this firmware, you can change the style of system applications, fonts, icons, sounds and animation.

Interface "Chips"

After installation Cyanogenmod. On your smartphone or tablet, it represents "clean" Android. But, using the settings, you can change the interface of your gadget beyond recognition. This firmware allows you to configure your device so that it was easier to work with it. You can change the settings of the status string, function and location of navigation and even physical buttons. And this list can be continued for a very long time.

One of the most useful firmware functions Cyanogenmod. It is the ability to change the brightness of the swipe screen by baar status.


Equalizer in CyanogenMod.

Equalizer in CyanogenMod.

A very high quality equalizer has already been built into this firmware. It is implemented using the application. DSP Manager. And help make the sound better. Each music audition amateur on his smartphone can increase or lower the volume, add bass or highlight a certain frequency. At the same time, the firmware equalizer Cyanogenmod. It contains ready-made presets with which you can "survive" from your mobile media center, the highest quality sound.


In the conclusion of this article, you must say about one useful function of this custom firmware - "Profiles". These are the settings that you can create for different situations and activate a pair of taps. We usually change the settings, going outside, being at work, in public transport. Using profiles, you can create settings for each of these cases and quickly switch between them.

Going out to the street, we turn off Wi-Fi and turn on the data transfer, change brightness, turn on battery savings. At home, we use other settings. In order not to spend time on the change of each setup, you can use different profiles. To do this, you need to configure once and then use constantly.

Cyanogenmod. This is a very popular custom firmware for android gadgets. It has many advantages over the standard android firmware. In this article we told only the most interesting. But, on this, their list does not end. Try this firmware in the case and tell about your feelings in the comments to this article.

Video. 8 reasons to install CyanogenMod | Knowledge base

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