"Vision +" - program of view for Android: tests, tips and workouts for the eyes

Published by B. Android
4 Nov 2016.

In people who often spend time at the computer, there is a high probability that their eyesight worsen until the moment when it is allocated by nature. Therefore, you need to maintain the health of your eyes. You can do this using the "Vision +" application.

This application consists of several tests that make it possible to identify eye problems at an early stage, training complexes for the restoration of vision and mass of useful tips from professional ophthalmologists. "Vision +" It has an understandable interface, thanks to which even a newcomer in working with mobile devices will understand the application.

Problems of view

Over time, vision is reduced. Usually after 40 years, hyperopia begins to develop.

Of course, today you can use the fruits of progress. Choose high-quality and stylish glasses or lenses. You can even consult a doctor and conduct vision correction with modern equipment.

But, if you follow the health of your eyes in youth and help them, these troubles can be avoided. And this can be done by downloading the application "Vision +".

"Vision +": application functions

When using this application, you can build a simple but efficient chain of supporting your eyes. With this program, it is necessary to carry out impact prevention (at least twice a year) and periodically conduct eye training. In addition, in the application "Vision +" You can get a lot of tips and find out interesting facts about eyes and eyesight.

Welcome screen in the appendix

Welcome screen in the appendix "Vision +"

In order for this app really helped, it is necessary to indicate its age, gender, race and possible problems with vision.

Entering data for a comfortable application with the application

Entering data for a comfortable application with the application

After these information, the application algorithms will develop a special program. With it, it is possible not only to prevent vision, but also solve some problems with eyes.

Eye Dust Correction Program

Eye Dust Correction Program

In the case of dry eyes algorithm application "Vision +" Suggested a training consisting of three parts. In the first part it was necessary to rub his hands and apply fingers to the eyelid eyelids. In the second part it was necessary to follow the figure, which moved across the screen. In the third part, it is necessary to look at the point in the center, and the late eyes see the shapes in the equidistant parts of the screen.

For the tasks and achievement of goals in the application "Vision +" Accrued points. With their help, you can open additional trainings. These points can also be obtained for unscheduled application use.

Sections of the Applications "Vision +"

application "Vision +" Consists of several sections:

  • Tests. With this section, you can identify eye health problems. Of course, these tests can not be used to form a diagnosis. But, it is possible to determine the problem and turn to a professional ophthalmologist on time.

Section "Tests" Applications "Vision +"

As you can see in this screenshot, using the section "Tests" You can determine violations of the field of view, myopia, hyperopia, visual sharpness, perception of color shades, eye nerve disease or astigmatism. There is also a test "Check glasses". Before the start of passing each of these tests, the program will tell the methodology for identifying the problem.

  • Trainings. With this section of the "Vision +" application, you can develop the weaknesses of your vision. At the moment, this section has 6 trainings. But it is reported that at the moment the developers of the application, together with professional ophthalmologists, create new trainings.

Section "Trainings" in Appendix "Vision +"

Unlike tests, there will be more time for the training of training.

  • Games. In this section, the creators of the application laid out games for prevention and recovery. Each game opens when the passage of the previous one passes.
Screen after passing the level of the game in the appendix

Screen after passing the level of the game in the appendix "Vision +"

  • Advice. In this section, the creators of "vision +" have included tips for preventing problems with eyes. Some of these tips know everything, others you can find out for the first time.
Council from the

Council from the "Vision +" application

  • Scientific section. In this section, you can learn information on methods that apply in this application, learn about eye diseases and vitamins that need to be eaten in order to improve your vision. Unfortunately, at the time of writing the article, this section was not translated into Russian, so everyone who does not own English, he will not be as interesting as might be.

"Scientific section" in Appendix "Vision +"

Also in this application there is a tape with tips from the doctor:

Tip from the doctor in Appendix

Tip from the doctor in Appendix "Vision +"

At the moment, not active sections of this application are:

  • "Recipes" (Some eye health recipes can be found in the total tape of tips)
  • "First aid"
  • "Anatomy"

These sections are in the development stage and may be at the time of reading this article will already be available.


application "Vision +" You can call one of the most necessary and practical applications for all smartphone owners based on the android operating system. Today it is impossible to imagine the life of a person without a computer, smartphone or TV.

Through the display of your device, we get the information we need, communicate with friends and having fun. But, all these actions strongly strain their eyes. Because of what they get tired quickly, and the vision worsens.

application "Vision +" It will help to prevent problems with eyes, as well as restore the "fallen" vision. The application has a very stylish design and a comfortable interface. Find 10-15 minutes a day for this application can each. It can be used even on the way to work or to the institute.

You can download this application from the official catalog Google Play Market. or from this application www.eyeexamtest.com.

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