Yandex.Disk: how to download for free and install android and iPhone on your phone? How to use the Yandex.Disk program for Android and iPhone?

Published by B. Useful advice
Apr 1, 2017.

With the help of modern smartphones, we can create beautiful photos, view video and listen to music in high quality. All this requires a large enough space for files in the memory of mobile devices. In order to save it, you can upload files not to your smartphone or tablet, but on a dedicated server. And then, using the technology of "cloud" calculations, access them from various devices. One of these cloud storages is Yandex.Disk. We will tell you about how to use it in this article.

What is Yandex.Disk

The above way to use cloud services is only a small part of opening opportunities. But even enough for her to understand all the prospects for the development of this technology. Today, almost all major Internet companies enjoy cloud technologies. As for simple users, we use "Clouds" When watching video YouTube., communication in social networks like Facebook., view pictures in Instagram. and work with mail in Gmail.. And thanks to modern technologies, each of us can get a cloud disk for free. That is, the storage location is out of your devices. A lot of leading companies are offered such a service: Google, Microsoft. and many others. The cloudy location for storing data from the leading Russian search engine is called Yandex.Disk.

This service allows you to save on remote servers of the company Yandex. Files from any device: home PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone. And then work with them anywhere, where there is access to the Internet. You can create a playlist from your favorite songs using a computer, and then listen to them with your smartphone while driving to work or study. Love your mobile photo, but there are not enough places on your smartphone? Configure synchronization with Yandex.Disc and keep your photos and videos on it.



The convenience of any cloud repository is that you can start working with files in one place (at work or in an educational institution), and continue in another (at home). And vice versa. The main thing is that on all devices where you want to have access to your Yandex.Disc files was installed a special application. If it is not, you will have to use the web version of this service. And this is not so comfortable. Especially if a smartphone or tablet is used for this.

How to download for free and install android and iPhone on your phone?

Like all applications for mobile operating systems Android and iOS. (Operating system used on smartphones and tablets Apple), Yandex.Disk can be downloaded in the official directors of applications: Play Market. and App Store..

If you use a mobile device on Android, then go to Play Market. And type the name application in the search bar of this site: Yandex.Disk. After you click the Search button, the algorithms of this catalog will be taken away for you similar applications. The first on this list will be needed to us Yandex.Disk. But, pay attention to those applications that Play Market selection selected your request. These are similar services of cloud storage of files from other popular Internet companies.

Play Market.

Play Market.

Installed "Yandex.Disk" is very simple. It is enough to click on the appropriate button in the application card:



Yandex.Disk application for iPhones and iPadov can be found in the official application directory Apple. The application is installed in the same way as the installation on the device under Android.

App App Store page

App App Store page

Also download and install Yandex.Disk application on a special page Yandex. Here you can download attachment For smartphones Android and iOS.

App for smartphones

App for smartphones

and tablets on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Application for tablets

Application for tablets

If you have a mailbox from the service Yandex.In order to access the cloud storage of this service, it is sufficient to log in with the login and password from the mail. If you are not registered in Yandex services, you have to go through a simple registration procedure. She will not take much time.

How many gigabytes in Yandexdisk for free?

After registering in the Yandex.Disk system, a new user is available 10 GB of space (9.92 GB in fact) under the files. But you can buy the necessary gigabytes. At the moment, three tariffs act in this cloud storage from Yandex:

d 7

In addition, periodically, the Yandex team suits various promotions with which you can increase the amount of your cloud storage of files. For example, users of smartphones and tablets on Yandex.kit. Given 50 GB, and buyers of ultrabooks Samsung Not so long ago, 250 GB Yandex.Disk was given. Moreover, this place under the files remains for the user forever.

If you compare the amount of free space for files for new users, then Yandes.Disk is not a favorite. IN Google Drive. New users are given - 15GB, in [email protected]. - 16 GB, and in popular New Zealand service Mega. and at all 50 GB.

How to use Yandex.Dist?

So you installed and registered in the service. Now you can start using an additional place under the files for free. You can also install this application to your home PC and transfer the files to the Yandex.Disk folder to which you want to enjoy on a smartphone or tablet. If you want to download files to the disk, open the folder to which you want to place the files and click on the icon «+» In a yellow circle. In the conductor that opens, find the files you need and download them. In addition, using the button «+» You can open the camera. Shot with its help will be immediately on your Yandex.Disk.

If you need to download files from the "cloud" in the phone's memory, they need to be highlighted and press the button. "Download". After that, the application will ask to specify the place where the file needs to be downloaded.

Download files

Download files

Cloudy data warehouse "Yandex.Disk" allows you to open access to your files or folders for your friends. To do this, you need to mark files or folders and click the button. "Share". You can send a link to files through the message, Bluetooth, WiFi., email or other services.


Share file

IMPORTANT: If you do not remember, what files and folders shared, then you can find it on the page "Links"

Using the "Magnifier" button you can find the file saved in 222"Yandes.Disk" by name (searches only in the active folder), and using the button you can configure the sorting of files.

Many people use the cloudy storage from Yandex to start photos from their standard application "Gallery". It is very convenient if your mobile device does not boast a large amount of integrated memory. Setting up the photo startup appears immediately after the first application to the application.


Startup photo and video

In order not to spend money of the mobile Internet, select the autoload only Wi-Fi.

All photos and video files of your mobile device will automatically boot into the folder. "Camera" Your Yandex.Disc. You can not only view them on various devices, but also edit. Yandex.Disk has its own photo editor.

This cloud service allows you to work with files in both online and offline mode. Those files you want to use even when there is no Internet connections can be added to the "Offline" section.

To do this 444you can use this icon. And in the list of files they will be marked by the "airplane".


Access to files without internet connection

Important: If you want to clear the "Offline" section, you need to do in the Web version of Yandes. Discussion. If you use a mobile version for this, then the files are deleted only on the device.

Offline mode

Offline mode

In addition to the above-described capabilities, Yandex.Disk means you can change the brightness, sharpness and contrast of photos. You can also apply filters and effects to them. The editor is called from the list of files or image view mode. Press the button "Edit"you can change your photo and then press the button "Made" and save changes.


Built-in editor

Pros and cons of Yandex.Disk

Advantages of Yandex.Disc:

  • If you use Yandex, then the cloud storage is integrated into all services of this company. What, very convenient.
  • Ability to open access to other users
  • Working with files from all possible devices that have Internet access
  • Built-in photo editor and audibeer
  • Synchronization with camera cameras
  • Ability to work with files, even in the absence of an Internet connection

Disadvantages of Yandex.Disk:

  • Little "free" place
  • There is no sharing file editing, like Google or [email protected]
  • No file change history

Video. Why do you need Yandex.Disk and how to use it?

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