Delivery terms in M.Video. M.Video - Delivery: Price, phone delivery service

Published by B. M Video
20 Jan 2017.

Article on cost, variants and conditions of delivery on M. Video.

The delivery of goods is of great importance in the order circuit on the Internet. Score M Video It has great opportunities in this matter.


Delivery of goods on M.Video


  • shipment at any point of the country.
  • feeding goods in the time interval: from 7 am to 23 pm.
  • flexible payment scheme.
  • options: Emergency, Standard Delivery.
  • the possibility of transporting large and small equipment.

Shipping cost and Search by region

Delivery cost varies depending on the region. Search for your region is possible by site. M Video. To find your region or city, the following is required:

  • go to the site link

the main page of the site

  • press the key at the top of the main page, finding your city.

City selection on site

  • press the key "Addresses of stores"For information on shopping located in your area.


    Choice of shops in your city or region

  • click option "Delivery"To familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions.

Options for choosing a city, shop addresses, conditions and cost of delivery

Check the price and free delivery option, you can on the appropriate page of the site. here

Delivery options

  • Standard version number 1. Order the goods today from 12-00 to 20 - 00 pm, get the goods tomorrow.
  • Standard option number 2. Make an order today after 20-00, receive the goods in the following days.
  • Urgent option. Order a purchase today up to 12 - 00, get on the same day.

Where to find out information on delivery?

  • on the site footman
  • by phone help (495) 777-777-5.
  • in the Customer Support Center 8-495-777-777-5.
  • from sellers in any store M Video.
  • in social networks: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram.

M Video Carefully applies to customers, providing convenient options for ordering, shopping and delivering the selected device.

Video: Advertising from M. Video

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  • And how to buy with delivery showcase / last product? In addition to the option to go to another city and take no options for options?

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