Universal charging for batteries "Frog": how to use?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice / Smartphones
24 Oct 2016.

In this article, you will learn about how to use and where to buy a universal charger "Frog".

Today, universal chargers for lithium batteries are sold at almost every trading point specializing in the sale of mobile gadgets.

Depending on the manufacturer's company "Frogs" May differ in size, form, quality of plastic of the case, and, accordingly, at a price, but the principle of operation in all similar charging devices is the same.

What is the Universal Charger "Frog"?


"Frog" It is customary to call a universal charger with which you can restore the charge of almost any lithium battery from a cell phone, smartphone or tablet.

What are the "Frog" charger?

The device is divided into several types Depending on how the sources of electricity it works.

The most popular frogs are adapted to the usual home outlet with a voltage of 220 volts, there is automotive "Frogs"The only 12 volts are enough for work, and there are devices that work via USB (5 volts).

Decoding the designation of the device

On any "Frogs" There is a polarity change button "TE" and a number of light bulbs reflecting the charging process:

  • "FULL" - When this light lights up, it means the element is fully charged and it can be removed from the device.
  • "Charge" - The indicator lights up when the battery begins to charge and burns throughout the charging process.
  • "POWER" - The indicator lights up immediately after connecting to the source of energy.
  • "CON" - The indicator lights up green if you correctly connected the battery, red, if incorrect. In this case, you need to change the polarity with the "TE" button.

How to use a "frog" charging?

It is worth notingWhat to use universal charging "Frog" as easy as pie.

Therefore, in order to understand how to use it, you just need to adhere to our instructions:

  • Hold the battery in the device so that the charges of the charger coincide with the battery contacts.
  • When, if the battery has more than 2 contacts, Use 2 most extreme.
  • If you incorrectly determined polarity indicator "CON" lights up red, then you need to change the polarity so that this indicator becomes green.
  • Turn on "Frog»In the outlet.
  • Immediately after that on the device 2 more indicators "POWER" and "CHARGE".
  • As soon as charging will be completed light bulb "Charge" will go out, and instead will hesitate "FULL".
  • Everything. Now you have to remove the battery element from the charger and insert back to the mobile device.

Possible difficulties when using the "Frog" charging

  • If indicator "CON" After connecting the battery, it remains inactive, most likely the battery is very designed and it takes for some time for "Rask".
  • In this case, skip the polarity definition step and just stick the universal charger into the network.
  • If the polarity is correct minutes after five indicator "Charge" It will be active, otherwise change polarity.
  • If after you stuck the charger in the outlet on it immediately tanned indicators "POWER" and "FULL"So you poorly installed an element in the device, try consolidating it more reliable.

Full charge time depending on the tank
1000 mAh. - up to 5 hours
800 mAh. - up to 4 hours
500 mAh. up to 2.5 hours

How to use the "frog": Tips

Remember! You can charge this charger only lithium type batteries, any other batteries after such charging will fail.

So, if you need to urgently charge the phone, a tablet or a camera, and there was no original charge nearby:

  • Remove the battery from the mobile device housing
    Make sure that the battery element has lithium-ion type.
  • Connect it to a universal charger.
  • Insert the charger into the outlet.

Well, today we solved all the questions regarding the universal charger "Frog", and also learned how to purchase it.

Video: How to charge the battery using the "Frog" charging?

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