Smart glasses on Aliexpress: review, catalog, price, reviews

Published by B. Aliexpress
25 Dec 2016.

Today, smart glasses are becoming increasingly popular. Let's talk, what glasses can be found on Aliexpress.

Smart glasses every day are becoming increasingly popular. It will take a couple of years and every third will walk down the street with such a gadget. It is considered a device with a carriage or a natch. Along with them, smart hours are still popular today.

Manufacturers represent their own models with a variety of cost. You can meet the biggest selection on Aliexpress.

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Catalog of smart glasses on Aliexpress

Accessories catalog on Aliexpress Amazes his diversity. How is it not lost and choose what you really like?

  • First of all, think about the cost. Smart glasses themselves have low cost, so prices will fall and significantly.
  • Next, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device. Choose those that will have a good functionality, but at the same time much cheaper than advanced brands.
  • Pay attention to the implementation of intelligent points. On some, there is a remote touchpad, other it is built into points. Some models support 3D, and some possess only the display projector. There are many nuances here.
  • See not for what the device is intended for, but focus on your country and language. The same Google Glass. allow you to give voice commands, but the very first versions understand them only in English.

When choosing smart points, you will definitely pay attention to all the nuances and then you will receive such a device that you dreamed about, and for little money.

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How to order and buy glasses to watch video for Aliexpress?

Video glasses on aliexpress

Video glasses on aliexpress

The video users allow you to enjoy your favorite films with great convenience. Picture They give the same quality, like a TV with a large screen. And they have a lot better sound. How is this possible? All simple!

When you wear such glasses, then you are equipped with a large screen, which is 1.5-2 meters away. The virtual TV screen will respond to the turns of your head and always be in front of you. Do not forget to wear special headphones if you want to get high-quality sound.

Portable video player or iPod connected to the video player. You can run the movie and enjoy watching!

You can use glasses everywhere - in the train, plane and expectations halls. If you or relatives are often on the road, then you are just knowing that on the road without entertainment is boring.

You can watch any video - your favorite movie, simple rollers and podcasts. They allow you to view even the photo. The glasses take video signals from different sources - DVD and CD players, iPod, laptops, Zune, Archos, cameras, camcorders and video recorders.

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Reviews about video walls on Aliexpress

Maxim: All perfectly! The parcel went about 20 days. Lenses and fastenings are whole and hold reliably. I did not find the shortcomings. I put five points!

Savely: Delivery was very pleased! Only 10 days. Unfortunately, I got not very high quality goods. The lenses are not fixed, I follow the deviation and it is completely uncomfortable. You have to constantly carry out the focus attachment.

Artem: I really liked the glasses. This is the second of my purchase, but unlike the first one in the kit did not turn out the control panel. But in principle, it is possible to buy a spock right there on the site.

Video: video glasses with Aliexpress

How to order and buy virtual reality glasses on Aliexpress?

Virtual reality glasses

Virtual reality glasses

Today, the virtual reality is becoming more and more popular, helmets and glasses have become much easier, and the images are brighter and clearer. In addition, now the glasses of virtual reality can buy everyone.

Virtual reality glasses are wearable with the display, which follows the turns of the head, so that the image is always in front of the eyes. This allows you to use a device for games with immersion and panoramic video - movies showing the picture around, so you can look around as in life.

The cheapest is the option that is used with a smartphone in a bundle. The variants are set - from the simplest cardboard, to the trusted and multifunctional.

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Reviews of virtual reality glasses on Aliexpress

Alexander: On average, delivery time amounted to 20 days. According to its quality, glasses are the money that I paid. During transport, the box was very damaged. Of course, there was only one layer of poultry. Although points were not damaged, which is already happy. In general, everything works well, and the seller generous - put a gift. So I put five!

Sergey: Price and quality fully match. In general, well shown. They reached quickly - less than two weeks. The box is remembered, but the points are whole. In general, I am satisfied, and I wish to make boxes to make the box.

Boris: Great product. Although in the mail the box was very frozen. Recommend!

Video: Overview: Chinese virtual reality glasses (Aliexpress)

How to choose and buy glasses with bluetooth on Aliexpress?

Glasses with Bluetooth on Aliexpress

Glasses with Bluetooth on Aliexpress

A new solution for old video things are glasses with a function. Bluetooth. What advantages have such accessories?

  • Lack of wires - you will not have to wear anything on your neck and hide.
  • The microphone is sensitive, as it is located directly in the rim.
  • The micro-handset works better, as the antenna is not located on the neck, like the pendants in the form of a coulon used earlier, and on the handmade glasses near the ear.
  • In general, the device began to look natural, unlike a Bluetooth adapter with an antenna on the neck.
  • Devices are not too striking, they look like simple glasses.
  • The gaps are built in the battery, which has the same capacity as a simple Bluetooth headset. The indicator and control key are located inside the arrangement and are well disguised. By the way, the glasses are charged both from the network and via USB.

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Reviews of glasses with bluetooth on Aliexpress

Yuri: Before me, the parcel went about two weeks. With the seller did not have to communicate. The sound is not very loud, a little scrolls. The glasses are sitting uncomfortable, I would like the arms to be a little shorter. It is worth your money. The view is good. There is no Russian language in the manual, so I had to search on the Internet.

Igor: The order came quickly in high-quality packaging. Points work perfectly, but sometimes, however, the sound is interrupted.

Denis: Everything works well. I would like the arms to be more flexible. But everything else suits me.

Video: Bluetooth glasses with Aliexpress

How to order and buy glasses with a camera for Aliexpress?

Glasses with video camera on AlExpress

Glasses with video camera on AlExpress

For some reason, it is believed that glasses having a built-in camera - nothing like a toy without serious practical application. And after all, many buyers acquire it exclusively of interest to just coat. Nevertheless, the device can sometimes be very useful.

For example, you need to urgently make a photo, but for now you will get the phone, the moment will be missed. In this case, the glasses will be indispensable. They take a picture of everything you see.

Another good advantage is that the device does not occupy hands.

Moreover, glasses can act as a video recorder. The recorded video will help to figure it out on whose side is true.

Of course, when the gadgets become very popular, then it may be hidden to use them no longer work, but at the moment they are the best witnesses.

From the disadvantages of such devices, a low battery capacity is highlighted, so there is enough device to maximize for a couple of hours of active work. Therefore, it is better to buy an additional external battery and charge glasses when it is so necessary. It is also worth mentioning the limited optical system and a low-power processor. Yes, and the video quality is noticeably worse than the usual camcorder.

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Reviews of glasses with a camcorder on Aliexpress

Fedor: The product is excellent, came in good condition in reliable packaging. Points are fully workable, comply with the description. Many thanks!

Valery: Cool glasses! Everything works fine. They are comfortable on the head. Parcel came for 21 days, packaging reliable.

Edward: The glasses came quickly. In principle, not bad. It is worth your money. When checking it turned out that the sound is quiet and the recording of times is interrupted.

Video: Overview Glasses with chamber from China Spy glasses


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