Twitter and security: how not to get caught on scammers in a popular social network

Published by B. Mobile Internet
18 Sep 2016.

Twitter One of the most popular social networks. Accounts on this service of short messages have all the well-known and famous people of our planet. After all, with the help of Twitter, you can very quickly convey to your subscribers any idea, share the idea and simply talk about what you are interested.

The problem of hijacking accounts on Twitter is quite relevant. At specialized hacker sites, thousands of stolen accounts are periodically exhibited. And if you do not want your account to be among them, the following tips will help you with this.

Account Protection Tips

Tip # 1. Sophisticated reliable password. Probably, everything was already laughing at the password from Twitter creator Facebook brand Zuckerberg. One of the richest people in this world had a dadada password. And okay, if only an account on Twitter was hijacked because of it. So no, hackers were able to learn from these accounts and other information that helped them hack the brand page in LinkedIn.

The more complicated the password, the safest use of the account. Of course, it will not be completely able to secure from hacking your page, but it will still be able to complicate the life of hackers. This, by the way, is fair not only for accounts of social networks, but also from other personal data on the network. Especially for online banking, etc.

Board # 2. Fuck Phishing. Do you think hackers crack your accounts using your password selection? This happens in rare cases. Most often, they are "asking" you to give it easier way. For example, with phishing. The fraudster sends you a letter supposedly from Twitter, which says you need to change the password. You do it and your account goes to a fraudster.



If you have not requested a password change, never change it after such a letter. And always see the address of the letters. After all, fraudsters can easily fake a visual type of letter. But, the address, no.

Board # 3. Use antivirus with a relevant base. Most viruses do not slow down the device from which you go to the network and do not show ourselves. But, infected programs send their owners about the device. And often an entered set of characters can also become accessible to fraudsters. What will allow them to use it in various situations. And the hijacking account in Twitter is just one of these situations.

Board # 4. Do not go to your accounts through someone else's tablet, smartphone or computer. Your friends or acquaintances may not take advantage of the fact that you went through their device into your account. But if their gadget is infected? Then your account is in danger.

Board # 5. Hide your tweets from outsiders. If you do not chase the fooles and lead your microblogger only for friends, then it is best to close the account from foreign ones. This will significantly increase its safety.

Board # 6. Confirmation code at the entrance to Twitter. In the account settings, you can put a tick: "Require a confirmation code when I enter Twitter." This feature will allow you to enter your account only after entering the code from SMS. This code system will send to your phone, which will help increase the security of the account. An attacker will have to not only find out the password, but also get your phone to enter the account.

Twitter in the smartphone

Twitter in the smartphone

Board # 7. Close access applications that do not use. According to statistics, we most often use twitter and other social networks using mobile devices. For this there is a lot of applications. And if you suddenly want to use one of them, do not forget to close access through the twitter settings. You can do this on this page.

Customer protection Twitter of your child

Twitter is so popular social network that even children enjoy it. And in order to protect your child from troubles that can tide it on the network, use the following scheme of action.

We go to the Twitter settings and go to the Safety and Privacy section. We already wrote about security. Choose:

  1. "Confirm the input request" and enter the child's phone number
  2. "Request personal information to change the password"
  3. "Always request a password when entering my account"
  4. Now go to the Privacy section. And choose "To prohibit celebrating me in the photo." It will not allow you to put tags to the photos of your child.

Also be sure to disconnect the display of the location. This will not allow attackers through Twitter to know where your child is. To do this, click the "Delete location information" button.

Girl with smartphone

Girl with smartphone

Also remove the checkboxes from the points:

"Availability". Close the possibility of an attacker to find a child by email or phone number.

"Individualization". If the child uses twitter through the computer, then when removing the tick from this point, advertising is not shown, based on the content of the latest visited sites. This is especially necessary to do if not only children are used by the device, but also adults.

"Advertising". The reason see above.

also in "Twitter for groups" Select "Only users I read can add me to your teams". It will give your child to communicate on the social network, but will prevent invitation to unwanted groups.

You also need to leave empty the last item of this section of the settings. He is responsible for receiving personal messages from people with whom your child is unfamiliar.

Save the settings and leave the account.

Of course, the above tips and settings will not help 100% to secure your account (and the account of your children) from hacking. But you will essentially prevent this to make attackers. And if your account does not provide much interest for them, most likely they will not touch him.

Video. How to remove obsessive twittes after hacking Twitter on your page?

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