Top 5 best application translators for phone and tablet Android: Browse, description, download. Best Offline, voice, without internet, free, Russian-English translator for phone and tablet Android: how to download, install?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice
30 Apr 2017.

Overview of the five best offline translators for devices with the Android operating system.

In the 21st century, mobile applications came to replace print dictionaries and phrasebooks. Due to the possibility of free international communication on the network and not only, they are in great demand among mobile devices with the Android operating system and not only. And if earlier such applications were issued with a disorderly set of words, then their modern versions have learned to translate and intelligently formulate suggestions. In addition, many of them have the function of voice input and operate in an offline mode, which is why they can be extremely useful in traveling around the world.

We present to your attention the top 5 translators applications for smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system, which, in our personal opinion, are the best in their own way.

Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Google Translator

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Google Translator

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Google Translator

  • The best of the best applications for translation, of course, is a translator from a well-known search engine Google. Number of downloads of this application in the store Play Market. exceeds the mark of 100 million, which already has a lot about his quality. Such popularity is largely related to the convenience of using it, a wide range of built-in tools and the number of languages \u200b\u200bavailable to translate.
  • Besides text and voice input, Google translator It has a unique opportunity to recognize and translate handwritten text and text from pictures. For example, if you went to travel to another country and saw a sign with an incomprehensible name, you can take a picture of the inscription, and the application will transfer it to you.
Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Google Translator

Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Google Translator

  • As for the interface, it is performed as simple as possible and convenient. On the main page of the application there is a text input field, a menu with a selection of languages, Icons for voice entering and shooting photos. Total for translation online available 103 Languages, and on offline 53. However, the application is constantly updated, and developers with each update add new languages \u200b\u200bto the application.
  • Everything else should add that the application has a fairly wide set of settings. Users can set the necessary pairs of languages \u200b\u200bfor quick text and voice translating. For example, Anglo-Russian and Russian-English. Also in the settings you can remove censorship and download packets of languages \u200b\u200bto use them offline mode.

Download the "Google Translator" app for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system

Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Yandex. Transfer

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Yandex. Transfer

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Yandex. Transfer

  • The second on our list is the translator from the search engine Yandex.. In some aspects, he surpasses his direct competitor from Google, but since it is mostly used by a Russian-speaking audience, the amount of its downloads in the store Play Market. much lower.
  • Interface Yandex.Prevel Withstand all minimalism standards. On the main page there are exclusively fields for text and multiple icons for voice input, photos and language selection menu. Color range of applications is no different from other developments Yandex And it is impossible to change it.
Figure 2. Top 5 Applications Translators for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Yandex. Transfer

Figure 2. Top 5 Applications Translators for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Yandex. Transfer

  • As for the functionality, then, as already mentioned, Yandex translator It is very similar to Google, except that there is no possibility of recognizing the handwriting handwriting. Also recognizing text from pictures available only on 13 languages. Total application supports 94 LanguagesBut, unlike Google, all of them are available in the offline mode.
  • It is also worth emphasizing that the application focuses on Russian and produces very correct Russian-British and English-Russian translations. Aside, there are no languages \u200b\u200bas German, Italian, Spanish, French and many others. Developers Yandex translator He took over the best of their competitors and skillfully used it in their application.

Download the Yandex. Transfer application for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system

Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Promt Offline

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Promt Offline

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Promt Offline

  • In third place is a pretty popular translator Promt offlinewhich was developed more than ten years ago to work on stationary computers. At that time, he translated the vague texts, but over time it was finalized and optimized for mobile platforms.
  • Externally, it is very similar to other applications of this kind. On the main page there are fields of input and output text, icons for voice input and snapshots and a language panel selection panel. Ability to change its color gamut is not provided.
Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Promt Offline

Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Promt Offline

  • A distinctive feature Promt. Is the ability to select thematic translation directions. Among them are medicine, business, travel and much more. Depending on the subject chosen the result, the translation may be slightly different. In addition, in the very name of the translator there is a word " Offline"What does it mean that it is able to fully function without connecting to the Internet. However, for the offline version will have to pay some amount of money.
  • In the same rest, the application is not very inferior to translators from Google and Yandex. Supports more 70 languages And it is difficult to reproach it in the poor quality of the translation. The only drawback is a paid offline version.

Download the Promt Offline application for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system

Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Microsoft Translator

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators applications for smartphones and Android tablets: Microsoft Translator

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators applications for smartphones and Android tablets: Microsoft Translator

  • The fourth place is occupied by the development of the famous company Microsoft.. The translator is significantly different from its competitors both externally and according to the functionality. Developers from Microsoft. I tried to create something new and unique, and it was definitely possible. The main page of the application is fundamentally different from the same google and is a control panel on which the icons of voice and text input are located, the history of translations, cameras and a phrasebook. Looks like a panel very pretty and use it quite convenient.
  • Microsoft Translator. It has similar to Google and Yandex function. It presents voice and text waters, text recognition from the photo, the ability to transfers in the offline mode by downloading language packages. However, compared to Google or Yandex, the volume of packages are quite large.
Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Microsoft Translator

Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Microsoft Translator

  • The application is also distinguished by incredibly qualitative translation and is inferior to its main competitors only by the number of available languages \u200b\u200b( 60 pieces) and the absence of recognition of the text written from the hand. There is a real-time translation mode, which makes it easier to communicate with foreigners. In addition, the application is easy to copy texts from other programs and browsers through the clipboard.

Download Microsoft Translator application for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system

Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Recomendado

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Recomendado

Figure 1. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Recomendado

  • Completes our rating list compact translator Rechendado.. Externally, it is practically similar to its competitors, but his big icons on the control panel strongly cuts his eyes. Its main screen is also performed as standard, has a field of entering and outputting text, the voice input icon and the language pair selection panel.
  • The application has a voice input and voice acting input and displayed text. Also through it it is convenient to share translated texts in social networks. True for this requires a permanent connection to the Internet. Rechendado. Supports more 60 languagesHowever, in the offline mode, you can only use one language pack. For the rest, a permanent connection to the network is required.
Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Recomendado

Figure 2. Top 5 Translators Applications for Smartphones and Android Tablets: Recomendado

  • One of the main deficiencies of the application is an obsessive advertising, which then flashes at the bottom of the display, and at times it opens and on the entire screen. It is impossible to get rid of it even for certain money. Also, the quality of translation leaves much to be desired. Many slang expressions, names of their own and the usual words that are not in the dictionary, the application leaves without translation. In this regard, to name this application is one of the best difficult, but if you need a compact translator that does not occupy a lot of space on your device, then Rechendado. It is quite suitable.

Download the application "Rechendado" for smartphones and tablets with an Android operating system

How to download and install the Yandex. Transfer application on your smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

Owners of smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system are used to downloading and installing various content directly through the application Play Market.. However, many still do not even suspect that in Android, it is possible to install any application on a mobile device remotely. Let's try to install the application to your smartphone " Yandex translator"Through a computer. To do this, do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Navigate to the official page of the application in Google Play. by of this link. In the upper right corner, click " To come in"And enter a login and password of your account Google To log in to the account and click " Further».
Figure 1. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

Figure 1. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

  • Step 2.. After entering the account on the Application page " Yandex translator»In the same way as in the application Play Market., click " Set" Previously make sure that there is an inscription " The application is compatible with your device.».
Figure 2. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

Figure 2. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

  • Step 3.. A small window will open with brief information about the application and its requests. At the top you need to select a mobile device that is connected to your account. Google, after which you need to re-press the button " Set».
Figure 3. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

Figure 3. How to download and install Yandex. Transfer application on a smartphone or tablet via a computer from the official Google Play site?

  • Step 4.. After that, the remote download of the application to your smartphone or tablet will begin. In the event that it is currently turned off at the moment, the download will start as soon as you turn it on and join the Internet.

Video: Offline Translator for Android

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