Top 10 best webcams on Aliexpress: review, characteristics, references to the directory with the price, photo. How to choose a webcam on AlExpress: Tips

Published by B. Aliexpress
Oct 31 2017.

A brief overview of the 10 most purchased webcams on the trading platform " Aliexpress»And links to directories.

Due to the worshive popularity of video blogs and video communication via the Internet, almost all modern smartphones, tablets and laptops, as well as some monitors for stationary computers have been equipped with webcams. However, often the quality of their shooting leaves much to be desired.

Embedded webcams often slow down, have a bad zoom, a fuzzy picture and a small resolution. Therefore, users still prefer to use external devices for more comfortable communication in videosities and to record rollers.


Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

The problem is that a good webcam is worth not small money and some people she just do not afford. This problem will help solve the trading platform " Aliexpress"Which offers a wide range of webcams and other goods at low prices. In this article, you will find a list of Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress.

Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

  • Number of megapixels - This is one of the most important parameters to be paid to your attention when choosing a webcam. The pixel is a point on the screen that contains the image elements. The more pixels are contained in the image, the more clear it becomes.
    For example, a resolution image 800×600 will be smaller, blurred and with obviously visible pixels, while the image 1920×1080 It will contain more pixels and will look beautiful and natural.
Image 1. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

Image 1. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

  • Camera matrix Also plays an unimportant role and is also measured in pixels. Camera with a matrix 10MP will be better than a camera with a matrix 5MP. At the moment there are two types of matrix: CMOS. and CCD.. If you need a camera to communicate with friends and loved ones, then for these purposes it will be perfect CMOS.. Cameras with this matrix relatively inexpensive, but less high-quality.
    In the event that you need a professional camera that gives an image of perfect quality, you should stop your choice on the model with the matrix CCD.. If you are not going to shoot your professional online show, it is better to stop in the first version, so as not to overpay in vain.
Image 2. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

Image 2. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

  • Webcam light sensitivity Another of the most important parameters. It determines the degree of sensitivity of the object, in which the webcam is capable of playing a picture of normal quality. However, it is worth noting that even a camera with a matrix CCD. With an insufficient number of light will give not a clear picture. Therefore, before starting work with any camera, you should take care of good lighting indoors.
Image 3. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

Image 3. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

  • FPS. (The number of frames per second) is also one of the key characteristics of the webcam. The most optimal option is considered 30 Personnels per second. If the value of this parameter below 30The video can begin to hang and slow down. Fortunately, almost all modern webcams have such a frame rate. Those that matter 40 FPS and higher, cost much more expensive, but have excellent video recording quality.
Image 4. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

Image 4. Selecting a webcam: What do you need to pay attention to when buying?

  • There are still many parameters for which you could also pay attention to: focus, interface, fastening, additional webcam capabilities, built-in lighting and so on. But they are not so important as those that were listed above.

Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress

On the Aliexpress There are quite a lot of webcam models, including professional.

However, we will not talk about what of them is better, but only we will give you a list of the most sought-after models on the trading platform, which received a lot of positive feedback from buyers.


Image 1. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 1. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with matrix CMOS. 12mp and resolution 1280×960 pixels. Its main feature is the ability to rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. There is a built-in microphone.
  • The camera connects to the computer via the USB port and has a mount that is ideal for thin monitors. Judging by customer reviews, has excellent image quality and is ideal for video conferencing in Skype.

View full characteristics 360 DEGREE Rotation USB Webcam and Aliexpress catalog


Image 2. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 2. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with CMOS matrix 12MP and resolution 1280×960 pixels. Equipped with a built-in microphone and night vision feature, which is activated by the built-in LED backlight.
  • The camera issues a clear image with sufficient light. At night, due to LEDs, the quality is significantly lower, however, it is enough for communication in video chats and Skype.

View full characteristics HD HIGH-DEFINITION 12.0 MP and Catalog for Aliexpress

3. S Skyee High Definition Webcamera

Image 3. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 3. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with CMOS matrix 10MP and resolution 640×480 pixels. In comparison with previous models, it gives a picture of a little lower quality, but its main advantage is the ability to scale the image (zoom).
  • The camera is connected via the USB port, has a built-in microphone and fastening, which can also serve as a desktop stand.

View full characteristics S Skyee High Definition Webcamera and Catalog for Aliexpress

4. KKMOON USB 2.0 Webcam

Image 4. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 4. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Simple webcam with CMOS matrix 10MP and resolution 640×480 pixels. She has no special functions, but it came to buyers to her soul design, small size and decent image quality.
  • There is a built-in microphone, connects via the USB port and is attached to the monitor or the laptop cover.

View full characteristics KKMOON USB 2.0 Webcam and Catalog for Aliexpress

5. ANC JIANYING 1080P HD Video Webcam

Image 5. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 5. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • High Resolution Webcam FullHD1920x1080. pixel 12mp. It has CMOS matrix And with good lighting creates an excellent picture. The only drawback is the lack of automatic focus.
  • There is a built-in microphone with a decent sound, connects via USB port, clipper fastening.

View full characteristics ANC Jianying 1080P HD Video Webcam and Catalog for Ali Spress

6. Tecknet C018.

Image 6. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 6. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Another webcam with FullHD-resolution 192 × 1080 12mm. In contrast to the previous device, this model has cCD matrixIn connection with which the image is performed magnificent. If you judge the reviews, then users who bought this camera remained very satisfied.
  • She has no more features. Standard Clipper-mount, built-in microphone, connection via USB port.

View full characteristics Tecknet C018 and catalog for Aliexpress


Image 7. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 7. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with resolution 1600×1200 Pixels I. CMOS matrix 12MP. Ideally works on all operating systems and devices, including televisions. Image quality, judging by customer reviews, very good. However, sometimes "brakes" are noticed due to the fact that FPS. Do not rise above 25.
  • There is a built-in microphone, clipper fastening, connects via USB port.

View full characteristics AONI ANC HD 720P and catalog for Aliexpress


Image 8. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 8. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with resolution FullHD 1920 × 1080 Pixels I. CMOS matrix 10MP. The only camera from our list that is not attached to the monitor, and is installed on the table on the bending stand. So, this device is intended exclusively for personal computers.
  • Another key feature is a separate microphone installed on the same stand. The sound quality from the microphone is high enough, but some users do not like the fact that the microphone has a separate wire and occupies an input port.
  • In general, the webcam is great for video conferencing and communication. Besides the microphone there is also a backlight for night use. Connection is carried out via USB port and included drivers with drivers.

View full characteristics CNSTIC HD and catalog for Aliexpress

9. Logitech C270.

Image 9. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 9. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Webcam with CMOS matrix 3MP and resolution 1024×768. Despite the fact that the matrix at the camera is relatively low, the image with normal light is performed quite acceptable. Supported by work on Windows 7.8 and 10.
  • The webcam is equipped with a built-in microphone, backlit, and also has autofocus. Connection is carried out via USB port.

View full characteristics Logitech C270 and Catalog for Aliexpress

10. Kebidu Webcam

Image 10. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

Image 10. Top 10 webcams with Aliexpress: brief overview and references to directories.

  • Closes our simple desktop webcam with matrix CMOS 5MP and resolution 640×480 pixels. The device has no built-in additions and special functions, but is in demand from buyers due to low prices and high-quality images. Connected via USB port.

View full characteristics Kebidu Webcam and Catalog for Aliexpress

Video: Only Sale Web Camera on

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