Tentacle Wars - the most original game from Play Market

Published by B. Android
18 Sep 2016.

The number of original puzzle games in Play Market does not exceed the amount of fingers that this tex is recruited. Three in a row, search for items, various labyrinths, connection of mechanisms, etc. Among all these time cleaners, the best game is undoubtedly the Tentacle Wars. This game deserves the highest award in the field of creative plot and involvement. Yes, and the gameplay is not inferior to the best games of the genre.

Tentacle Wars managed to conquer the recognition of hundreds of thousands of players in the AppStore. Now android devices can also play it.

Tentacle Wars is a simulator of the body's immune system. Do not know how your immunity is arranged? Not trouble, boldly download this game and comprehend the basics. Of course, it is primarily a logical game, and then the simulator. As a basis, the struggle of the body with alien cells is taken. To do this, our immune system has a whole set of antibodies. And with their help, he opposes infection and viruses.

For clarity, antibodies in Tentacle Wars are painted in green, and alien cells in red. In order for green cells to be able to cope with the Red Player, you will have to go to various tricks. And most importantly, you will have to use your gray substance and think about how to do it better. After all, it is important not only to cope with viruses, but also to do it before infected cells become healthy.


Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 1

Rules in Tentacle Wars are quite simple. They will be explained to you on the first rounds of this game. But it will be used to get used to them only when you manage to pass 5-6 levels. On a small screen of the playing field, you will be visible to your (green) cells, red enemy cells and neutral white cells. As you pass the game, you will have a new opponent (more perfect virus) will cope with which it will be harder than with red infected cells.

In order to neutralize an infected cage, it is necessary to subjend it with a special tentacle. But, the infected cell has exactly the same tentacles, and it can use an antibody cell or a healthy cell to infect cells. At the same time, the power of infected cells will increase, and they will be able to cope with the cell of immunity.

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 2

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 2

But, antibodies can also subordinate healthy cells. If you see that your cell's forces are missing, or her tentacle does not reach the infected cell, you can transfer your power to a healthy cell and to attack the infected. This is an interesting and entertainment process, as a result of which you exhaust energy from red cells and fill them with your own. After capturing a healthy cell, it begins to produce antibodies and also becomes on the protection of the body.

Actually, the whole point of the game is in the capture of cells. Initially, you need to "neutralize" a small amount of cells. But, gradually the developers of this game offer more complex tasks. Cells are greater. Before them can be reached through other cells. In addition, obstacles on the path of the supreets that need to be overcome are appear.

Manage your immune system in Tentacle Wars is very simple. You just need to specify the direction of the tentacle. And if you choose it, then you can pass the amount of substance to the desired cage, in order to subordinate it to yourself.

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 3

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 3

But, Tentacle Wars captivates not only with its unique gameplay. The guys from FDG Entertainment were able to supply this game to a stunning atmosphere. The developers themselves believe that in their creation it is easy to immerse yourself and it is difficult to break away from it. It is meaningless to argue with it. After all, this is true. But, you should not discount the application and design of the application. All together and allow you to call this game best of your kind.

As for minuses, they are a bit. Of course, as they say, even in a barrel of honey, there is a spoon of tar. In Tentacle Wars no dynamics. For those who do not like to play uniform, a little boring games, download the "War Sulfur" is not worth it. Sometimes, holding out the right chain, you have to wait quite a long time, while the cells get the necessary power and become healthy.

Yes, and for those who think that the Tentacle Wars will be able to go fast should not be seduced. Some levels are very complex. But you can always take advantage of the vaccine, which is instantly neutralized an infected cell.

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 4

Tentacle Wars Screenshot # 4

The described game is primarily a puzzle, which is perfect for the time to pass the time waiting for your turn in various institutions. Yes, and in transport with this game, you can get "faster" to the desired point.

Tentacle Wars 80 levels. In order to win in this microworld, it is necessary to accurately calculate and turn the attack of infected cells into your counterattack. Do not think that in this logical game you will miss a long time to think about the situation. No, here you need to think not so much right as fast. The most correct solution in Tentacle Wars must be accepted as quickly as possible.


  • Magnificent HD graphics
  • Excellent sound
  • Fascinating gameplay
  • Easy control
  • Sophisticated artificial opponent intelligence

One famous game critic called Tentacle Wars an audiovisual experiment. With this statement can not disagree. Very beautiful graphics and an enveloping ambient create an atmosphere, after entering which you do not want to return to the real world.


Download from Play Market

Video. Tentacle Wars (Propental War) on Android

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