MTS - "Haip" tariff: how to go, connect / disable, what is included, what is unlimited? MTS Tariff plan "Haip": conditions, full detailed description, price, reviews. MTS "Haip": Is it worth moving to this tariff plan?

Published by B. Useful advice
Feb 1, 2018.

The article will tell about the tariff "Haip" from MTS

So what is the tariff " Haip"From" MTS "? How to connect to it? How to disconnect if it does not cause much delight? Yes, and in general, is it worth moving on it in advance? We learn in this review.

Tariff plan "Haip" from MTS mobile operator: description, rates, reviews

Tariff plan " Haip»Guarantees users the following:

  • Unlimited free use of the most popular Internet resources: social networks (including, " In contact with"), Video strokes (including" YouTube"), Messengers and other sites (a complete list can be found on the site" MTS"). As they say, the whole "Haipova" (sensational, popular) on the Internet will be available to you free and in unlimited quantities.

Tariff plan "Haip"

  • 7 GB of additional internet traffic on the use of other resources ("not haypovoy" sites, forums, etc.).
  • Calls within mobile communication " MTS"As part of the home region - free
  • Calls within mobile communication " MTS"Throughout the Russian Federation - free
  • Calls to the rooms of other mobile operators inside the home region (first 100 minutes) - free.
  • Calls to the rooms of the rest of mobile operators inside the home region (starting from 101st min) - 2 rubles per 1 min.
  • Calls to the rooms of other mobile operators throughout the territory of the Russian Federation - 5 rubles per 1 min
  • SMS to any home area numbers (first 200) - 0 rubles per 1 pc
  • SMS to any rooms of the home region (starting in 201st) - 2 rubles per 1 pc
  • SMS to any numbers of other regions of the Russian Federation - 3.8 rubles per 1 pc

Description of the Tarifa "Haip"

More information about the tariff " Haip»You can find on the official website of the company" MTS" by this link

Use the tariff plan " Haip»You can, if your SIM card is installed only in a smartphone or tablet. In other cases, the tariff will not give up. But you will be available to freely distribute your traffic (via USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) on gadgets and computers.

By the way, free Internet traffic extends to the most popular playgrounds like " World of Tanks." and others.

Also familiarize yourself with this important information:


Important information on the khaip tariff

How much is the tariff "Haip" from MTS?

For the tariff plan " Haip»It is necessary to make a monthly fee - 500 rubles in 1 month

But quick to make clarifications. It will be rejected by such a "cheap" tariff for its very useful opportunities you will only be used from the second month of use. During the first month from the moment of connection, you will have to additionally scroll at 16.67 rubles every day if you have a new feature that has passed from another tariff. Well, in principle it will be another 500 rubles. For the whole month.

How to activate the "Haip" tariff from MTS?

Activate the tariff " Haip»You can in the following ways:

  • In the "Personal Account" on the site " MTS«
  • Call by number 0890Moreover, proceed to the instructions of the voice bot and, in the end, to inform the already living operator about the desire to connect.
  • Dial ussd command - * 111 * 1010 * 1 # Challenge

How to deactivate the "Haip" tariff from "MTS"?

To disconnect from " High"You will need to just go to another tariff plan" MTS«.

Reviews of "Haip"

Basically, " Haip"- This is a new tariff plan for" MTS". Reviews of it have not yet been gained enough, so that on their basis it was possible to express any unambiguous opinion, close to the truth. But nevertheless, one of the reviews you can look at the video below.

Video: Short review about the tariff "Haip" after 1 month of use

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