Svyaznoy: How to buy goods on credit online? What are the credit conditions in a connected, interest, which banks give a loan?

Published by B. Svyaznoy
January 30, 2017.

We draw a loan in a connected: all the details.

Online store Svyaznoy Allows each purchase equipment for home. The best pricing policy, as well as the widest range of goods in its segment made a connected favorite store for most compatriots. But that's not all! Profitable lending allows you to pick up the goods today, and then pay for it. That is what will go in this article!

You can make a loan for any product (or several goods) the amount of which will be 3000 rubles and more (there are no restrictions).

To do this, you do not need to go to banks, go shopping and spend precious time. Enough to open the browser string, go to the online store Svyaznoy and choose the goods and click the " On credit«.

Credit in connected

Credit in connected

The page will open Place a credit"And will remain fill out the questionnaire. Here it is necessary to introduce correct data, since the information check will be remote and in the case of errors the application will be rejected.

Please note that at this stage you choose a lending program, a bank, the number of months to pay the loan. In the same tab, you will learn about the decision of the bank.

After approving the application, the Bank will have to receive the goods, after presenting a passport and a printed loan agreement. And, of course, do not forget to pay a loan on time.

Currently, credit programs are provided in such banks:

Home Credit Bank

Credit conditions in a connected: Home Credit Bank

Credit conditions in a connected: Home Credit Bank

Renaissance Credit

Credit Conditions in Connected: Renaissance Credit

Credit Conditions in Connected: Renaissance Credit

OTP Bank

Lending conditions in a connected: OTP Bank

Lending conditions in a connected: OTP Bank

JSC " Tinkoff Bank»

Credit conditions in a coherent: Tinkoff Bank JSC

Credit conditions in a coherent: Tinkoff Bank JSC


Credit conditions in a coherent: Post Bank

Credit conditions in a coherent: Post Bank

In case of refusal to one of the banks, you can always re-refline the application to another bank. In more detail by link.

To facilitate the process, we accounted for step-by-step instructions for the design of goods on credit with a connected.

We want to update our technique and looked at Apple MacBook Air laptop. But for now we have enough money only half of this laptop. But why wait a few more months, if today you can pick up it from the store? By the way, pay attention to the fact that the loan is available only in the event of a self-level from the store.

We buy in a connected: choose the goods

We buy in a connected: choose the goods

The next step: to set the parameters "the initial contribution (% of the loan amount)" and "credit period (in place)". All individually, we have 50% of the amount, and we can pay the remaining for 5 months.

We buy in a connected: set up parameters

We buy in a connected: set up parameters

We also exhibit " Insurance", There are many surprises in life. And as they say "wise men on the Internet" - you want to be healthy and alive - to work!

Click on the green button " Place a credit«.

We buy in a connected: a nice bonus!

We buy in a connected: a nice bonus!

Unexpected nice bonus - Smart card as a gift!

Fill the promo code and the card number " Connected"If they are and click on the" Checkout«.

We buy in a connected: ending the application

We buy in a connected: ending the application

The last step: Fill out information about yourself or authorized through one of the social networks. Choose a store from which it is convenient to pick up goods and lending contract and press the button " Complete decoration«.

Pay attention to additional services when making a loan in Connected. Life insurance and work loss. Much can happen in life, and not always pleasant. The minimum payment of insurance will be able to protect you and your loved ones from various troubles.

The advantages of insurance are obvious: in a difficult time it will not be necessary to occupy money for the payment of the loan and all the more not to pay and put yourself and their family in an even more difficult situation.

Advantages of loan insurance in a coherent

Advantages of loan insurance in a coherent

More information about insurance in a connected can be found in link.

An important question - how to pay a loan? You can pay for it in any shop connected at the checkout or terminal. Please note: To use the terminal, you must first register in the system. To pay a monthly payment with him, it is enough to have a loan agreement and a map " Svyaznoy Club«.

Do not forget to track on the site new products, stocks, as well as innovations. After all Svyaznoy Every day to take care of buying was easier!

Video: Credit in connected

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