Connector Online Store: Terms of delivery in Russia. How much is the delivery in the connected?

Published by B. Svyaznoy
Jan 23, 2017.

Article on the options for delivering goods to the store " Svyaznoy«.

Shop "Svyaznoy", the most popular hypermarket sale of communication devices. Works throughout the CIS countries, including regions of the Russian Federation. Delivery problems do not exist, because the choice of ways of delivery is huge. Consider options below.


Courier delivery service at your service!

Delivery options

  • delivery delivery (courier)
  • fast delivery narrative
  • fast delivery to salon (personal removal)
  • export of goods from the Internet - salon, personally
  • reservation in the store at will

Delivery delivery (courier)

Consider the conditions and advantages of this option:

  • delivery period to your address from 9-00 to 23-00
  • selecting a convenient time interval in the specified period - the possibility of the buyer
  • checkback from the courier before departure
  • waiting for the courier within 15 tons of your address
  • the goods are transmitted immediately after the calculation
  • portable Portable Terminal when calculating a credit card (within the Moscow Ring Road)

Pay attention, if after a quarter of an hour, the messenger does not open the door, the shipping shipping is transferred for a time consistent with you, reuse.

The cost of courier delivery by the cities of Russia (except the capital)

  • calculation for the purchase of up to 2000 rubles, the tariff is 200 rubles
  • calculation for the purchase above 2000 rubles, the tariff is 0 rubles
  • passing goods for the district motorway St. Petersburg, the price is 200 rubles

Fast delivery of a narrative (courier)

Conditions and tariffs:

  • delivery period from 10-00 to 21-00, the goods must be fully decorated
  • messenger delay, free shipping
  • any order amount
  • delivery rate in the capital - 350 rubles
  • tariff over the cities and regions of the Russian Federation - 300 rubles

Fast delivery to salon "Svyaznoy" (Personal export)


  • order is carried out on the site
  • export is passing personally
  • reserve period from 5 to 7 m days
  • at a cost of 100 to 1000 rubles possible only on the site
  • at cost (general) from 1000 rubles, all calculation options are possible.
  • with the total cost of purchase over 300,000 rubles, it is possible to calculate only on the site

Note: Importing goods at the shop is free.

Export of goods from the Internet - salon, personally


  • order from any amount
  • service is free
  • reserve of goods in the store - 3 days
  • time for receiving the order in paragraph, from 9-00 to 20-00, daily

Reservation in the store (optional)

Service from the store «Svyaznoy« Offers a reserve for 2 days at the nearest point of the company. The goods can be taken, personally, in the work hours of the store.
As you can see, the delivery options are many, the conditions are comfortable for the buyer. Choose the best option!

Video: Delivery in the store "Svyaznoy"

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