Speedometer for bike on android. GPS speedometer for Android - application: how to install how to use?

Published by B. Android / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
8 Sep 2016.

This article will tell about programs that are designed to use them as a speedometer.

This article tell you about the programs for committing cyclingwhose main task is measurement of speed and distance traveled.


As the world of technology is known, it is not standing on the spot, and we do not even notice how they stepped forward, and what kind of development they made from the beginning of the 2000s. After all, only yesterday we seemed to be happy with a push-button phone, which at the time cost a lot of money, and was also the object of lust for many.

Today we are seeing such a picture that the phones have become an integral part of our life and literally crushed our mind, and all because with the help of them we have the opportunity to enter the Internet, read any book, call, communicate with relatives on video calls, and also use Telephone as a webcam, camera, navigation system and make a real speedometer from it, which will have a high accuracy of measuring the speed and the distance you have passed (by bike, hiking).

therefore today we consider programs with which we can convert a mobile gadget in the likeness of the original speedometer.

What can and what opportunities are there any such programs?


Programs for converting your gadget into a speedometer have a lot of functions and have great features along with a convenient and intuitive interface in each program.

Let's list their capabilities, well, let's go:

  • Write down tracks, i.e you have passed distance
  • Show current speed cycling
  • Display middle speed Bike ride, based on raising / lower speed
  • Record travel time It is at the time of movement, that is, when stopping, the time calculation is stopped accordingly
  • Set up time At a certain distance using the power to turn on the stopwatch
  • Write down, that is, the path you are subsequently viewed on the map
  • Display maximum speed cycling
  • Make the application to be displayed both in landscape and book
  • Change interface, color numbers, letters and other
  • Enable voice alertswho perfectly cope with the tasks when you asked the direction to a certain route, that is, their goal is to notify the turn, to the right and left, as well as informing the descent, lifting the area, the presence of warning signs and other
  • Display speed in formats km / h, miles / h, and even in nodes
  • Take advantage of the compassthat helps perfectly navigate where to go, or if you get lost, then help get out of the uncharted place
  • Export and save all the results on the SD memory card, or in the file in the GPX, KML and CSV format

What speedometers programs exist for smartphones on the Android platform?

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I would like to markThanks to the fact that the Android platform itself is very popular, we can use a huge number of diverse programs, up to espionage for video surveillance cameras.

therefore let's list the list of the most popular speedometers., as well as let's clarify the advantages of the possibilities and disadvantages of each of them.

So, start:



This application is very versatile, it can perform and function both as a navigator and as a speedometer for led walks.

The developer of this application is Roproducts.

What are the possibilities of this program?

  • Can track current speed, record itself maximum, as well as determine average speed, of course, from each trip
  • Record track, distance traveled, with the possibility of recording from point A, that is, your location, to paragraph B, respectively, the place of arrival
  • Timing, exclusively at the time of driving

What are the advantages of this program?

  • First, unlike many competitive programs, it is this program that allows you to work regardless of the presence and absence of a connected Internet, that is, it can work in the "Offline" mode
  • Loose any direction and routeDepending on where you need to go, even if you are going to travel to Africa
  • application fully Russifiedthat will allow this Russian person who does not know English to take advantage of it, so that "curves" of translations, as in some programs you will not see

What are the minuses of this program?

  • application has both paid and free content, which the has some limitationsthat slightly thickens the beauty of the whole application
  • Availability of outsiders unobtrusive advertising in free content although it does not bother, but still prevents
  • Actually big minus these programs are what they email a lot of energy, accordingly, use it you can for a full 2-3 hours

SpeedView GPS Speedometer.


Perhaps the main task of this application is just like recording and fixing the current, medium and maximum speed.

The developer of this application is Code Sector.

What are the possibilities of this program?

  • The program allows write trackthat is, the traveled route
  • News recording current speed, as well as calculate midnight and fix maximum speed
  • Display chart speedwhere you can see its value at a given time

What are the advantages of this program?

  • Display compass, and due to the possibility of riding towards the pole
  • Realistic speedometerwhich is an analogue of a real speedometer, as on the car
  • Recording track with leading time recording
  • Speed \u200b\u200bgraph Perfectly serve primarily for athletes, which, depending on time, change the intensity of the ride and the transfer to the speed above / below

What are the minuses of this program?

  • Lack of Russian interface a little depressing
  • Actually most big minus such programs is large energy consumption of your battery

Urban Biker.


An excellent application is not only for the competence of frequent led walks, but also for the introduction of records of tracks by professional athletes.

The developer of this application is SUBLIMIS.

What are the possibilities of this program?

  • Select profile, i.e which will record, whether it is a car, a plane, walk, run etc
  • Switching day and night regime, that is, for day - White Color interface, for night - black Interface
  • Display the current, middle and maximum speed
  • Disable GPS sensor right in the program itself
  • Change the visual design of the topic, i.e color, font, add background applications in the form of hearts, bricks and other patterns
  • Set 4 sensor indicators, to be inform about the spent energy traveled, as well as the output powerif you make a bike

What are the advantages of this program?

  • Is different from some because it has more sensors and indicators, and concern it has great functionality
  • Convenient and intuitive menu, as well as along with this there is a list of language selection, in which there is Russian
  • Recording track and determining the current speed without connecting to the Internetbut with less accuracy than when connecting to the Internet
  • Disable unnecessary animationwhat will allow little, but at least somehow save battery charge
  • Lack of advertising, even in the free version

What are the minuses of this program?

  • There are paid content, in connection with what will be some functionality restrictionsbut not so big
  • Actually, like all analog programs consumes no little energy



A very compact and lightweight program, but at the same time having great capabilities and functions, along with which a variety of sensors and indicators go.

The developer of this program is Michał Marschall.

What are the possibilities of this program?

  • Record daily bikeroguloc, and creating an entry while entering the application
  • Displaying the number of satellites
  • Informing about the current, medium and maximum speeds
  • Time recordingwhich happens only on the way
  • Temp display, as well as how long can you drive a distance of 1 km

What are the advantages of this program?

  • Ease and simplicity of this program Make it even used on the lowest Android device, whose main condition is android version from 2.0 and above
  • Small charge consumption Allows you to use this program for longer time
  • Displaying speed graphics Based on the selection of the period

What are the minuses of this program?

  • There are paid content, but in free Content advertising has not yet been observed
  • No realistic speedometer Unlike many similar programs
  • Little font size, as well as numbers on a blue background require mandatory ignition to watch the current speed



Excellent application that serves as an electron speedometer.

The developer of this application is James MOSS.

What are the capabilities of this application?

  • Displays the current, medium and maximum speed
  • Recording track, as well as distance traveled
  • Displaying your battery charge percentage

What are the advantages of this program?

  • The most weighty is displays current speed by very large numbers, can be said full screen
  • Easy to work and intuitive intuitive interface
  • Lack of advertising, in connection with lack of paid version of the application
  • Stop recording route for a while
  • Displaying speed on electronic speedometer
  • Informing about current timewhich is installed on your phone
  • Turning on HEAD-UP Viewwhat is the most necessary for many cyclists
  • Availability of a widget in which will be current driving speed

What are the minuses of this program?

  • Most. big minus is an no visual and realistic speedometerlike a car
  • Lack of Russian-speaking interface
  • Very narrow circle of possibilities and functional

Well, for the last, I would like to bring a very important and necessary program, especially if you are very often traveling by bike.

App for those who often travel

Bike Repair.

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This application is an excellent helper if you broke the bike. It contains a lot of instructions and ways to repair and operate one or another part on your bike, which will certainly come in handy if you travel to long distances.

But, so that you need to know English, either you have to navigate only in the pictures.

On this, we will finish the list of necessary, but at the same time important programs, especially for athletes, and not only them, since many need to know the current speed to exceed the speed limit in the result of which the fine will have to pay!

Okay, joked and enough.

Do not forget to establish the necessary Bike Repair program..

Video: Top 5 Speedometers for smartphones on the Android platform


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