CHINA POST REGISTERED AIR MAIL: How to track and where to receive a parcel with free shipping with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan? Terms and time of delivery of goods with Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Published by B. Aliexpress
8 Oct 2017.

The article will tell about the delivery service "China Post Registered Air Mail" and ways to track parcels on " Aliexpress«.

Chinese online store " Aliexpress."Uses the sets of different delivery services from paid to free. Store users choose a shipping method when placing orders.

A huge part of goods is transported by the Chinese company " China Post.", We will talk about in today's review. In addition, consider how to track the parcels from China in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

CHINA POST REGISTERED AIR MAIL "- Delivery service from China to" Aliexpress "

Parcels on " Aliexpress."Before sending from China through various major and small post offices. Large parcels pass through large branches as quickly and slowly depending on the city. For example, in Beijing parcel delayed not long, which cannot be said, for example, about Guangzhou.

Transport service " China Post.", Working with" Aliexpress."Allows you to order via the Internet delivery delivery. Not only the buyer carries out an order via the Internet, but the seller also draws out the departure, sitting at the computer, receives the mail identifier (track number) of the parcel and only then goes to the post office to send the goods.

This circumstance is often confirmed by the fact that the buyer, having received the track number, cannot immediately track the parcel, because it is not even sent. When the seller draws up the parcel in the mail, it is then sent to the sorting center.

Only after that the parcel starts to prepare to be sent to foreign countries. By the way, it is worth saying that the weight of the parcel sent by the company " China Post."Should not exceed 20 kg, which is quite enough for most buyers" Aliexpress.».

Delivery time of goods from "Aliexpress" to Russia


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

Online " Aliexpress.»Usually indicate approximate delivery times when placing an order. But these are only preliminary numbers that may not coincide with the real state of affairs.

If you order shipping goods through " China Post."The more expensive will be the parcel, the faster it will reach the destination. Usually the delivery time by the service China Post."Range from three weeks to one month.

But this applies only to custom-made departures. As a rule, the usual package will go from China to Russia from 1-2 months depending on the region of residence and other factors. Cases are recorded when the goods arrived at 5 months.

There were even curiosity moments. For example, a person made an order, did not wait for the parcel, opened the dispute on " Aliexpress."And got his money back. But after that, the parcel just reached it along with other orders.

It is necessary to notify the sake of fairness that the parcel will go through local transport routes through the territory of Russia. If you live in the distant depths of the country, and in your post offices the parcels are processed long enough, then you should not count on the rapid receipt of your product.

You can still add that on holidays, China's post offices can be loaded by parcels, which also affects delivery speeds.

What sites can be traced from "Aliexpress"?

It is clear that after registration and payment of the order for " Aliexpress.", The buyer will not calmly sit and wait for the goods. It will be simply necessary to periodically track the movement of his parcel first through the territory of China, then in his country.

Tracking helps to observe where the parcel is at the moment, and how long she was delayed in this place.

Track the parcel delivered by " China Post."To Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine can also be exactly as in all other cases. You just need to copy the track number in your " Personal Cabinet»On the website of the online store and go to the appropriate resource for tracking mail. List some of these sites.


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

On the example of the last site, we will show how to track the parcels. As we said, in " Personal Cabinet" in point " My orders»Copy the track number that will be on the order sent to you.

After that, go to the specified site, enter this track number in the field, as seen in the screenshot, and click on the button " To track the package" Below you will see a list of post offices where your package has visited, and where it is currently:


CHINA POST delivery service on Aliexpress and which sites need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

Reviews about the way of delivery with the help of "China Post Registered Air Mail"

Many users praise " China Post.»For free shipping. It is also noted that the goods come in good condition. Tracking parcel does not cause any problems. Someone praises the service for fast delivery, someone says that the parcel comes not very quickly. Here is an example, one of the reviews:


China Post Registered Air Mail delivery service on Aliexpress and how to track the parcel from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

Video: How to track the parcel on "Aliexpress" in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?

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