Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Published by B. Aliexpress
24 Nov 2016.

The article describes how to cancel or restore an order for " Aliexpress».

Carrying out purchases in the online store " Aliexpress", Many customers whether newcomers or guests can face situations when the order is canceled or, on the contrary, its recovery (for example, with random cancellation). In this review, we will discuss all the nuances associated with these issues in detail.

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Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Cancel orders on Aliexpress

In the online store " Aliexpress»We are given the opportunity to carry out orders of the goods you like, as well as if necessary, reject them, for example, if we found the item better. True, it is worth noting that we can not cancel orders in all cases.

In addition, on " Aliexpress»There is a function of automatic cancellation of orders at which the money is returned to the buyer back without any effort on its part.

In which cases can I cancel orders for "Aliexpress"?

ATTENTION: Cancel orders for " Aliexpress"It is possible only before the seller will send the goods at the buyer's address. At the same time, the order status is noted as " The order has been sent».

Cancel orders for " Aliexpress"You need to send it to you by the seller, but regardless of whether you paid for it or not. That is, if the goods are paid, but not sent, you can still reject the order.

How should I cancel orders for "Aliexpress" before paying the goods?

Cancel orders for " Aliexpress"It's not difficult to pay for the payment of goods. Just go to your basket and select the order you no longer. Make sure this order has the status: " Payment is expected" Next, click the right to the "button" Cancel the order»:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

After this you will see the drop-down list in which they will be listed on the choice of possible causes of your reluctance to continue working with the order. You just mark, as a result of what you want to cancel the order:

  • Order no longer represents interest to you.
  • You intend to replace this order to another
  • You want to simply change the address you are delivered to goods.
  • You want to change the coupon that was used in the implementation of this order.
  • You want to change the way to deliver this product for this order.
  • You can't pay the order
  • Other options

On the " Aliexpress"It will look like this:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

From the drop-down list, choose the closest option you. If the order is not paid, then no problems should arise. The order will be quickly canceled.

After that, the order will receive a new status " Completed"True, it will still be highlighted in the list of your products in case you still want to resume it again:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

How should the orders for "Aliexpress" follow after payment of the goods?

We looked at the situation where we can cancel the order for " Aliexpress"Before paying goods. Is it possible to do it after payment? Let's discuss this issue.

The process of canceling the order on "Aliexpress" after payment is a bit more complicated, as it is related to the consent or disagreement of the seller. Sometimes it happens that the seller sent you the goods, but did not have time to specify it in " Aliexpress", At the time you wish to cancel the order.

When you pay for the order, after that two options for further developments are possible - the order passes the verification process, or has already been processed:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

In any case, when you cancel the order, you will again be provided with a list of possible reasons for your refusal:

  • Goods you are no longer interesting
  • Too long order processing
  • The price of goods was increased
  • The goods cannot be sent to your chosen way.
  • You did not receive answers from the seller to your questions.
  • The order cannot be realized, as the goods are no longer available.
  • Other reasons

Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

After canceling the order, you will see its status - " Canceled orders" This will happen until the seller agrees to cancel:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

After his consent, status will change to " Completed».

What should choose the cause when canceling an order to "Aliexpress"?

We have already shown a list of reasons why you can refuse to buy the selected product. What reason can you consider the most optimal?

If you have not paid your product yet, it is best to choose: " I do not need this order" You will not have any problems with the cancellation of the order:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Also in case of not paying the goods when you refuse to order due to the error you committed (the color of the goods was not the one, the delivery method does not suit, not that coupon was chosen for this product, etc.), select the item you want. Cancellation of the order will be accepted again without problems.

The most difficult version, as mentioned above, is when the order was already paid. The main problem will be to the seller who may simply not confirm the cancellation of the order.

As a rule, sellers do not agree with the hunt for cancellation. But the probability of his consent can increase, if you simply indicate the reason for the refusal of the order, it is simply not a desire to buy this particular product. That is, the reason for the failure is not related to the claims personally to the seller:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

But if you still intend to restore justice and point to the problems from the seller, then get ready for the fact that the seller will simply actively defend its rightness to " Aliexpress»Do not earn a negative reputation.

And you will need to give all evidence, exhibits and other information, which will drag the time of all this procedure.

How should it come when the seller "Aliexpress" refuses to cancel the order?

With your cancellation on " Aliexpress"After payment of the goods, the seller should in any case agreed to this regardless of which reason the failure was indicated by you.

Since most sellers do not want to cancel any transactions, you have to deal with their trading cunning. For example, sellers can quickly send the goods, or just fool you, saying that the goods are sent.

You will need to ask the seller to bring evidence, for example, in the form of a postal identifier that gives mail when sending parcels.

If the seller did not give you such an identifier, then you have the right to contact the administration " Aliexpress"With claims to the seller. Click on the top of the site on " Help", And then in the drop-down list - on" Disputes and complaints»:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Next click on " Submit A Report»:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Previously do not forget to make the screenshot of your dialogue with the seller and attach it to your appeal.

How long does the process of canceling the order on "Aliexpress"?

The time for which the order must be canceled on the "Aliexpress" is usually pre-installed. The main factor here is the payment or not payment of the goods. In the second case, as already mentioned, the abolition will be accepted quickly and without problems. In the first situation, the seller must solve this issue in a couple of days. And if you turned to employees " Aliexpress"The time to solve the problem will increase.

How to cancel orders on "Aliexpress" with the phone?

Cancel orders for " Aliexpress»From the phone can also, as well as with the help of a computer. We already talked about it above:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Automatic cancellation of orders on Aliexpress

When buying goods on " Aliexpress»It can work and automatically cancel any order. This happens in such situations:

  • The buyer did not pay the goods. In order status, it is indicated " Payment is expected" Clicking in order on " More details"You can find out how much time is given to the payment of the goods.

Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

  • The seller did not send the goods to the specified period. After placing the order, you can observe how much time stands out for its sending.

Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

How to restore order on "Aliexpress" after its cancellation?

If you did not have time to pay the order and worked automatic cancellation, or if you hastily canceled the order and want to resume it, then you will need to turn a rather simple operation. Go to the list of your orders, find the canceled order (it will have the corresponding status) and simply add it to the basket:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

After canceling an order to "Aliexpress" when cash will be returned?

After you cancel an order for " Aliexpress»You will be rated money. Here is the question when? The time for which your money will be returned directly depends on the payment system you use when buying goods:

WebMoney - within 7-10 days

Visa / Master Card - within 3-15 days

QIWI - within 7-10 days

Western Union - within 7-10 days

Maestro. - within 3-15 days

Alipay. - within one day

In other cases - 15 days

To find out more precisely when your money is returned, go to order and click on " Payment»:


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?


Accidentally canceled an order for AliExpress: how to recover?

Video: How to cancel an order for Aliexpress and return money?

comments 16. Add a comment

  • Was canceled order how to restore it? Or do you need to wait for funds and re-make an order?

    • Wait for the return of funds and order again.

  • Removed finally without waiting for payment compensation, I will not be returned to money? Status was canceled orders completed.

  • what to do if you canceled the order. Startup completed and after that I sent money .... What should I do in this case ????

  • Hello. Accidentally deleted order No. 904444433265347 2018 Spring for women O-neck Dresses Bodycon Female Business Dresses For Women Office Elegant Slim Vestidos. Help restore. Thank you.

  • Canceled the paid order by chance, after resumed to remove the money for the second time?

    • do not remove. But know for the future that when canceled, you need to wait until the money returns to you.

    • Hello Alena! Help me please recover my order for Ali! Moreover, you are in the same situation!

  • do not remove. But know for the future that when canceled, you need to wait until the money returns to you.

  • Hello, I won in the game of Halewa and paid 0.64 rubles. Quite by chance I canceled the order and now I do not know what to do next.

    • write to Aliexpress Support and set your problem in Russian. Now there is such an opportunity. They will help.

  • I ordered two covers for Aliexpress with one seller. Inadvertently canceled with the telephone version. I will be returned with money?
    Please tell me, I just told her parents, otherwise they violate me that it was in vain.

    • if you canceled the order, then your cancellation will be confirmed by the seller. If he confirms, the money will be returned, if it does not confirm, then your two covers will send you to the mail.

  • Hello. Today came notice with Aliexpress. I absolutely not carefully reviewed him, I thought that it was inadvertently ordered something. And refused to order. And it was freebie. Now it is worth the status "The buyer canceled the order." How do I enroll in this situation? Is it possible to return freebies? Thanks in advance.

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